February 27 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 1, Episode 5

Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 5do you think= DOUNG
rubber= R*URB
themselves= THEMSZ
diet= DAOIT
kitchen= KIFP
genius= GAOENZ
afford= FAURD
management= M-GT
salary= SAL
mention= MENGS
weekly= WAOEGLG
Atlantic= TLAK
nonexistent= NAUN/XIFNT
embezzlement= KBEFMT
felony= FLOIN
what do you want= WHAOUPT
severance= SWERNS
email= AOEM
extortionist= STORNGS/IFT
proud= PRO*UD
résumé= REZ/MA*I
experience= XERNS
Xerox= S*ERX
machine= M-N
uniquely= YAOEBLG
unqualified= UN/Q-FD
long time= LONGT
bishop= BIRB
ouch= OUFP
knockout= NOK/O*UT
whoa= WHAO
Jillian= JIL/YA*N
Michaels= MAOIBLGS
abilities= ABLTS
useful= AOUF
you can= UK
I mean= AO*IM
jump= JUFRP
New York= NORK
if I could= FIKD
adoring= A/DORG
of course,= -FX
hero= HOER
photo= FOET
months= MOS
ago= AG
quarter= QAERT
clockwork= KLOK/WO*RK
junkies= JOINGS
junkie= JOING
aren’t= R-NT
regular= REG
schedule= SKELD
too much= TAOFP
hooked= HAOKD
effort= EFRT
dismisses= SMISZ
I get= IGT
excuse me= SKAOUM
kiosk= KAOEFK
British= BRIRB
blue= BLU
scarf= SKA*FR
I don’t have time= YOFMT
library= LAOIB
coffee= KO*EF
messages= MEFJS
whatever= WHAFR
is it your= STYOUR
neighbor= NAEB
Ruben= RAOU/B*EN
sister= ST-R
banana= BA/NAN/A
bread= BRAED
do you like= DOUBLG
is going to= SG-GTD
compelled= KPELD
to tell= TOLT
to go= TOG
so I need= SOIFRN
deliver= DLIFR
sniper= SNAOIRP
subject= SUBT
predetermined= PRAOE/DERMD
preferably= PLEFRBL
pistol= STOL
Rambo= RAM/B*OE
bullet= BULT
isolation= SOELGS
enemy= NAOEM
combatants= KBANTS
as long as= SLONGS
license= L-NS
unit= AOUNT
radio= RAO
opinion= P-N
cancel= KAEL
appear= PAER
normal= NOL
accurate= KRAT
spec ops= SP*EK/O*PS
classified= KLAFD
if you return= FURN
outlet= OULT
investigator= VERGT
patients= PAIRBTS
zeros= S*ERS
it has= T-BS
hermetically= HER/MET/KLI
commando= KMAN/O*E
tomorrow= TOM
half= HAF
soundproof= SOUND/PRAO*F
rig= RIG
Sunday= SUN
commercial= KMERBL
area= AER
witnesses= W-NSZ
unconscious= KOUNS
Union Square= AOUN/SQA*IR
mile= MAOIL
definitely= DAFL
military= MILT
gun= G-N
village= VIL
so you think= SOUNG
it looks like= TLAOLS
hoagies= HOE/GAO*ES
stupid= STAOUPD
sandwich= SDWIFP
alive= LOIF
rehab= RAB
movie= MO*EF
borrowed= BROED
rental= RENLT
nondescript= NAUN/DA/SKR*IPT
car accident= KARX
approve= PROIF
boyfriends= BOIFS
opinion= P-N
decent= DAOENT
human being= HAOUB
I know= AOIN
any of= NIF
to see= TOZ
accept= SEP
weight= WAET
money= MUN
bring the= BRINGT
candy= KAEND
cigarettes= SGRETS
do you care= DOUK
commissary= KOM/SA*ER
account= K-T
cash= KARB
superheroes= SPR-/HOERS
scenario= SNAR
lightweight= LAOIT/WA*ET
durable= DURBL
waterproof= WAURT/PRAO*F
resistant= RAOEFNT
fabric= FA*RK
rad= RAD
this is the= TH-TS
this is it= TH*TS
alias= AILZ
jewel= JAOUL
camel= KAM/*EL
conference= K-FRNS
number= NUB
hello= HO*EL
pretend= PREND
engage= GAEJ
celebrity= SBRIT
weirdos= WERD/O*ES
silence= SLENS
position= POGS
standing= STANG
exiting= XIGT
sixteen= STAOEN
outdoor= AOUT/DAOR
café= KAEF
corner= KRORN
ma’am= MAM
ambulance= BLANS
too late= TAOLT
behind= HIND
I remember= IRM
controlled= KROELD
taze= TAIZ
useless= AOUFLS
surgical= SURL
kneecap= NAOE/KA*P
precaution= PRAUGS
detail= SDAIL
contact= KAKT
serve= SEFRB
protect= PROEKT
Simpson= SIFRP/SO*N
remember= RER
wallet= WLET
absolutely= SLUL
tremendous= TRE
behold= BHOELD
amazing= MAEGS
debating= DB-T/-G
there you are= THRUR
performing= P-FG
feats= FAETS
heroism= HOER/IFM
vision= VIGS
appalling= A/PAULG
remedied= R-MD/-D
underneath= NAO*ERT
it all= TA*UL
wow= WO*U
prosaic= PROE/SA*I/*IK
Szechuan= SEFP/WA*N
about you= BU
I made= IMD
toilet= TOILT
social= SOERBL
pictures= PIRS
think about it= TH*IBT
tiny= TOIN
isolate= SOELT
infection= KB-FX
because of me= BAUFM
you remember= URM
instead= STAED
self-pitying= SEF/POIGT
piece= PAOES
choose= KHAOUZ
exhausted= XAUFTD
powerless= POURLS
exhilarating= S*ILG
bruise= BRAOUZ
doorstep= DAOR/ST*EP
addict= DIKT
to happen= TO*P
pretend= PREN
self-destructive= SEF/DRUFKT
won’t= WO*ENT
ad= A*D
campaign= KPAIN
voice= VOIS

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Posted February 27, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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