February 26 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 1, Episode 4

Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 4suggestion= SUGS
no longer= NRORNG
they know= TH*EN
singular= SINL/LA*R
intense= SBENS
follow= FOL
photograph= FOF
interactions= SBRAXZ
acute= A/KAOUT
focus= FOEKS
unfortunately= UFRNLT
photos= FOETS
he should= ERBD
distractions= SDRAXZ
Jessica= JES/KA*
Jones= JOENS
Audrey= AU/DRAO*E
Eastman= AOEFT/MA*N
mentioned= MENGS/-D
divorce= DWORS
lawyer= LAUR
referred= REFRD
as good as= SGAODZ
he says= ESZ
is that= STHA
office= OFS
has been= HAB
apartment= PARMT
minutes= MINS
building= BL-G
reason= R-N
I don’t need= YOFRN
Carlo= KAR/LO*E
idiot= ID/YO*T
I can= IK
every time= *EFT
in the morning= NORNG
affair= AIFR
pretending= PRENG
how long= HOUNG
have you been= VUB
if I= FI write
and his= SKPHIS
skank= SKAING
pictures= PIRS
alimony= AL/MO*EN
flagrante= FLA/GRAN/TA*I
assistant= SIFNT
about it= B*T
guarantee= GAURNT
he will= ELG
from the= FR-T
what I= WHAI
shrink= SR*ING
circle= SL-
in fact= N-FT
photographed= FOFD
husband= HUS
Desmond= DES/MO*ND
conversations= K-FRGSZ
British= BRIRB
standard= ST-D
contract= KR-T
required= RAOIRD
deposit= DPOFT
Trish= TRIRB
alive= LOIF
sarge= SARJ
doorman= DAORM
have the= V-T
some kind of= SMAOIF
security= SKAOURT
ram= RAM
everybody= EFRB
clear the= KLAOERT
body= BOED
I’m sure= AOIMZ
why is= Y-S
he thinks= ENGS
recognize= REK
this is the= TH-TS
we had= WED
headphones= HED/PHO*ENS
party= PAERT
everything= EFRG
violent= V-LT
incidents= DINZ
we should= WERBD
really= R-L
I don’t understand= YONDZ
sergeant= SAERGT
easy= AOEZ
how can= HOUK
standing= STANG
can you be= KUB
monster= MOFRNT
she knows= SHENS
dramatic DRAUMT
you can= UK
away= WA*I
I felt= IFLT
Sufentanil= SAOU/FENT/N*IL
what made= WHAMD
that you= THAU
duty= DAOUT
horrible= HORBL
innocent= N-NT
he told= ELT
jump= JUFRP
jumped= JUFRPD
also= L-S
special= SPERB
ops= O*PS
list= L*IS
painful= PAIFL
and this= SKP-TS
during= DURG
broadcast= BROKT
belittling= BLILG
ignorant= GORNT
limitations= LIMGSZ
challenging= KHALG
fascinating= FAEFNGT
powerful= POUF
respect= R-PT
listening= L-NG
and I think= SKPING
apologize= JAOIZ
forgives= FRIFS
injure= JUR
seriously= SAOERLZ
disease= D-Z
I mean= AO*IM
superpower= SPR-/POUR
surveilling= SWAILG
record= RORD
reminders= RAOIRMDZ
if I had= FID
intentions= SBENGSZ
mostly= MOFLT
Larry= LAR/YI
legislator= LOR
patent= PAENT
I don’t have= YOF
poisoned= POIFND
manufacturing= M-FG
loopholes= LAOP/HO*ELS
Chinese= KHAOINZ
do you know= DAOUN
litigators= LIT/GA*IRTS
I couldn’t= YU
million= M-L
settlement= ST-MT
attorney= TOERN
privilege= PRIF
edge= EJ
elevator= L-FRT
legal= LAOEL
conform= KWORM
partner= PARN
handling= HANLG
distinctly= DLINGT
paranoid= POID
conspiracy= SPIRZ
apology= GAOE
jealous= J-LS
distraction= SDRAX
jewelry= JAOUL/RAO*E
designer= SDAOIRN
enamel= AOE/NAM/*EL
fortune= FORN
compartmentalizing= KPARMT/LAO*IGZ
effect= FEFT
cheater= KHAOERT
ankles= A*IJS
answer= AENS
police= PLIS
