April 20 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Black Panther

Black Panther Lupita Posterdiplomacy= DPLOEMZ
charlatan= SHARL/TAN or KHARL/TAN or KHARNLT or SHARNLT mercenary= MERS/NA*ER
Annapolis= A/NAP/L*IS
Afghanistan= AF/GAN/STA*N
Killmonger= KIL/MO*RNG
revolutions= R-FLGSZ
Bugatti= BAOU/GOT/YI
my name is= MAOINS
history= HIFT
shadows= SHAODZ
Wakanda= WA/KON/DA* or WA/KOND/A* or WA/KOND/DA*
Wakandans= WA/KON/DA*NS
technology= T-J
Jabari= JA/BA*R/YI or JA/BA*R/R*I or JA/BA*R/RI or JA/BA*R/RAO*E
T’Chaka= TA/KHA/KA*
Tim Hardaway= TIM/HARD/A/W*AE
in and out= NOUT
panther= PA*RNT
baba= BA/BA*
shaman= SHA/MA*N
Africa= FRIK
millions= M-LS
years ago= YAOERGS
antelope= ANT/LO*EP
ceremony= SMOEN
Zuri= S*UR/YI or S*UR/R*I or S*UR/RI or S*UR/RAO*E
victory= VOIRKT
schedule= SKELD
murder= MURD
murderer= MRUR
vibranium= VAOI/BAIN/Y*UM
tribes= TRAOIBS
instincts= KBINGTS
advanced= VANS/-D
chaos= KHAOS
yes= YE
Grace Jones= GRA*IS/JOENS
again= GEN
James= JAIMS
permission= PERMGS
let me see= LEMZ
glory= GLOIR
health= H*ELT
attack= TW-K
quarter= QAERT
he had= ED
how could= HOUKD
did you think= SDUNG
you were= URP
return= RURN
council= KOUNL
inform= N-F
tiny= TOIN
nation= NAIGS
confirmed= K-FRMD
terrorist= TRIFT
apprehended= PRAEND
fortified= FORT/FAO*ID
mountains= MOUNS
no need= NOFRN
I can= IK
when you see= WHUZ
engine= N-J
what happened= WHAPD
captain= KAPT
defense= D-FNS
position= POGS
positions= POGSZ
kidnapped= KIPD
as well= SW*EL
I wanted= IPTD
mission= MIGS
nothing= NOG
of this= -FTS
sister= ST-R
we are= WER
comfort= K-FRT
with us= WUS
province= PROFNS
general= JEN
to see= TOZ
developed= VELD
update= PAIT
more than= MORN
ceremonial= SMOENL
proud= PRO*UD
outfit= AOUT/FIT
king= KING
good morning= GORNG
beautiful= BAOUF
Bobo= BOE/BO*E
Ashanti= A/SHON/TAO*E or A/SHON/T*I
Ghana= GA/NA*
Benin= BA/NAO*EN
century= SEN
Fula= FAOU/LA*
British= BRIRB
items= AOITS
ancestors= AN/S*EFRTS
security= SKAOURT
body= BOED
doctor= DR-
medics= MEKDZ
I’m going= AOIMG
crime scene= KRAOEN
if you know= FAOUN
rich= RIFP
strength= STRENG
ritual= RIFPLT
combat= KBAT
warrior= WAR/YO*R
challenge= KHAL
is there= STHR-
royal= ROIL
thrown= THROEN
corset= KOR/S*ET
we have= WEF
watched= WAFPD
listened= L*ND
technological= TOJ
advertisements= TAOIMTS
tradition= TRA
father= FA*ER
we will= WAOEL
accept= SEP
begin= GIN
where is= WR-S
pour= POR
pours= PORS
claw= KLAU
claws= KLAUS
special= SPERB
boy= BOI
I am= IM
prince= PRINS
princess= PRIN/S*ES
honor= HON
yield= YAOELD
present= PRENT
to you= TOU
queen= QAOEN
forever= FOFR
refugee= REF/GAO*E
programs= PRAMS
trouble= TRUBL
popped= PO*PD
radar= RAIRD
