September 30 2019

Medical Monday: Splenitis

Splenitis is inflammation of the spleen.


OPTION #1: splenitis= SPLA/NAO*ITS
OPTION #2: splenitis= SPLAOE/NAO*ITS
OPTION #3: splenitis= SPLA/NAOI/T*IS
OPTION #4: splenitis= SPLAOE/NAOI/T*IS
OPTION #5: splenitis= SPLA/NAOIT/*IS
OPTION #6: splenitis= SPLAOE/NAOIT/*IS
OPTION #7: splenitis= SPLA/NAOIT/T*IS

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September 18 2019

New Word: ZINK

Steno New Word Logo CroppedZINK is an abbreviation for “zero ink.” It is a new system of printing that does not utilize ink cartridges. The ZINK system uses paper that is already embedded with ink. An image is printed on the paper via a pressure-based process that moves the ink around on the paper.

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September 13 2019

New Word: Slofie

Steno New Word Logo CroppedSlofie is a new term that has been coined by Apple Inc. It describes a feature that can be utilized on the newest batch of iPhones. The feature allows users to take a “slow- motion selfie”; hence the term “slofie.”


OPTION #1= slofie= SLOE/FAO*E
OPTION #2= slofie= SLOEF/YI

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July 15 2019

Medical Monday: Supination

Supination is defined as follows: “(1) The act of turning the palm of the hand, or the corresponding surface of the forelimb, upward. (2) The position of a limb so turned; opposed to pronation. (3) The act or state of lying supine.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: supination= SAOUP/NA*IGS
OPTION #2: supination= SAOUP/A/NA*IGS
OPTION #3: supination= SAOUP/PA/NA*IGS
OPTION #4: supination= SAOU/PA/NA*IGS
OPTION #5: supination= SPINGS

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