July 12 2018

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 16

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}out= O*UT
{Suffix}outs= O*UTS
{Suffix}over= O*EFR
{Suffix}pate= PA*IT
{Suffix}ped= P*ED
{Suffix}pet= P*ET
{Suffix}phobie= FOIB or FAOEB
{Suffix}plasty= PLAEFT or PLA*EFT

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July 10 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Luke Cage- Season 1, Episode 2

Luke Cage Season 1 Episode 2
Chauncey= KHAUNZ
Horton= HOR/TO*N
Benjamin= BEN/JA/M*IN
Franklin= FRA*ING/LIN
Donald= DONLD
Goines= GO*INS
Walter= WAURLT
Mosley= MOES/LI
George= JORJ
Pelecanos= PEL/KA/NO*ES
Richard= RIFPD
Chester= KHEFRT
Himes= HAO*IMS
Genghis= GANG/G*IS or GAIN/G*IS
Mariah= MA/RAOI/A*
Fox= FO*X
Kenyatta= KEN/YA/TA*
Victor= V*IRKT
ask you= SKU
across the= KRAOTS
building= BL-G
greatest= GRAEFT
heroes= HOERS
photos= FOETS
no matter= NORMT
invites= VAOITS
stomach= STUM
for it= F*RT
I didn’t say= YAOIS
without= WOUT
question= QE
criminals= KRINLS
dishes= DIRBS
neighborhood= NAEBD
little bit= BLIT
related= RAOELTD
aunt= AUNT
nephew= NEF/AO*U
cousins= KUFNS
grandma= GRAND/MA*
Mabel= MA*IBL
sideways= SDWAIS
Switzerland= SWITS/LA*ND
Chicago= KHI/KHI
where are you= WR*UR
Savannah= SA/VAN/NA*
Georgia= GA/GA
fluffy= FLUF/YI
pillowcase= PIL/O*E/KA*IS
thunderstorm= THURND/STO*RM
Harlem= HAR/L*EM
razor= RAERZ
clippers= KLIRPS
detail= SDAIL
luxury= LUX
afford= FAURD
precious= PRERBS
vacation= VAIGS
incredible= KBREBL
advantage= VANG
youngsters= YUNGTS
they’ll= TH*EL
if you ask= FUFK
professional= PROEFL
guns= G-NS
seconds= SEKDZ
not yet= NYET
broom= BRAOM
college= KLEJ
this time= TH-MT
Seagate= SAE/GA*IT
Puerto Rican= P-RN/P-RN
Chico= KHAO*E/KO*E
it is= T-S
towels= TOULS
fresh= FRERB
dirty= DOIRT
if you want= FUPT
at all= TA*UL
Jamaican= JA/JA/A*N
what’s your name= WHA*URN
Jesus= JAOEZ
loyal= LOIL
Henry= H*EN/RAO*E
Corleone= KOR/LAOE/O*EN
Shameek= SHA/MAO*EK
personally= PLERNL
knuckles= NUBLGS
entirely= SBAOIRL
to find= TOFND
parley= PAR/LA*E
I don’t think so= YONGS
convict= VIKT
husband= HUS
questions= QES
refrigerators= FRIRS
cardboard= KARD/BAO*RD
did you tell= SDULT
secrets= SKRETS
that I= THAI
playground= PLAIGD
legends= LEJDZ
to you= TOU
Wilfredo= WIL/FRAI/DO*E
non-violent= NAUN/V-LT
felony= FLOIN
Cheryl= KHERL
Barney= BARN/YI
Miller= M*IRL
deposit= DPOFT
donation= DMAIGS
orders= ORDZ
partners= PARNS
do you really= DO*URL
politics= PLIKS
water= WAURT
tonight= TONT
you said= UDZ
music= MAOUK
resolved= ROFLD
yourself= YOURZ
I couldn’t= YU
will find= L-FND
survival= SWAOIFL
half= HAF
million= M-L
I see= IZ
rook= RAOK
rookie= RAOK/YI
catfish= KAT/F*IRB
calories= KAL/RAO*ES
would have happened= WOUFPD
in my= NAOI
angel= A*ENLG
crackle= KRABLG
what happened= WHAPD
popped= P*OPD
years= Y-RS
pregnant= PREG
thirteen= THRAOEN
nightmare= NAOIT/MA*IR
single= SINL
when I got= WH*IGT
I could= IKD
anymore= NIM
innocent= N-NT
Shawshank= SHAU/DL-S/SHA*ING
guilty= GELT
balance= BAL
knuckleheads= KUBLG/H*EDZ
fugitive= FAOUJT
who I am= WHOIM
maybe= MAEB
who I could= WHOIKD
empty= EMY
or not= ORNT
smock= SMOK
were you= PRU
thinking= THIG
restroom= STRAOM
of course,= -FX
barber= BAERB
give me= GIFM
punch= PUFP
uptown= AUPT
worldwide= WORLD/WAO*ID
downtown= DWOUN
checkmate= KHEK/MA*IT
understood= NAOND
loud= L*OUD
detective= DEFKT
bathroom= BARM
and hide= SKPHAOID
respect= R-PT
authority= THORT
temple= TEFRPL
Raphael= RAF/Y*EL
Diaz= DAO*EZ
junkyard= J*UNG/YA*RD
at the= TE
edge= EJ
shootout= SHAOT/O*UT
bloodbath= BLAOD/DL-S/BA*T
Smith= SM*IT
homeboy= HOEM/BO*I
last time= LAFMT
audit= AUTD
interest= TR-
pertinent= PERNT
information= N-FGS
they really= TH*ERL
useful= AOUF
booth= BAO*T
return= RURN
if you see= FUZ
otherwise= OERZ
coffee= KO*EF
you have= UF
reason= R-N
do this= DO*TS
I have= IF
blue= BLU
Hawaiian= HA*IN
over the= O*EFRT
suspense= SWENS
different= DIFRN
arranged= ARNGD
mutual= MAOUFP
passage= PAFJ
Chinese= KHAOINZ
conversation= K-FRGS
is to= STO
history= HIFT
to remember= TORM
barbershop= BAERB/SHO*P
you understand= UNDZ
haircut= HAIRKT
by the way= BAE
we got= W*EGT
where he was= WREFS
it go= T-G
in the morning= NORNG
gangster= GANGT
ancestors= AN/S*EFRTS
self-determination= SEF/DERMGS
Boriqua= BOR/RAOE/KWA*
boulevard= BL-FD
martyrdom= MAR/TER/DO*M
at the= TE-
outlasts= TLA*SZ
someplace= SPLAIS
mesmerized= MEZ/RAO*IDZ
hypnotized= HIP/TAO*IDZ
I will= IL
miracle= MIRBLG
shooter= SHAORT
paramedics= PARMDZ
how long= HOUNG
canvas= KWAS
Escalade= ES/KA/LA*ID
donate= DMAIT
downstairs= DOUNTS
believe it or not= BLORNT
Trigger= TRIRG
forward= FAORD
always= AULS
Crispus= KRIS/P*US
Attucks= AT/T*UKS
Brits= BR*ITS

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July 10 2018

Oxford’s Word Of The Day: Chitin

Chitin is defined as follows: “A fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides, which is the major constituent in the exoskeleton of arthropods and the cell walls of fungi.”


OPTION #1: chitin= KAOINT
OPTION #2: chitin= KAOI/T*IN
OPTION #3: chitin= KAOIT/*IN
OPTION #4: chitin= KAOIT/T*IN

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