October 18 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 2, Episode 8

Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 8
ego= AOEG
overconfidence= AUFR/K-FNS
relentless= RAOE/LENLTS
Albert= AL/B*ERT
volunteers= VOES
viral= VAOIRL
sensei= SEN/SA*I
agility= A/G*ILT or A/J*ILT
amazing= MAEGS
compensate= KPEN
as good as= SGAODZ
technique= NAOEK
grandfather= GRA*ER
grandparents= GRARNTS
bushido= BAOU/SHAOE/DO*E
songbirds= SONG/B*IRDZ
serious= SAOERZ
frog= FRAUG
tanuki= TAN/KAO*E
Broadway= BROI
Clinton= KLINT/O*N
uptown= AUPT
dozens= DOSZ
embarrassment= KBRAMT
riches= RIFPS
if I can= FIK
jump= JUFRP
eye= AOI
faucet= FAUFT
mimic= MIM/*IK
which means= KH-MS
sergeant= SAERNGT
soldier= SOEL/J*ER
coordinates= KAORNTS
is that you= STHAU
simplistic= SIM/ST-K
program= PRAM
suicide= SWAOID
disaster= SDA*S
refrain= FRAIN
retaliate= TRAELT
as soon as= SNS
how many= HOUM
mistakes= MAEKS
more like= MORBLG
blueprints= BLUPTS
lobby= LOIB
average= AFRJ
square feet= SQAOET
glorified= GLOIFD
powder= PAURD
powder room= PAURMD
accept= SEP
methods= MEFS
component= KPOENT
purged= PURJD
apologize= JAOIZ
environment= VAOIRMT
captivity= KAP/T*IFT
redacted= RAOE/DAKTD
violence= V-LS
variables= VARBLS
integration= SBRAEGS
you should= URBD
wagon= WAG/O*N
recommend= REM
occupied= OUPD
I don’t have time= YOFMT
factory= FAOKT
Jersey= J*ERZ/YI
Sophia= SOE/FAOE/YA*
solid= SLOD
alarm= LARM
credenza= KRA/DEN/SA*
with the= W-T
emotional= MAOERBL
mutually= MAOUFPL
exclusive= XLAOUFS
no matter= NORMT
lesson= LEFN
necessary= NES
Rubicon= RAOUB/KO*N
access= SKES
database= D-B
teeth= TAO*T
who can= WHOK
punched= PUFPD
energy= N-RJ
solar= SOE/LA*R
cells= KRELS
alive= LOIF
breathing= BRAO*EGT
wrong side= WRONGDZ
stomach= STUM
I can’t go= YAG
detours= DAOE/TORS
money= MUN
go inside= G-DZ
that I ask= THAIFK
justice= JUS
corruption= KRUPGS
out of= OUF
all of this= AUFLTS
reject= JEKT
criminals= KRINLS
cancer= KAERN
anyone else= NINLS
buttons= BONS
match= MAFP
ribbon= RIB/O*N
emotions= MAOEGSZ
it has= T-BS
listen= L-N
application= PLIGS
careful= KAIF
as you think= SAOUNG
Chinatown= KHAOINT
chaos= KHAOS
parleys= PAR/LA*ES
balance= BAL
frustrated= FRUFTD
I remembered= IRMD
too fast= TAOFT
cycle= SAOIGLG
physically= F*IFL
power= POUR

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Posted October 18, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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