misidentified= MIZ/AOIFD
American= MERN
South Korea= SO*UT/KRAE
almost= L-M
thirty= THIRT
trial= TRAOIL
ancestral= AN/STRA*L or AN/S*EFRLT
plane= PLAEN
I’m sorry= AOIMS
that is not= THAFNT
what I am= WHA*IM
protect= PROEKT
I want= IPT
struggle= STRUG
surround= SROUND
trust= TRUFT
heart= HART
breathe= BRAO*ET
he was= EFS
I can’t= YA
I can’t be= YAB
what would= WHALD
access= SKES
refuge= REF/FAO*UJ
countries= KUNTS
possesses= PESZ
stubborn= STBORN
what I wanted= WHAIPTD
is he= SE
we should= WERBD
auntie= AUNT/YI
Iraq= AOI/RA*K
conquers= KWORS
conquered= KWORD
herb= HERB
I don’t like this= YOBLGTS
I wouldn’t= YAO
defeat= DPAOET
silence= SLENS
pronouncements= PROUNS/-MTS
vegetarians= VEJ/TA*IRNS
outsider= OURDZ
fishermen= FIRB/*ER/M*EN
river= RIFR
border= BRORD
reunited= RAOE/AOUNTD
omit= OEMT
abandon= BAUN
what is= WHAS
no more= NOERM
with you= WU
monster= MOFRNT
mantle= MANLT
blanket= BLA*INGT
military= MILT
garden= GAERN
unit= AOUNT
election= LEX
monarch= MON/A*RK
transition= TRANGS
what about= WHAB
it is= T0S
will be= L-B
debt= DET
consider= K-R
army= AERM
towards= TAORDZ
enemy= NAOEM
kings= KINGS
power= POUR
powers= POURS
control= KROEL
what do you think= WHAOUNG
next= NEGT
resistance= RAOEFNS
detectors= SDERKTS
exactly= XL-KT
as you can see= SUKZ
clown= KLOUN
complete= KPLAOET
hatred= HAIT/TR*ED
agent= AGT
enemies= NAOEMS
cousin= KUFN
family= FAEM
fulfill= F-FL
exchange= XAING
believe= BLEF
science= SAOINZ
information= N-FGS
maybe= MAEB
ocean= OEGS
bondage= BOND/A*J
better than= BERN
you said= UDZ
California= KAL/KAL
Disneyland= DIZ/NAOE/LA*ND or DIZ/NI/LA*ND
center= STR-
outreach= TRAOEFP
magnetic= MAG/N*EKT
levitation= LEF/TA*IGS
efficient= FIRBT
obviously= OEFLS
transported= TR-PTD
palace= PAL/A*S
we need= WEFRN
what kind of= WHAOIFND
perfect= P-FRT
created= KRAOETD
something= S-G
mistakes= MAEKS
define= DPAOIN
decide= SDAOI
you get= UGT
Eric Stevens= ER/R*IK/STAOEFNS
reveal= RAEFL
identity= AOID
record= RORD
in your= NYOUR
justice= JUS
I don’t care= YOK
what do you want= WHAOUPT
comfortable= K-FRBL
billion= B-L
liberate= LIB/RA*IT
jury= JIR
judge= JUJ
executioner= SKAOUGS/N*ER
continent= KAUNT
reject= JEKT
request= KW-
afraid= FRAID
exercising= XERS/-G
within= W-N
I don’t need= YOFRN
should have= SHUF
office= OFS
this is= TH-S
ghost= GHOEFT
future= FAOURT
supposed= SPOEFD
I’m the= AOIMT
to go= TOG
immediately= MAOELD
nation= NAIGS
hours= HOURS
overthrow= AUFR/THROE
loyal= LOIL
thrown= THROEN
serve= SEFRB
unless= N-LS
first= FIRS
what has= WHABS
did you find= SDUFND
someday= SDAI
sunsets= SUN/S*ETS
welcome= WEM
lost= LO*S
everybody= EFRB
I should= IRBD
