February 25 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 1, Episode 3

Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 3let me= LEM
counsel= KOUN
loud= LO*UD
to go= TOG
with a= WA
who likes= WHOBLGS
we had= WED
workout= WORKT
who has= WHOBS
likewise= LAOIKZ
are you= RU
scale= SKAIL
rather= RAER
if I were= FIRP
finger= FIRNG
considerable= K-RBL
strength= STRENG
ideas= YDZ
extremities= STREMTS
what else= WHAELS
can you= KU
punch= PUFP
jumping= JUFRPG
and then= SKPHEN
falling= FAULG
green= GRAOEN
and his= SKPHIS
do you think= DOUNG
there’s= THRAES
there= THR-
nothing= NOG
can I have= KIF
coffee= K*OEF
somebody else= S-BLS
first= FIRS
were= PRU
nope= NOEP
accident= SD
experiment= XERMT
anyone else= NINLE
abilities= ABLTS
can you remember= KURM
hiding= HAOIGD
advertising= TAOIGZ
what you= WHAU
protect= PROEKT
myself= MAOIZ
hero= HOER
and what’s= SHPWHAES
target= TARGT
that= THA
gig= GIG
once= WUNS
costume= KOS/TAO*UM
and you= SKPU
cancel= KAEL
I see= IZ
depends= DP*ENS
which part= KH-PT
food= FAOD
suppose= SPOES
you have= UF
extra= XRA
toothbrush= TBRURB
crash= KRARB
I’m sorry= AOIMS
I got= *IGT
Westchester= WEFRPT
Bourbon= BUR/B*ON
customers= KMERZ
first time= FIRMT
actually= TWEAL
if you could= FUKD
prove= PROF
forgive= FRIF
what you did= WHA*UD
could you ever= KOUFR
crucified= KRAOUS/FAO*ID
media= DWRA
proof= PRAOF
involved= VOFD
debate= DB-T
you would= ULD
if you had= FUD
display= SDPLAI
some= SM-
courage= KURJ
testimony= T-M
about you= BU
being= -BG
another= NOER
victims= VIMS
story= STOER
position= POGS
incarceration= KRAIGS
leaves= LEFS
trail= TRAIL
broken= BROENG
testify= TEF
public= PUB
perception= PEFRPGS
it would= T-LD
she told= SHAOELT
coward= KOURD
careful= KAIF
I am= IM
compassion= KPAGS
overwhelming= WHOEMG
busy= B-Z
talk= TAUK
is a= SA
lifestyle= LAOIFLT
prison= PRIS
radio= RAO
I really= *IRL
alcohol= KHOL
surgical= SURL
anesthesia= STHAOEZ
powers= POURS
huge= HAOUJ
we get= WEGT
sufentanil= SAOU/FEN/TA/N*IL
is only= SOENL
available= VAIBL
hospital= HOPT
unless= N-LS
doctors= DR-S
compromised= KPROMD
figures= FIGZ
redistribute= RAOE/DR-BT
better= BERT
video= VAO
surveillance= SWAINS
steel= STAOEL
bulletproof= BLAOF
windows= WIDZ
what you made= WHAUMD
is a= SA
you have the= UFT
fortress= FOR/TR*ES
much= -FP
clowns= KLOUNS
common sense= KMONZ
gym= JIM
beaten= BAENT
purple= P*URPL
touches= TOUFPS
ninja= NIN/JA*
krav maga= KRAF/MA/GA*
brutal= BRAOUL
sandwiches= SDWIFPS
somewhat= SWHA
flexible= FLEBL
injury= JER
why I= Y*I
surgical= SURL
kind of= KAOIF
addicts= DIKTS
habit= HABT
ask= SK-
corner= KRORN
assumptions= SUMGSZ
assumption= SUMGS
she is= SHES
lawyer= LAUR
storms= STORMS
smarter= SMAERT
patients= PAIRBTS
crazy= KRAEZ
you mean= UM
prescription= PRIPGS
antipsychotic= AOINT/SKOKT
three= THRAOE
depending= DPENG
requiem= REK/Y*UM
bike= BAOIK