surveillance= SWAINS
video= VAO
myself= MAOIZ
footage= FAOJ
cameras= KMRAS
locations= LOEXZ
horror= HOR
Rome= RO*EM
hotel= HOELT
amazing= MAEGS
radio= RAO
interview= SBAOUF
promise= PROM
after this= AFRTS
circus= S*IRKS
reservation= REFRX
exclusive= XLAOUFS
tiramisu= TIR/MAOE/SAO*U
restaurant= STRAUNT
did you forget= SDUFGT
diamond= DAOIMD
bottom= BOT
happy= HAEP
Audrey= AU/DRAO*E
Eastman= AOEFT/MA*N
address= DRAES
daytime= DAIMT or DO*IM
phone number= FUB
text= TEGT
urgent= URGT
summoned= SMOND
legit= LEJT
alibi= AEB
difficult= DIF
married= MAERD
sneaky= SNOIK
I didn’t say= YAOIS
it would be= TWOB
7-Eleven= SEFN/L*FN
go ahead= GHAED
gardener= GRAERN
meteor= MAOET/YO*R
he made= EMD
cello= KHEL/O*E
until= N-L
I made= IMD
mistake= MAEK
stared= STAERD
neighborhood= NAEBD
purple= P*URPL
and made= SKPHAED
dreads= DREDZ
intense= SBENS
T-shirt= TWIRT
jacket= JAKT
Zegna= S*EN/NA*
limey= LAOIM/YI
amongst= MO*NGS
exchange= XAING
info= IN/FO*E
support= SPOR
mental health= M*ENLT
paragon= PAR/GO*N
particularly= PLARL
leather= L*ERT
what side= WHADZ
that be= THAB
animals= ANLS
movie= MO*EF
thirty= THIRT
thousands= THOUS
should have= SHUF
popcorn= PO*P/KO*RN
ceiling= KRAOELG
search= SEFP
panic= PA*NG
through the= THRUT
tomorrow night= TWAOIT
it feels= T-FLS
and a half= NAF
Friday= FRI
target= TARGT
practice= PRA
you find= UFND
homicide= HOM
I just wanted= IFPTD
personal= PERNL
I can’t let+ YALT
on the floor= OFL
to the= TOT
Carlo= KAR/LO*E
hurry= HUR
like this= LAOIKTS
remind= RAOIMD
single= SINL
somehow= SHOU
plastic= PLAFKT
gun= G-N
bullet= BULT
pinky= P*ING/YI
finger= FIRNG
bulletproof= BLAOF
insane= SNAIN
obviously= OEFLS
for the first time= F-FRT
this has= TH-BS
stupid= STAOUPD
mentally= MAENL
newspapers= NUPS
heroes= HOERS
rubble= RUBL
green= GRAOEN
after the= AFRT
or the= ORT
you were the= URPT
you are the= URT
dump= DUFRP
welcome= WEM
random= RAOND
accident= SD-
do you see= DOUZ
last time= LAFMT
in this= NIS
borough= BROUG
attempted= TAEMTS
murder= MURD
they really= TH*ERL
against the law= GLAU
yourselves= YOURSZ
disappear= SPAER
especially= EP
tomorrow= TOM
silhouette= SIL/W*ET
orange= ORNG
sequence= SQENS
carrot= KA/RO*T
normal= NOL
at the time= TET
embarrassing= KBRAGS
Barbie= BAR/BAO*E
terrible= TERBL
accomplished= PLIRBD
mission= MIGS
rescued= SKWUD
insurance= SNAOURNS
committed= KMITD
scenario= SNAR
albeit= AEBLT
ourselves= OURSZ
New York City= NORKS
crazy= KRAEZ
completely= KPLAOELT
profession= PROEFGS
Hogarth= HOE/GA*RT
potential= POERB
victims= VIMS
survivor= SWAOIFR
maybe= MAEB
process= PROS
trauma= TRAUM
tonight= TONT
Avery= AIF/RAO*E
impossible= KBOB
Herald Square= HERLD/SQA*IR
ahead= HAED
rear-view mirror= R-FM
sidewalk= SWAUK
what I wanted= WHAIPTD
Chauffeur= SHOEFR
abandonment= BAUMT
24/7= 24OI7
defy= DPAOI
therapy= THAERP
scarf= SKA*FR
blue= BLU

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Posted February 26, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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