Briefs And Phrases From Den Of Thieves
think about it= TH*IBT
relax= RAEK
chamber= KHAIM
firearm= FAOIRM
vehicle+ VAOEK
coffee= KO*EF
thirty= THIRT
hustle= HUFLT
pop= PO*P
out of= OUF
engage= GAEJ
suppress= SPRES
dispatch= SDPAFP
gunfire= GAOIR
what the= WHAT
windshield= WIRBLD
police= PLIS
municipal= MUP
airport= AIRPT
animal= ANL
company= K-P
empty= EMT
messenger= MEFRJ
genius= GAOENZ or JAOENZ
detail= SDAIL
factory= FAOKT
early= ERL
did you see= SDUZ
gun= G-N
tunnel= TUNL
weapons= WEPS
discharge= DARJ
what else= WHAELS
all the= AULT
femoral= FEM/RA*L
artery= AERT
handled= HANLD
we got= W*EGT
witnesses= W-NSZ
surveillance= SWAINS
office= OFS
original= ORJ
how’s= HOUZ
afford= FAURD
county= KOINT
sheriff= SH-F
sheriffs= SH-FS
I can’t= YA
circus= S*IRKS
I don’t like= YOBLG
vegetarian= VEJ/TA*IRN
vegan= VAOENG
casino= KAOFN
problem= BLEM
I need= IFRN
looks like= LAOBLGS
good morning= GORNG
fellow= FLEL
officers= OIFRS
subject= SUBT
Friday= FRI
Thursday= THURS
hospital= HOPT
breakfast= BREFS
legal= LAOEL
federal= FRAL
dramatic= DRAUMT
lieutenant= LAOUNT
hungry= HOIRNG
kind of= KAOIF
recognize= REK
football= FAOBL
Filipino= FIL/PAOEN/O*E
enemy= NAOEM
botched= BOFPD
transfer= TR-FR
inside= N-DZ
parole= PROEL
months= MOS
visit= VIFT
all right= L-RT
money= MUN
women= WIM
order= ORD
social= SOERBL
liquor= LIR
member= MEB
you are= UR
handcuffs= H-FS
question= QE
paperwork= PAIRK
tell me= TL-M
convicts= VIKTS
answer= AENS
I don’t know= YON
polygraph= POIL/GRA*F
neutral= NAOURLT
Casablanca= KAS/BLA*INK/KA*
steak= STAEK
secrets= SKRETS
later= LAIRT
forward= FAORD
I think= AOING
confused= KWAOUFD
somebody= S-B
relatively= REFLT/LI
convincing= KWINGS
freedom= FRAOEM
we are= WER
couple= KUPL
deploy= DPLOI
season= S-N
Hawaiian= HA*IN
military= MILT
marine= MRAOEN
minute= MIN
driver= DRIFR
it happens= T-PS
mistaking= MAEK/-G
convicted= VIKTD
adult= DULT
manslaughter= MAURLT
history= HIFT
did you say= SDUS
personally= PLERNL
associate= SOERBT
myself= MAOIZ
prison= PRIS
what I could= WHAIKD
thank you= THAUNG
little bit= BLIT
silver= SIFRL
dollar= DLAR
Hawthorne= HA*U/THO*RN
seat belt= SBELT
minus= MAOINZ
is the= S-T
ahead= HAED
what happened= WHAPD
people= PAOEPL
arrest= AR
under arrest= N-RS
control= KROEL
recent= RAOENT
have you been= VUB
texted= TEGTD
enough= NUF
give me= GIFM
fathering= FA*ERG
surrounding= SROUNG
service= SEFS
agent= AGT
country= KUNT
attempts= TAEMTS
management= M-GT
bingo= BING/O*E
this time= TH-MT
sophisticated= SFIFKTD
we have= WEF
solid= SLOD
passports= PAFRPTS
deposit= DPOFT
hundred dollar= HUND
million dollars= M-LDZ
million dollar= M-LD
out of the= OUFT
