Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 1, Episode 1
New York= NORK
may be= MAIB
city= STI
complaining= KPLAING
cheaters= KHAOERTS
are= R-
business= BIS
of the= -FT job
people= PAOEPL
excel= X*EL
at that= TA
clients= KLAOINTS
hire= HIR
and I find= SKPIFND
shouldn’t= SHAOUNT
it’s= -TS
they have= THEF
decision= SDIGS
something= S-G
denying= D-NG
messenger= MEFRJ
tell me= TL-M
ruining= RAOUNG
their= THAIR
already= L-RD
option= OPGS
rarely= RAIRL
and then= SKPHEN
there’s= THRAES
matter= MAERT
I just= IJT
avoid= WOI
involved= VOFD
in the first place= FR-PLS
works for= WOFRS
Jessica= JES/KA*
aren’t= R-NT
anything= NIG
lawyers= LAURS
general= JEN
hired= HIRD
full time= FOIM
investigator= VERGT
whoever= WHOFR
he is= ES
he’s= HAOES
as good as= SGAODZ
offered= OFRD
you the= UT
rejected= JEKTD
expletives= XLEFTS
professionalism= PROEFL/IFM
effective= FEF
deliver= DLIFR
that is= THAS
why= Y-
I have= IF
overlooked= VAOKD
several= SEFRL
and have= SKP-F
methods= MEFS
confidential= K-FL
protecting= PROEKT/-G
I’m not= AO*IMT
I will= IL
ask you= SKU
very= VE
strongly= STRONLG
summons= SMONS
served= SEFRBD
to the= TOT
owner= O*ERN
gentleman= JA
exotic= XOKT
concussion= KUNGS
stupid= STAOUPD
And of course,= SKP-FX
damaged= DAJD
and other= SKPOER
parties= PAERTS
interested= TR-D
property= PRORT
questioned= QED
specialty= SPERBLT
hi= HI
calling= KAULG
office= OFS
Karen= KA*RN
accord= KAORD
Vanderbilt= VARND/B*ILT
color= KLOR guard
I don’t know= YON
where= WR-
doesn’t= DOENT
meetings= MAOEGTS
today= TOD
lunch= LUFP
dinner= DIRN
I can’t= YA
handwriting= HARNG
that will= THAL
to be= TOB
Soho= SOE/HO*E
members= MEBS
only= OENL
so much= SOFP
you go= UG
minutes= MINS
treadmill= TRED/M*IL
quarter= QAERT
what are you= WHA*UR
apartment PARMT
sarcasm= SKAFM
excuse me= SKAOUM
Jones= JOENS
we just= WEJT
to find= TOFND
daughter= DAUR
be the= -BT
first time= FIRMT
at the= TE
beginning= GING
athletic= TLEKT
scholarship= SKLARP
we got= W*EGT
plane= PLAEN
level= LEFL
I could= IKD
we went to the= WEFRGTD
police= PLIS
she said= SHEDZ
there was= THR-FS
evidence= AEFD
crime= KRAOIM
being= -BG
committed= KMITD
someone= SWUN
there the= THR-T
referred= REFRD
would= WO
that be= THAB
unusual= NAOURB
at all= TA*UL
problems= BLEMS
in the= N-T
epoxy= A/POX/YI
woman= WOM
in this= NIS
expenses= XENSZ
standard= ST-D
contract= KR-T
contractor= KR-RT
accountant= K-NT
wealthy= WOILT
legit= LEJT
Jesus= JAOEZ
experimental= XERMT/A*L
year= Y-R
in my= NAOI life
incarceration= KRAIGS
he needed= HEFRND
camera= KMRA
Coppola= KOEP/LA*
continuous= T*NS
junk= J*UNG
talk about= TAUB
have a= VA
amazing= MAEGS
I mean= AO*IM
did she think= SDHAOENG
I was= IFS
steal= STAEL
overtime= OIM
solved= SOFLD
riveting= R*IFGT
I said= IDZ
Chrysler= KRAOIS/L*ER
building= BL-G
Google= GAOLG
are you= RU
holy= HOIL
mother= MOER
you’ll= *UL
settling= SELGT
lawsuit= LAUT
normal= NOL
take the= TAIKT
look like= LAOBLG
Hiding= HAOIGD
because= BAUS
no one= N*ON
that I can= THAIK
eyes= AOIZ
Gregory= GREG/RAO*E
so you can= SOUK
return= RURN
without= WOUT
actually= TWAEL
reaching= RAOEFP
received= SAOEFD
message= MEFJ
so I= SOI
claims= KLAIMS you
and I= SKPI
overhead= VED
threatened= THRENTD
blenders= BLERNDZ
whatever else= WHAFRLS
really= R-L
calculated= KLAITD
have been= V-B
complement= KPLEMT
notify= NOIF
payroll= PAIRL
