March 11 2013

Medical Monday: Nephrologist

A nephrologist is a person who specializes in the branch of medical science that deals with the kidneys.

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: nephrologist= NEFLGT
Option #2: nephrologist= NEFRLGT
Option #3: nephrologist= TPHEF/OLGT
Option #4: nephrologist= TPHA/TPROLGT
Option #5: nephrologist= TPHA/FROL/JIFT

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March 10 2013

Practice Video: As A Man Thinketh Part 4

Here are some briefs from the video:
likewise= LAOIKZ
perfection= P-FRGS
supreme= SPRAOEM
sufferings= SUFRGS
ignorance= GORNS
evolving= EFLG
encounters= KBOURNTS
disorder= DORD
surroundings= SROUNGS
justice= JUS
spiritual= SPIRL
astonish= STIRB
disease= SDAOEZ
lazy= LAEZ
accusation= KAOUGS
distress= SDRES
selfish= SFIRB
persist= PRIFT
plenty= PLENT
surface= SFAS
obey= BOEB
impatient= KBAIRBT

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March 8 2013

Friday Phrases

department of= DEFPT
Department of Agriculture= DPAG
Department of Corrections= DPBGS
Department of Justice= DPJ
Department of Labor= DPL
Department of Motor Vehicles= DPHF
finding of fact= FIFK
findings of fact= FIFKS
police headquarters= PLIRS
crime scene= KRAOEN
scene of the crime= SKRAOIM
scene of the accident= SNAX

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 5 2013

Legal Vocabulary: Riparian

A riparian is “a person who owns land on the bank of a natural watercourse or body of water.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: riparian= RA/PAIRN
Option #2: riparian= RI/PAIRN
Option #3: riparian= RE/PAIRN
Option #4: riparian= RA/PAIR/YAN
Option #5: riparian= RI/PAIR/YAN
Option #6: riparian= RE/PAIR/YAN

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March 4 2013

Practice Video: Lit

Here are some briefs from the video:
memorial= MAERL
terror= TROR
aviation= AIFGS
explosive= SPLOEFS
airport= AIRPT
airline= AIRL
aircraft= AIRK
terrorism= TRIFM
propitious= PROE/PIRBS or PRO/PIRBS
spotlight= SPOLT
hearings= HAERGS
House of Representatives= HOUPT
politician= POLGS

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March 4 2013

Medical Monday: Thyroid

Thyroid is defined as: “Of or pertaining to the thyroid gland; or, Of or pertaining to the cartilage of the larynx, forming the projection known in humans as the Adam’s apple.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: thyroid= THAOIRD
Option #2: thyroid= THAOI/ROID

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March 1 2013

Dictionary Builder: Slake

The word “slake” has the following meanings:

“(1) To allay by satisfying.
(2) To cool or refresh.
(3) To make less active, vigorous, intense, etc.
(4) To cause disintegration of by treatment with water.
(5) To make loose or less tense; slacken.”

Machine Brief:
Option #1: slake= SLAIK

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