April 9 2015

Rules Of Grammar: Radical vs. Radicle

Radical has the following definitions: “(1) Relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. (2) Advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social reform; representing or supporting an extreme section of a political party. (3) A person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims. (4) A group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds.

Radicle is defined as following: (1) A rootlike subdivision of a nerve or vein. (2) The part of a plant embryo that develops into the primary root.

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March 10 2015

Rules Of Grammar: Perspective vs. Prospective

Prospective is defined as: Something that is likely to happen in the future; or, likely to become.

Perspective refers to a view. It is defined in the following ways: “(1) The technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance. (2) The interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed; point of view. (3) The capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. (4) A visible scene; especially one giving a distinctive impression of distance. (5) A mental view or prospect. (6) The appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions.

Machine Briefs:
OPTION #1: prospective= PROFPT
OPTION #2: prospective= PR-FPT

OPTION #1: perspective= P-FRPT
OPTION #2: perspective= PEFRPT
OPTION #3: perspective= PERKT

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October 3 2014

Rules Of Grammar: Hanger vs. Hangar

Hanger is defined as: “(1) One that hangs or causes to be hung or hanged. (2) Something that hangs, overhangs, or is suspended. (3) A device by which or to which something is hung or hangs.”

Hangar is defined as “a building where aircraft are kept.”

Option #1: hanger= HANG/*ER
Option #2: hanger= HAING/*ER

Option #1: hangar= HANG/A*R
Option #2: hangar= HAING/A*R

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July 31 2014

Rules Of Grammar: Invoke vs. Evoke

Invoke is defined as: (1) To mention (someone or something) in an attempt to make people feel a certain way or have a certain idea in their mind. (2) To refer to (something) in support of your ideas. (3) To make use of (a law, a right, etc.).

Evoke is defined as: “(1) To bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) into the mind. (2) To cause (a particular reaction or response) to happen.

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: invoke= IN/VOEK
Option #2: invoke= KBOEK

Option #1: evoke= AOE/VOEK
Option #2: evoke= EFK
Option #2: evoke= AOEFK

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May 19 2014

Rules Of Grammar: Gray vs. Grey

For the most part, gray spelled with an “a” is more commonly used in American English (think “a” for “American”). Grey, spelled with an “e” is said to be more commonly used in the English language outside of the United States. Both of the words have the same meaning although they are spelled differently.

According to the website Grammarist, “In the U.K… grey appears about twenty times for every instance of gray. In the U.S. the ratio is reversed.”

Grammarist also points out a couple of exceptions to the words being interchangeable, “Greyhound, for the breed of dog, always has an e, while grayling, which refers to several types of fish, always has an a.”

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April 21 2014

Rules Of Grammar: Diffuse vs. Defuse

Diffuse is defined in the following was: “(1) To spread out. (2) To move freely throughout a large area. (3) To exist or be known throughout an area. (4) To cause (light) to be soft and spread out. (5) Being at once verbose and ill-organized.”

Defuse is defined as: “(1) To remove the fuse from (as a mine or bomb). (2) To make less harmful, potent, or tense.”

Option #1: diffuse= DIF/FAO*US
Option #2: diffuse= DA/FAOUS

Option #1: defuse= DE/FAOUS
Option #2: defuse= DPAOUS

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