October 19 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 2, Episode 9

Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9
mugger= MUG/*ER
maintenance= MAINS
doorway= DAOR/WA*E
Broadway= BROI
hone= HOEN
it became= TBAIM
clarity= KLAIRT
release= RAOES
for the most part= F-RMT
activity= TIFT
scanner= SKARN
heart= HART
Eldridge= RLD/R*IJ
mythical= M*IT/KA*L
beast= BAOEFT
more than= MORN
consider= K-R
to go to= TOGTD
south= SOUT
murdering= MURGD
mulberry= MUL/B*ER/YI
up and down= PO*UN
sirens= SAOIRNS
federal= FRAL
law enforcement= LAUFMT
weight= WAET
volition= VOE/L*IGS
teenagers= TAIRJS
sycophants= SIK/FA*NTS
armor= AORM
serendipity= SERN/D*IPT
brutalized= BRAOULDZ
squalor= SQLOR
what time= WHAMT
downtown= DWOUN
first of all= FRAUL
deputy= DPAOUT
chief= KHAOEF
apparently= PAERNLT
pattern= PAERN
discriminatory= SKRIRMT
negligence= NEJS
request= Q-
fancy= FAENS
you said= UDZ
marshals= MARBLS
downstairs= DOUNTS
name of= NAIFM
inform= N-F
pipeline= PAOIP/LAO*IN
papers= PAIRPS
replacement= PLAEFRMT
I don’t ask= YOFK
recognize= REK
fortune= FORN
brush= BRURB
comb= KOEM
pirate= PAOIRT
bow= BOU
sprint= SPRINT
legendary= LERJD
bedtime= BED/TAO*IM
New York= NORK
I don’t think so= YONGS
I made= IMD
consumed= SKAOMD
transference= TR-FRNS
Tebori= TA/BOR/YI
tattoo= TAOUT
conduit= DWIT
positively= POFL
respond= SPON
should have= SHUF
you were= URP
why not= Y-NT
I don’t even= YOFN
healthy= HOILT
melodramatic= MEL/O*E/DRA*UMT
lousy= LAOUZ/YI
shoulders= SHOURLDZ
how about=HOUB
safari= SA/FAR/YI
patricide= PAT/SAO*ID
necrocide= NEK/SAO*ID
classic= KLAFK
what kind of= WHAOIFND
sunsets= SUN/S*ETS
think about= THIB
bundle= BUNLD
blond= BLOND
magic= MIJ
false= FAULS
prophet= PRO*FT
moral= MORL
upstairs= UPTS
committee= KMAOE
innocent= N-NT
baton= BA/TO*N
what you have= WHAUF
parley= PAR/LA*E
martyrs= MAR/T*ERS
leaders= LAOERDZ
speech= SPAOEFP
what I think= WHAING
maybe= MAEB
civilians= SIFNLS
sedative= SDAFT
evacuate= AOEFKT
confiscation= KAUN/FIFBGS
show me= SHOEM
beyond= YOND
resilience= RILS
dozen= DOZ
magnet= MANGT
cripple= KRIPL
hesitation= HEGS
retrieve= TRAOEF
abandoned= BAUND
freeze= FRAOEZ
blink= BL*ING
assist= SIS
ketamine= KET/MAO*EN
crime scene= KRAOEN
wreck= WREK
unicorn= AOUN/KO*RN
dice= DAOIS
we can= WEK
knight= NAO*IT
topside= TOPDZ
ambulance= BLANS
idiot= ID/YO*T
artery= AERT
misery= MIZ/RAO*E
how do you feel= HAOUFL

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Posted October 19, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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