October 17 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 2, Episode 5

Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 5
stupid= STAOUPD
knuckle= NUBLG
as quick as= SQIKS
falcon= FAL/KO*N
mercy= MERZ
hesitation= HEGS
chaste= KHAIFT
deficiency= DPIRBZ
mastery= MAEFRT
immortal= KBO*RLT
can I find= KIFND
Ditmas= DIT/MA*S
seventeenth= SFAO*ENT
before the= B-FRT
Mary= MA*ER
like the= LAOIKT
whatever happened= WHAFRPD
phone number= FUB
choices= KHOISZ
are you sure= RUZ
nowhere else= NO*RLS
whatever this= WHAFRTS
at least= TLAOEFT
24 hours= 24OURS
sunshine= SUN/SHAO*IN
erase= AOE/RA*IS
payment= PAIMT
satisfied= SAEFD
what I asked= WHAIFKD
funny= FOIN
so much= SOFP
text= TEGT
you know= YAOUN
advice= VIS
partnership= POIP
effectively= FEFL
message= MEFJ
manners= MARNS
specs= SP*EKS
Maserati= MAZ/RAT/YI
alias= AILZ
media= DWRA
circus= S*IRKS
instincts= KBINGTS
arrogant= AORNGT
how much= HOUFP
who cares= WHOKS
as long as= SLONGS
audition= AU/D*IGS
impressed= KBREFD
triad= TRI/A*D
triads= TRI/A*DZ
criminals= KRINLS
I can tell= IKT
Greenpoint= GRAOEN/PO*INT
pier= PAO*ER
medicine= MED
betrayed= BRAE/-D
failure= FLUR
I were= IRP
disagrees= SGRAOES
birthright= B*IRT/RAO*IT
outsider= OURDZ
champion= KHAON
proud= PRO*UD
rich= RIFP
furniture= FURNT
cash= KARB
coffee= KO*EF
baristas= BA/RAOES/TA*S
redhead= RED/H*ED
adult= DULT
relationship= ROIP
I should= IRBD
I can’t= YA
murder= MURD
arrest= AR
quota= QAOT
kind of= KAOIF
circle= SL-
hump= HUFRP
pricey= PRAOIS/YI
multiple= MUPLT
fatalities= FAELTS
silver= SIFRL
restaurant= STRAUNT
what happens= WHAPS
roof= RAOF
I got= *IGT
you wanted= UPTD
to see= TOZ
Walker= WA*URK
video= VAO
expected= XEKTD
jaunt= JAUNT
as far as= SFARS
shouldn’t= SHAOUNT
Paris= PAR/*IS
with this= W-TS
begun= GUN
fairly= FAIRL
riddles= RILDZ
compartmentalize= KPARMT/AO*IZ
pretend= PREND
I’m the= AOIMT
sacred= SKRAID
duty= DAOUT
generations= JAIGSZ
through this= THRUTS
what you are= WHAUR
ill= *IL
consequences= QENSZ
do you understand= DOUND
and I’m going= SKPAOIMG
sacrificed= SFIFD
soil= SOIL
realized= RAELDZ
tagalong= TAG/LAO*NG
carotid= KROTD
trauma= TRAUM
shattered= SHAERTD
spine= SPAPIN
caved= KAFD
witnesses= W-NSZ
escorts= SKOERTS
they said= THEDZ
about the= B-T
replace= PLAEFR
you believe= UBL
hundred dollars= HUNDZ
bluffing= BLUFG
crossed= KROFD
go= G-
am I= MI
totally= TLOELT
of this= -FTS
ceremony= SMOEN
standby= STAND/D-LS/BI
stabilized= STAIBLDZ
infection= N-FX
fever= FAOEFR
complicated= KPLIKTD
fingerprints= F-PS
military= MILT
database= D-B
Bethany= B*ET/NAO*E
vacation= VAIGS
eliminate= LIM
anesthesiologist= STHAOELGT
Machiavelli= MAK/VEL/TI
Dracula= DRAK/LA*
what he wanted= WHAEPTD
it feels= T-FLS
to believe= TOBL
booze= BAOZ
think about it= TH*IBT
quiet= QAET
talk about= TAUB
doorman= DAORM
detective= DEFKT

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Posted October 17, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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