you could= UKD
is not= SNOT
good enough= GAOUF
in a= NA
around= ARND
inside= N-DZ
bulk= B*UBLG
ladies= LAEDZ
promotion= PROEMGS
local= LOEL
attract= TR-K
customers= KMERZ
double= DUBL
booze= BAOZ
I don’t get= YOGT
how long= HOUNG
you have= UF
family= FAEM
I got= *IGT
regulars= REGZ
they’re= TH*ER
always= AULS
if you= FU
going to= G*GT
you should= URBD
what kind of= WHAOIFND
answers= AENSZ
you know= YAOUN
money= MUN
usually= AOURBL
how good= HOUGD
natural= NARL
what have= WHAF
detected= SDEKTD
I can tell= IKT
by the= B*IT
residue= REZ/DAO*U
on this= ONTS
years ago= YAOERGS
Horace= HOR/A*S
buffalo= BUL/LO*E
Melvin= MEL/V*IN
alleys= LAELS
habit= HABT
I don’t= YO
do not= DWOT
purpose= PURP
what else= WHAELS
Sherlock= SHER/L*OK
And you= SKPU
with it= W*T
break= BRAEK
scratch= SKRAFP
I’ve= AO*IF
more than= MORN
maybe= MAEB
anyone= NIN
history= HIFT
memories= MEMS
personal = PERNL
photos= FOETS
memorabilia= MEM/RA/BAOEL/YA*
also= L-S
women= WIM
temporarily= TRAERL
at least= TLAOEFT
and they= SKPHE
and what= SKPWHA
do you want= DOUPT
sorry= SOR
alias= AILZ
investigation= VEGS
what’s= WJARS
funny= FOIN
is it= ST-
recent= RAOENT
credit card= KRERKD
using= AOUFG
special= SPERB
what did= WHA*D
unusual= NAOURB
boyfriend= BOIF
happy= HAEP
idiot= ID/YO*T
conned= KO*ND
amount= AMT
pretty= PRIT
much= -FP
I’m sorry= AOIMS
ma’am= MAM
opened= OEPD
did this= SD-TS
to be= TOB
he will= EL
months= MOS
ago= AG
reservation= REFRBGS
have you seen= V*UFN
Tuesday= TAOUS
manager= M-G
what happened= WHAPD
companion= KPAN
particular= PLAT
my mind= MAOIMD
I told= ILT
possible= POB
sommelier= SOE/MEL/YA*I
favorite= FAFRT
recipe= RES/PAO*E
anniversary= AN/VERS/RAO*E
I can’t imagine= YAJ
Asian= AIGS
fusion= FAOUGS
restaurant= STRAUNT
order= ORD
pasta= PAS/TA
police officer= PLOIFR
it wasn’t= TWAENT
policeman= PLAM
ticket= TOKT
does it= DAO*T
did he say= SDES
overhead= VED
conversation= K-FRGS
with the= W-T
sergeant= SAERGT
suggested= SEGD
to you= TOU
with a= WA
accent= SAENT
English= GLIRB
coach= KOEFP
next= NEGT
Hong Kong= HONG/KONG
number= NUB
declined= DLAOIND
can you just= KUJT
for the= F-RT
conduct= KUKT
I don’t have= YOF
downstairs= DOUNTS
we should= WERBD
we’ll= WAOEL
is that you= STHAU
Malcolm= MAL/KO*M
figured= FIGD
do I want= DOIPT
on the= ONT
Zach= SA*K/SA*K
tomorrow= TOM
bye= BAO*I
could have= KOF
you’d= *UD
you’ve= *UF
I don’t even know= YOEFN
to say= TO*S
from you= FRU
I needed= IFRND
and now= SKPOU
this was= TH-FS
idea= Y-D
tell me= TL-M
what the= WHAT
certificate= SER
hundred= HUN
I told= ILT
Trish= TRIRB
athlete= TLAOET
he had= ED
hotel= HOELT
what he can= WHAEK
do you know= DAOUN
what he= WHAE
I’m sure= AOIMZ
if he= FE
would you have= WOUF
exactly= XLKT
should I= SHI
we’ll= WAO*EL
figure= FIG
better= BERT
equipped= QIPD
animal= ANL
innocent= N-NT
you’re= YO*UR
hero= HOER
that you= THAU
baby= BAEB
uptown= AUPT
welcome= WEM
will you be= LUB
is he= SE
to get= TO*GT
I don’t want to= YOPTD
I can’t let= YALT
control= KROEL
distance= SDANS
getting= GEGT
he made= EMD
I didn’t want= YIPT
to do= TAOD
did you live= SD*UF
what was the= WHAFTS
picture= PIR
Florence= FLORNS
listen= L-N
it is= T-S
I know= AOIN
you just= UJT
have to= VTD
escaped= SKAEPD
concern= KERN
putting= PUGT
in a= NA
heading= HEGD
Omaha= OEM/HA*
we’re= WAO*ER
you got= *UGT
decision= SDIGS
about it= B*T