January 24 2013

Random Briefs

transmission= TR-MGS
transmit= TR-MT
transfer= TRFR
transform= TRFRM
transformation= TRFRMGS
transport= TR-PT
transportation= TRPGS
transit= TRIT
transit authority= TRIRT
penetrate= PRAINT
infrastructure= SNRUR
network= TWORK
forum= FOURM

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January 21 2013

Practice Video: As A Man Thinketh Part 1

Thinking positively is such an important factor to what we do as stenographers. Due to this fact, I think that practicing to material that reinforces positive thinking is very beneficial to us on a variety of levels. Therefore, I will be regularly posting the type of material that will, hopefully, keep our attitudes upbeat, as well as enhance our typing skills.

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

Here are some briefs from the video:
volume= VAOUM
exhaustive= XAUFS
suggestive= SUGT
explanatory= SPLANT or SPLARNT
discovery= SKOIFR
perception= SPEFPGS or SPEPGS
virtue= VIRT
encourage= NURJ
garment= GARMT
ignorance= GORNS
happiness= HAEP/-NS
chapter= KHARPT
comprehensive= KPREFNS
spontaneous= SPAINS
premeditated= PRAEMTD or PRAEMD
deliberately= DLIBL or DLIBLT
executed= SKAOUTD
shadow= SHAOD
deviate= DWAIT
deviating- DWAIGT
visible= VIFBL
continued= T-ND
weapons= WEPS
fashion= FAGS
perfection= P-FRGS
descends= SDENDZ
pertaining= PRAING
confidence= K-FS or K-FNS
intelligence= TEJS
agency= AEG
abandoned= BAUND
household= HOUFLD
conscious= KONS
diamonds= DAOIMDZ
obtained= BAIND
investigation= VEGS
understanding= NANGD
wisdom= WIZ
practice= PRA
temple= TEFRPL

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January 18 2013

I’m Sure & I’m Not Sure

I’m practicing and figured I would try a brief that’s a little unorthodox.

I type “I’m sure,” AOIMZ; so, I want to add the final -T to crate a brief for “I’m not sure.” This is a brief that sticks for me. However, I’m not sure if sliding my finger over to include the final -T will work long term for me. I did get use to doing the final -TD combination though, so maybe it will work out.

Both strokes are so contrary to the theory I learned. However, there’s nothing like customizing your personal dictionary! I hope it works out.

Learning and growing in steno!

-Elsie Villega

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January 18 2013

Legal Vocabulary: Peremptory Challenge

A peremptory challenge is an objection made by an attorney in regard to a potential juror sitting on the jury. There are a limited number of peremptory challenges that a party can make. This number varies by jurisdiction. No reason is required in order for an attorney to make a peremptory challenge.

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: peremptory challenge= PRERJ
Option #2: peremptory challenge= PRERMT/KHAL
Option #3: peremptory challenge= PREMT/TOER/KHAL
Option #4: peremptory challenge= PREFRP/TOER/KHAL
Option #5: peremptory challenge= PREM/TRI/KHAL

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January 18 2013

Friday Phrases

first time= FIRT
for the first time= FFRT
first and foremost= FIFRMT
summary judgement= SMUMT
temporary restraining order= TRO
restraining order= STRO
pecuniary damage= PUKD
pecuniary damages= PUKDZ
punitive damages= P-DZ
compensatory damages= K-DZ
moot point= MAOPT

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