February 24 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 1, Episode 2

Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 2you just= UJT
what else= WHAELS
I can tell= IKT
been= B-N
used= AOUFD
wouldn’t= WONT
imagine= MAJ
forget= FERGT
referrals= REFRLS
how did= HO*UD
daughter= DAUR
followed= FOLD
credit card= KRERKD
statements= STAIMTS
interviews= SBAOUFS
at the time= TET
overnight= VAOINT
with you= WU
question= QE
where were you going= WR*URPG
Pennsylvania= PEN/PEN
what’s= WHAES
antiques= AN/TAO*EKS
did you know= SDUN
parents= PARNTS
if I did= F*ID
I would= ILD
assumed= SAOUMD
she was= SHAOEFS
clearly= KLAOERL
wasn’t= WAENT
given the= GIFNT
bullets= BULTS
Walmart= WAUL/MA*RT
unregistered= UN/REJD
maybe= MAEB
some= SM-
maybe this= MAEBTS
you went= UFRG
office= OFS
without= WOUT
search warrant= SWARNT
that’s= THAES
crime scene= KRAOEN
discretion= SDREGS
double= DUBL
homicide= HOM
licensed= L-NS/-D
paperwork= PAIRK
in this= NIS
unless= N-LS
you have= UF
something else= S-LGS
I didn’t think so= YINGS
I don’t need the= YOFRNT
in my= NAOI
let me= LEM
explain= SPLAIN
how about= HOUB
pictures= PIRS
private= PRAOIFT
investigator= VERGT
to a= TWA
different= DIFRN
hired= HIRD
suspected= S-PTD
cheating= KHAOEGT
with you= WU
married= MAERD
drama= DRAUM
Gina= GAOE/NA*
marriage= MAERJ
certificate= SER
online= AONL
shouldn’t have= SHAOUFNT
messed= MEFD
serious= SAOERZ
alone= LAON
there he= THRE
ma’am= MAM
at the= TE
you were the= URPT
to see= TOZ
alive= LOIF
did he tell= SDELT
where he= WRE there?
jump= JUFRP
school= SKAOL
number= NUB
he said= EDZ
as good as= SGAODZ
brother= BROER
twelve= TWEFL
suffer= SUFR
suffered= SUFRD
accident= SD
injured= J*URD
terrible= TERBL
calm= KAUM
yourself= YOURZ
probably= PROBL
I’m the= AOIMT
who knows= WHONS
innocent= N-NT
guilty= GELT
she had= SHAOED
gun= G-N
premeditate= PRAOEMT
abducted= DAUKD
is not= SNOT
responsible= SPONL
washed= WARBD
control= KROEL
yelling= YELG
there is= THRS
legal= LAOEL
cases= KAISZ
precedence= PR-NS
woman= WOM
who will= WHOL
massages= MAFJS
jury= JIR
selection= SLEX
this is not= TH-FNT
will you= LU
that this= THATS
controller= KROERL
resourceful= SRORS/-FL
if I can= FIK
convince= VINS
represent= REP
excuse me= SKAOUM
if you= FU
do this= DO*TS
she knows= SHENS
texted= TEGTD
you were= URP
out of= OUF
on the= ONT
news= NUS
feelings= FAOELGS
you need= UFRN
help= HEP
minute= MIN
what happened= WHAPD
dissatisfied= SDAEFD
customer= KMER
dump= DUFRP
I didn’t say= YAOIS
to be= TOB
insulting= SNULGT
succeeding= S-KD/-G
you find= UFND
that happen= THAP
I think= AOING
system= ST-M
doorman= DAORM
you think= AOUNG
I’m not= AO*IMT
into the= NAOT
river= RIFR
could be= KOB
who’s= WHO*S
special= SPERB
I like it= AOIBLG
Long Island= LAOILD
tea= TAE
upstairs= UPTS
complications= KPLIXZ
Andre= ON/DRA*I
salmonella= SAL/MA/NEL/LA*
kitchen= KIFP
is going= SG-G
listen= L-N
doesn’t= DOENT
understand= NAND
why I= Y*I
distract= SDRAKT
self-respect= S-RPT
inside= N-DZ
hospital= HOPT
metro= MROET
general= JEN
you’re welcome= YOURM
lonely= LOENL
counting= KOUNGT
what I did= WHA*ID
transferred= TR-FRD
sorry= SOR
I got= *IGT a
fecal= FAOEBLG
situation= SWAIGS
first day= FIRD
oncology= ON/KO*LG
computer= KPAOURT
Seattle= SAOELT
I mean= AO*IM
emergency room= MAOM
records= RORDZ
cancer= KAERN
doctor= DR-
