The Importance of Punctuation
“Just look at the difference between these two love notes:
My Dear Pat,
The dinner we shared the other night- it was absolutely lovely! Not in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine anyone as perfect as you are. Could you- if only for a moment- think of our being together forever? What a cruel joke to have you come into my life only to leave again; it would be heaven denied. The possibility of seeing you again makes me giddy with joy. I face the time we are apart with great sadness.
P.S. I would like to tell you that I love you. I can’t stop thinking that you are one of the prettiest women on earth.
My Dear,
Pat the dinner we shared the other night. It was absolutely lovely- not! In my wildest dreams, could I ever imagine anyone? As perfect as you are, could you- if only for a moment- think? Of our being together forever: what a cruel joke! To have you come into my life only to leave again: it would be heaven! Denied the possibility of seeing you again makes me giddy. With joy I face the time we are apart.
With great “sadness,”
P.S. I would like to tell you that I love you. I can’t. Stop thinking that you are one of the prettiest women on earth.
You see the difference punctuation makes? The first letter is clear (albeit clunky) profession of undying affection; the second is sure to sweep Pat onto her feet. The only thing separating one document from the other is, of course, punctuation.” -From, “Comma Sense” By: Lederer & Shore
This is Virginia. Thanks for the Comma Sense “view”. I still hae the old English for Court Reporter’s book. It makes a lot of difference.
I need to get this book to work on my Gramma, LOL.
P.S. Have a Good Night!
Me too! I’m reading over my “English For Court Reporters” on a continuous loop. Lol. Comma sense was good to…Short and simple. It’s a great brush-up type of book.