abandoned= BAUND
will be= L-B
ready= R-D
where was= WR-FS
go ahead= GHAED
oppressors= O/PRERSZ
oppress= O/PRES
strategy= STRAJ
anyone else= NINLS
children= KHIRN
empire= EM/PAO*IR
colonizers= KOL/NAO*IRSZ
what is= WHAS
spaceship= SPAIS/SH-P
social= SORBL
sovereign= SOFRN
in our= NOUR
examples= X-MS
illusions= IL/LAO*UGSZ
division= DWIGS
existence= XIFNS
separate= SPRAIT
crisis= KRAOIZ
bridges= BRIJS
barriers= BAR/Y*ERS
Ross= ROS
Okoye= O/KOE/YA*I or O/KOI/YA*I
SoundCloud= SOUND/KLO*UD
you’re welcome= YOURM
Americans= MERNS
canon= KAN/O*N
tool= TAOL
if you like= FUBLG
weapon= WEP
shepherds= SHERPDZ
textiles= TEX/TAO*ILS
golden= GOENLD
city= STI
marvel= MA*FRL
metal= MAELT
earth= *ERT
sew= SWE
piece= PAOES
thousands= THOUS
years= Y-RS
dealer= DLER
how much= HOUFP
spine= SPAOIN
give me= GIFM
stabilize= STAIBLZ
to us= TOUS
foreign= FOERN
intelligence= TEJS
operative= PRAIFT
duty= DAOUT
duties= DAOUTS
we can= WEK
of the= -FT
highest= HAOIFT
Bonnie and Clyde= BON/I/SKP-/KLAO*ID
routine= RAOUNT
today= TOD
you really= *URL
as much= S-FP
crazy= KRAEZ
uncle= UNG
identical= Y-L
possible= POB
grandfather= GRA*ER
too much= TAOFP
choice= KHOIS
truth= TRAO*UT
observe= OEB
radicalize= RAD/KA*LZ
incarcerated= KRAITD
support= SPOR
save= SAF
maintain= MAINT
little= LIL
colonizer= KOL/NAO*IRZ
pilot= PAOILT
former= FRORM
magic= MIJ
magically= MIJ/LI
heal= HAEL
return= RURN
from us= FRUS
you have= UF
opportunity= TAOUNT
proceed= PRAOED
ahead= HAED
besides= BESZ
brother= BROER
communication= KMUNGS
devices= DWAOISZ
audio= AOD
interface= SBR-/FAIS
sandals= SANLDZ
elders= ERLDZ
automated= AUT/MA*ITD
absorbent= SORBT
sneakers= SNAOERKS
never mind= NEFRMD
exhibit= XIB
helmet= HEL/M*ET
tempting= TEMGT
idea= Y-D
noticed= N-TS/-D
genius= GAOENZ or JAOENZ
invite= VAOIT
absorb= SORB
kinetic= K*INGT
energy= N-RJ
footage= FAOJ
ridiculous= KAOULS
disgrace= SDRAIS
likely= LAOIL
woman= WOM
complicated= KPLIKTD
thank you= THAUNG
highness= HAOINS
U.S.= UZ
government= GOFT
person= PERN
I don’t see= YOZ
entourage= AON/TORJ
mixtape= MIX/TA*IP
link= L*ING
with you= WU
thank you very much= THAUFP
diamonds= DAOIMDZ
fancy= FANS/YI
money= MUN
suitcase= SAOUT/KA*IS
I made= IMD
we just= WEJT
catch= KAFP
shortcut= SHORKT
what was= WHAFS
worry= WOIR
about it= B*T
primitive= PRIFMT
bullets= BULTS
penetrate= PRAINT
in the= N-T
forget= FERGT
did you get= SDUGT
mercy= MERS/YI
hello= HO*EL
questioning= KWEG
custody= KUD
English= GLIRB

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Posted April 20, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Movie", "Steno Fun

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