everyday= EFRD
about the= B-T
planet= PLAENT
self-medicating= SEF/MED/KA*IGT
humanity= HAOUMT
estimate= STIMT
early= ERL
thank you= THAUNG
diagnosis= D-GS
decimal= DES/MA*L
father= FA*ER
business= BIS
charity= KHAIRT
women= WIM
listening= L-NG
sorry= SOR
dealers= DLERS
kitchen= KIFP
what you think= WHAUNG
more specific= MOFRK
specific= SPEFK
surgery= SURG
appreciate= PRAOERBT
Christmas= KMAS
is it= ST-
racial= RAIRBL
abilities= ABLTS
ability= ABLT
crazies= KRAESZ
arguing= GAOUG
voices= VOISZ
if I believed= FIBLD
that you believed= THAUBLD
no idea= NY-D
you can see= UKZ
birthday= B*IRTD
she would= SHELD
I didn’t= YAOI
that I was= THAIFS
trouble= TRUBL
that he was= THAEFS
prisoner= PRIRS
to tell= TOLT
like this= LAOIKTS
tiny= TOIN
describe= SDRAOIB
this need= TH-FRN
he said= EDZ
happy= HAEP
suddenly= SULD
observable= OEBL
to say= TO*S
that was the= THAFTS
last time= LAFMT I
before= B-F
and my= SKPHAOI
to find= TOFND
rescue= SKWU
you were= URP
aware= WAIR
controlled= KROELD
at first= TWIRS
glimpses= GLIMSZ
myself= MAOIZ
when he told= WHELT
parents = PAERNTS
couldn’t= KONT
did you want= SDUPT
delusion= DLAOUGS
fully= FLUL
telepathically= TEL/PA*T/KLI
character= KHARK
more than= MORN
contact= KAKT
office= OFS
likely= LAOIL
experienced= XERNS/-D
psychotic= SKOKT
illness= *IL/-NS
I believe= AOIBL
naive= NAOEF
assume= SAOUM
terrified= TOIFD
vinegar= VIN/GA*R
destroying= STROIG
until= N-L
neutralize= NAOURLT/AO*IZ
self-preservation= SEF/PREFRX
there really= THR*RL
dangerous= DAIJS
stupid= STAOUPD
extreme= STREM
sadistic= SA/D*IFKT
corrosive= KROEFS
handle= HANL
whiskey= WHIS/KAO*E
alarm= LARM
teaches= TAOEFPS
biology= BAOILG
department= DEPT
chemistry= KHEM/STRAO*E
biochemistry= BAOI/O*E/KHEM/STRAO*E
forwarding= FAORGD
address= DRAES
Parliament= PARL/M*ENT
New Delhi= N*U/DEL/YI
India= DWIND
heavier= HEF/Y*ER
apartment= PARMT
mistake= MAEK
I guess= IGS
elevator= L-FRT
asleep= SLAEP
collection= KLEX
eating= AOEGT
peanut= PAOE/N*UT
butter= BURT
trophy= TROEF
racist= RAIFT
Malcolm= MAL/K*OM
judgment= JUMT
overcome= VUM
I feel= IFL
pretty= PRIT
concern= KERN
lunged= LUN/*JD
alleged= AELGD
assault= SAULT
station= STAIGS
officer= OIFR
Simpson= SIFRP/SO*N
prefer= PREFR
identification= AOIFGS
attacked= TW-KD
I should= IRBD
arrest warrant= ARNT
I’m sure= AOIMZ
choice= KHOIS
yes, I do= YOID
fifteen= FAOEN
sergeant= SAERGT
central= STRAL
status= STAUS
finishing= FINGS
television= T-FGS
sanctimonious= SA*ING/TA/MO*EN/Y*US
tackle= TABLG
follow= FOL
I don’t want= YOPT
enemy= NAOEM
family= FAEM
alive= LOIF
What happened= WHAPD
I remember= IRM
bandage= BAEJ
confused= KAOUFD
looks like= LAOLS
isn’t right= SN-RT

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Posted February 25, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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