February 7 2013

Rules Of Grammar: Complement vs. Compliment

Complement is synonymous with the word, “complete.” This comparison makes the definition easy to remember because the “e” spelling of “complement” is similar to the spelling of “complete.” Complement is defined as “something that completes or makes perfect.”

Compliment is a noun that is “an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration.”

Machine Briefs:
complement= KPLEMT
compliment= KPLIMT

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Category: Briefs, Grammar | 2 Comments
February 7 2013

Dictionary Builder: Picayune

The word, “picayune” can be used as an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it has the following meanings: “(1) Of little value of account; small; trifling. (2) Petty, carping, or prejudiced.”

As a noun, “picayune” means: “(1) A coin equal to half a Spanish real. (2) Any small coin, as a five-cent piece. (3) An insignificant person or thing.”

Machine Brief:
Option #1: picayune= PIK/YI/AOUN

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February 1 2013

Friday Phrases

cause and effect= KAUFK or KAUFKT
about this case= BIK
no further questions= NOURGS
other than= O*ERN
other than the= O*ERNT
years of age= YAOERJS
years ago= YAOERGS
year-old= YAOERLD
years old= YAOERLDZ
true bill= TRAOUBL
true bills= TRAOUBLS
rear-view mirror= R-FM
side-view mirror= S-FM

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Category: Briefs | 1 Comment