do you understand= DOUNDZ
perfect= P-FRT
city= STI
Los Angeles= LOS/LOS
branch= BRAFP
reserve= REFRB
service= SEFS
to do= TAOD
tell us= TLUS
minimum= MIM
Wednesday= WENS
o’clock= KL-K
simulate= SMAILT
lobby= LOIB
as soon as= SNS
outstanding= OUS
by the way= BAE
high school= HAOL
nerve= NEFRB
millimeters= MIRMTS
camera= KMRA
battle= BALT
hitch= HIFP
database= D-B
suggest= SUG
served= SEFRBD
divorced= DWORS/-D
welcome= WEM
quadrant= QAURNT
backup= BUP
peripheral= PRIFRL
hallway= WLA*I
impossible= KBOB
data= DAT
supply= SPLAOI
at all times= TAULTS
elevator= L-FRT
hello= HO*EL
today= TOD
really= R-L
wonderful= WUF
lunch= LUFP
dessert= SDERT
there he= THRE
let me= LEM
I’m going= AOIMG
imagine= MAJ
evident= AEFT
can you please= KUP
fortune= FORN
therapy= THAERP
there you go= THRUG
protection= PROEX
responsibility= SPONLT
you understand= UNDZ
yes, sir= YES
listen= L-N
picture= PIR
what you= WHAU
dinner= DIRN
for the= F-RT
definitely= DAFL
have a= VA
what do you think= WHAOUNG
this much= TH-FP
better= BERT
copy= KPAOE
tell the= TELT
what you told= WHAULT
good night= GAOIT
Samoans= SA/MOE/A*NS
crush= KRURB
crushing= KRURBG
ladies= LAEDZ
go= G-
where’s= WRAES
how much= HOUFP
person= PERN
who would= WHOLD
alcohol= KHOL
what about= WHAB
I want= IPT
promise= PROM
brother= BROER
attention= TAENGS
trigger= TRIRG
with the= W-T
bullet= BULT
at the= TE
magazine= MAG
suspects= S-PTS
location= LOEX
commit= KMIT
to the= TOT
only= OENL
counter= KOURNT
behind= HIND
bathroom= BARM
silent= SLENT
alarms= LARMS
all= AUL
hostages= HOFJS
I can see= IKZ
according to= KWORGT
cemented= SAOEMTD
they’re= TH*ER
going= GOG
anywhere= NIR
Is he= SE
serious= SAOERZ
confirmed= KWIRMD
demands= DMANS
negotiator= GROERBT
is that= STHA
Atlantic= TLAK
refusing= R-FS/-G
I can= IK
surveilling= SWAILG
vault= VAULT
open= OEP
police department= PLEPT
manager= M-G
ready= R-D
to go= TOG
had you= HU
appreciate= PRAOERBT
professional= PROEFL
help= HEP
too long= TAONG
ago= AG
cafeteria= KAF/TAOER/YA*
stupid= STAOUPD
contact= KAKT
nobody else= NOBLS
do you have= DOUF
they will= THEL
at least= TLAOEFT
prefix= PRAOEFX
watching= WAFPG
number= NUB
that’s= THAES
next= NEGT
advice= VIS
I’m sorry= AOIMS
confirmation= KWIRMGS
from the= FR-T
officer= OIFR
repeat= RAOEPT
corridor= KROERD
four-door= 4AOR
suburban= SYURB
approaching= PROEFPG
right lane= R*L
pinched= PIN/*FPD
do this= DO*TS
collected= KLEKTD
across the= KRAOTS
diamond= DAOIMD
exchange= XAING
center= STR-
limb= LIM
shoulder= SHOURLD
engine= N-J
cut= K*UT
I told= ILT
thousand= THOU
one of= WUFN
accounted= K-TD
I said= IDZ
very much= VEFP
did you see= SDUZ
gentlemen= JE
environment= VAOIRMT