October 17 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 2, Episode 6

Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 6
lemons= LEM/O*NS
lemonade= LEM/NA*ID
worthless= WO*RLTS
chat= KHAT
mutual= MAOUFP
how far= HOUF
no idea= NY-D
according to= KWORGT
cocktail= KOK/TA*IL
carfentanil= KAR/FENT/N*IL
haloperidol= HAL/O*E/PER/DOL
inclinations= KBLINGSZ
inches= N-FPS
above the= BOFT
hip= HIP
serrated= SER/RA*ITD
Czech= K*EK
military= MILT
issue= IRB
idle= AO*ILD
Wisconsin= WIS/WIS
ancient= SHENT
tattooing= TAOUGT
yakuza= YA/KAOU/SA*
triangle= TRAOINL
slumber= SLUM/B*ER
calvaries= KAFL/RAO*ES
babysitter= BAERBT
animal= ANL
deranged= DRAENGD
liquid= KLID
investments= VEFMTS
equation= QAIGS
Henry= H*EN/RAO*E
mulberry= MUL/B*ER/YI
sustenance= SNUNS
success= S-K
truffle= TRUFL
glaze= GLAIZ
rollatini= ROL/TAO*EN/YI
vegetarian= VEJ/TA*IRN
conspiring= SKPAOIRG
meditate= MED/TA*IT
distance= SDANS
lunatic= LAOUN/T*IK
virtue= VIRT
terrific= TRIFK
half million dollars= HAFMDZ
league= LAOEG
dossier= DOS/Y*ER
confirm= KWIRM
deny= D-N
gym= JIM
clockwork= KLOK/WO*RK
email= AOEM
news= NUS
ouch= OUFP
desperate= DPRAT
desperation= DPRAIGS
Habanero= HA/BA/NAOER/O*E
teriyaki= TER/YA*EK
doughnuts= DOE/N*UTS
cookies= KAOK/YIS
chocolate= KHOKT
gum= GUM
sugar= SHURG
podcast= POD/KA*FT
banal= BAINL
picture= PIR
do you see= DOUZ
captain= KAPT
police= PLIS
character= KHARK
first time= FIRMT
this is it= TH*TS
enterprise= SBRAOIS
opioid= OEP/YO*ID
epidemic= EPD
rosé= ROE/SA*I
imposter= KBOFRT
exposed= SKPOEFD
hero= HOER
psychopath= SKO*EPT
twelve= TWEFL
protégé= PROET/JA*I
metaphorically= MET/FOR/KLI
so many times= SOMTS
complacent= KPLAIFNT
contingency= TIJZ
trigger= TRIRG
environmental= VAOIRNL
alter= ARLT
contrary= KRAIR
dissociative= SDOEFRBT
exposure= SKPAOUR
at that point= THOINT
Arizona= AZ/AZ
booming= BAOMG
boroughs= BROUGS
tattoo= TAOUT
ink= *ING
Tebori= TA/BOR/YI
warrant= WARNT
inked= *INGD
needles= NAOELDZ
syringe= SRING or SY-RNG
tactical= TAKT/KA*L
someday= SDAI
unbearable= UN/BAERBL
ashes= ARBS
in a= NA
goodbye= GAOIB
scarification= SKAR/FA*IGS
serpent= SER/O*ENT
rituals= RIFPLTS
reverse= RAOEFRS
alternative= NAEFT
specifics= SPEFKZ
precise= PRAOIF
after all= AFRL
plumbing= PLUMG
housekeeping= HOUS/KAO*EPG
youths= YO*UTS
bicycles= BAOIBLGS
vultures= VUL/TAO*URS
scavengers= SKAFRJS
Manhattan= MANT
bridge= BRIJ
cabin= KBIN
as long as= SLONGS
justice= JUS
burden= BURD
heritage= HERJ
culture= KLUR
validating= VAL/DA*IHT
resist= RAOEFT
single= SINL
faction= FA*X
opposition= PAOGS
overnight= AUFRNT
paragon= PAR/GO*N
ambulance= BLANS
Baxter= BAX/T*ER
petunia= PA/TAOUN/YA*
injured= J*URD
I didn’t mean to= YIMTD
what did you do= WAOU

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Posted October 17, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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