March 23 2015

Medical Monday: Bistoury

Bistoury is defined as: “A surgical knife with a long, narrow, straight or curved blade.”

Machine Briefs:
OPTION #1: bistoury= BIS/STO*ER
OPTION #2: bistoury= BIS/STO*EUR
OPTION #3: bistoury= BIS/STOR/YI
OPTION #4: bistoury= BIS/TOR/YI
OPTION #5: bistoury= BIS/TOR/RI
OPTION #6: bistoury= BIS/TOR/R*I
OPTION #7: bistoury= BIS/TOR/RAO*E
OPTION #8: bistoury= BIS/TA/RI
OPTION #9: bistoury= BIS/TA/R*I
OPTION #10: bistoury= BIS/TA/RAO*E

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March 23 2015

Steno Resources: Word Pronunciations

I Love Stenography Logo (Cropped)There’s a You Tube channel that specializes in word pronunciations. The user name of the channel is Emma Saying. Here’s the link:

Emma Saying’s channel includes playlists that are categorized into topics such as: Top challenging words, pairs of confusing sound-a-likes, difficult words to pronounce, NBA players, Hollywood stars, historical figures, and even a Game of Thrones pronunciation guide.

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