immediate= MAOED
testing= TEFGT
year ago= YAOERG
January= JAN
bruises= BRAOUSZ
Wallace= WAL/A*S
what the= WHAT
walker= WAURK
lady= LAED
lunatic= LAOUN/T*IK
away= WA*I
ambulance= BLANS
assault= SAULT
Patricia= PA/TRIRB/YA*
of course,= -FX
apartment= PARMT
power= POUR
tools= TAOLS
might want= MAOIPT
handle= HANL
complement= KPLEMT
mother= MOER
center= STR-
we’re= WAO*ER
fraternal= FRA/T*ERNL
authority= THORT
terminal= TERM/NA*L
Denton= DEN/TO*N
what do you= WHAOUPT
transit= TR-NT
driver= DRIFR
nothing to say= NOGTS
to you= TOU
to the= TOT
accident scene= SDRAOEN
reverse= RAOEFRS
worker’s comp= WK
didn’t= D-NT
after the= AFRT
surgery= SURG
when he= WHE
donated= DNAITD
kidneys= KAOENDZ
plural= PLURL
disappeared= SPAERD
from the= FR-T
half= HAF
because of= BAUF
sacrifice= SFIS
incredible= KBREBL
maker= MAIRK
return= RURN
and here= SKPHAOER
answered= AEND
with us= WUS
getting= GEGT
all the= AULT
expensive= XEFNS
it is= T-S
anonymous= NOUS
you be= UB
and I’m going= SKPAOIMG
to find= TOFND
where he is?= WRES
I can’t do= YAD
upset= SPET
Baxter= BAX/T*ER
hemodialysis= HAOE/MOE/DAOI/AL/S*IS
machine= M-N
serial= SAOERL
numbers= NUBS
emergencies= M-JS
what kind of= WHAOIFND
service= SEFS
is that= STHA
what time= WHAOIM
do you= DOU
cougar= KOURG
so you have= SOUF
paycheck= PAIK
happiness= HAENS
that get= THAGT
lady= LAED
perceptive= SPEFPT
can I= KI
solve= SOFL
husband= HUS
follow= FOL
who the= WHOT
discuss= SKUS
investigations= VEGSZ
reason= R-N
is that you= STHAU
to get= TO*GT
women= WIM
out the= OUTD
competition= KPEGS
jealous= J-LS
some kind of= SMAOIF
stalker= STAURK
rugby= RUG/BAO*E
league= LAOEG
I just want= IFPT
psycho= SKOE
do the= DO*T same.
forgot= FORGT
Yes, I did= YID
kidney= KAOEND
machine= M-N
person= PERN
he can= EK
authorize= THORZ
second= SEKD
David= DAIFD
average= AFRJ
multiple= MUPLT
choice= KHOIS
section= S-X
percent= PERS
difference= DIFRNS
between= TWAOEN
allel= A/LAO*EL
chromosome= KROEM/SO*EM
transplant= TRANLT
according= KWORG
forged= FORJD
he had= ED
he was= EFS
obsessed= OB/S*EFD
surgery= SURG
on the= ONT
destroyed= STROID
syndrome= SDROEM
did I= SDI
that he could= THAEKD
survive= SWAOIF
he wanted= EPTD
have to= V-TD
someone else= SWUNLS
anesthesia= STHAOEZ
masochist= MAS/K*IFT
surgeon= SURN
he made= EMD
one of= WUFN
one of them= WUFNLT
injuries= JERS
awake= WOIK
epidural= EP/D*URL
unconscious= KOUNS
surgical= SURL
propofol= PROE/POE/FO*L
sufentanil= SAOU/FEN/TA/N*IL
functions= FUNGSZ
attorney= TOERN
yes= YE
my mind= MAOIMD
public= PUB
defender= D-FR
assigned= SO*IND
possibility= POBLT
corroborated= KROBD
another= NOER
victim= VIM
looks like= LAOLS
mascot= MAFKT
macabre= MA/KO*B
logo= LOEG
window= WID
worry= WOIR
trainer= TRAIRN
exercising= XERS/-G
Yoga= YOEG
stretching= STREFPG
lunch= LUFP
cheekbones= KHAOEK/BO*ENS
mirror= MROR
namaste= NA/MAS/TA*I
enough= NUF
invite= VAOIT
absolutely= SLUL
enjoy= GOI
intend= SBEN
children= KHIRN
closet= KLO*S
bathroom= BARM
dinner= DIRN
specialty= SPERBLT
decide= SDAOI
particular= PLAR
palate= PALT
greatest= GRAEFT
occasionally= KLAEFNL
what happens= WHAPS
across the= KAOTS
adrenaline= DRENL

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Posted February 24, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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