Briefs and Phrases From The Mandalorian: Season 1, Episode 4
industrial= STRIL
population= POPGS
density= D*ENTS
too long= TAONG
travelers= TRAFRLS
broth= BRO*T
porringer= PORNG/J*ER or PORNG/*ER
I can’t say= YAS
thank you, sir= THAUNGS
delegates= DELGTS
suppressing= SPREFG
riots= ROITS
armor= AORM
harvest= HAFRT
excuse me= SKAOUFM
excuse me, sir= SKAOUFMS
where do you live= WROUF
blankets= BLANGTS
visitors= VIFRTS
when I go= WHIG
thoughtful= THOUF
took care of= TAOFRK
branches= BRAFPS
veteran= VERT
carefully= KAIFL
barricades= BAERKDZ
maybe later= MAERBLT
I don’t belong= YO*BLG