March 4 2016

Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 15

Friday Phrases Logo
and I’d= SKPID/AE
and I’ll= SKPIL/AE
and I’m going= SKPAOIMG
and I’ve= SKPIF/AE
and identifying= SKPAOIFG
and in= SKP-N
and in the= SKP-NT
and is= SKPS
and isn’t= SKPS/-NT
and it= SKPIT or STKP
and it had= STKPD
and it is= STKPS
and it shall= STKPRB
and it should= STKPRBD
and it was= STKPFS
and it wasn’t= STKPFS/-NT
and it will= STKP-L
and it would= STKP-LD
and it’ll= STKP-L/AE
and its= SKPITS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 2 2016

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 6

The Blacklist

radioactive= RAO/T*IF
cesium= SAOES/Y*UM
passports= PAFRPTS
fortune= FORN
interrogating= SBROEGT/-G
picture= PIR
Boston= BOFNT
defector= DPERKT
recess= RES
assassinate= AEFNT
misunderstanding= MUNGD
separate= SPRAIT
identification= AOIFGS
clearance= KLAOERNS
psych= SAOIK
worry= WOR
beautiful= BAOUF
blues= BLAOUZ
maw= MAU
mesmerizing= MEZ/MER/RAO*IGZ
skeptical= SKEPLT
suspicious= SPIRBS
honest= HONS
surprised= SPRAOIFD
resolve= ROFL
voluntarily= VOL
multinational= MULT/NA*L
companies= K-PS
Chicago= KHI/KHI
over the counter= VOURNT
predictable= PRIKT/-BL
diversion= DWERGS
you are not= URNT
Kuwait= KAOU/WA*IT
Cambridge= KAIM/BR*IJ
Walter= WAURLT
meeting= MAOEGT
Friday= FRI
credit card= KREKD
coincidence= KWOINS
verify= VOIF
ballistics= BLIFKTS
updates= PAITS
development= VEMT
inappropriate= NROEPT
investigated= VEGTD
manager= M-G
piano= PAON
confirmation= K-FRMGS
official= FIRBL
exactly= XLAKT
current address= KRAES
treasure= TRERB
frequent= FREK
worrisome= WOIRM
dirty= DOIRT
market= MARKT
I’m sorry= AOIMS
sedan= SDAN
contamination= TAMGS
radius= RAID/Y*US
medevac= MED/VA*K
investors= VEFRS
division= DWIGS
New Orleans= NU/ORNLS
Houston= HOUFNT
contaminated= TAMD

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