October 27 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 3

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 3
stop it= STO*PT
lobby= LOIB
inbound= IN/BOUND
ambush= AM/B*URB
status= STAUS
surgery= SURG
Donovan= DON/VA*N
attorneys= TOERNS
locate= LOEKT
fugitive= FAOUFGT
make sure= MAIKZ
medic= MEKD
agents= AGTS
protocol= PROELT
confined= KWAOIND
quarters= QAERTS
monitored= MORNTD
contact= KAKT
24/7= 24OI7
sacrifice= SFIS
cameras= KMRAS
elbows= *EBLS
research= REFP
Mitchell= MIFPL
uncle= UNG
proxy= PROIX
magazine= MAG
expert= SPERT
menu= MAOUN
disgusting= SGUFGT
like this= LAOIKTS
vows= VOUS
planes= PLAENS
college= KLEJ
newspaper= NUP
editor= Y*IRT
I am sorry= AO*IMS
I’m sorry= AOIMS
Jason= JAIFN
will to= L-TD
English= GLIRB
curriculum= KLIM
journal JURNL
publication= PL-BGS
dessert= SDERT
inconsolable= IN/SKOEBL
angle= AENL
bias= BAOIZ
I can’t do= YAD
darling= DARLG
bear= BAER
guilty= GELT
medicine= MED
cabinet= KBINT
forgiveness= FRIFNS
bulletin= BUNLT
insane= SNAIN
Nadeem= NA/DAO*EM
vigil= VILG
authorized= THORDZ
penthouse= PENT/HO*US
filet= FA/LA*I
mignon= MIG/NO*N
sentence= SNENS
Jennings= JEN/-GS
Garcia= GARZ
Torres= TORZ
tickets= TIKTS
manipulate= MIP
whatever this= WHAFRTS
valuable= VABL
you ever= UFR
Andrews= AN/DRAO*US
Felix= FAOE/L*IX
bodyguard= BAURGD
Spain= SPAIN
Barcelona= BARS/LOE/NA*
Europe= AOURP
extradition= XRAGS
insistent= KBIFNT
homicide= HOM
burglars= BLARS
assault= SAULT
district attorney= DAO
is that good= STAGD
contribution= KR-BGS
caffeinated= KAFNTD or KAF/NA*ITD
charcoal= KARBLG
obscenely= OB/SAO*ENL
incarceration= KRAIGS
feasible= FAOEFBL
federal government= FRALG
battle= BALT
canceling= KAELG
tuna= TAOU/NA*
melts= MELTS
Mickey= MIK/YI
accomplice= KPLIS
routing= RAOUGT
pharmacy= FARMZ
knife= NAOIF
liver= LIFR
that’s good= THAEGD
what it= WHA*T
bon appetit= BON/AP/TAO*ET
Poindexter= POIN/DEX/T*ER
last night= LAFNT
fellow= FLEL
particularly= PLARL
condolences= KON/DL*ENSZ
administrative= MIF
psych= SAOIK
lethal= LAO*ELT
sniper= SNAOIRP
toll= TOL
pressure= PRERB
postal= POEFLT
support= SPOR
system= ST-M
bartender= BAERND
professional= PROEFL
listener= L-RN
Tuesday= TAOUS
pizza= PIZ
broccoli= BROK/LAO*E
sausage= SAUFJ
cheese= KHAOEZ
healthy= HOILT
duty= DAOUT
daily= DAIL
go see= GOZ or G-Z
why the= Y-T
territory= TERT
breathe= BRAO*ET
Feds= F*EDZ
Chinese= KHAOINZ
Albanian= AL/BAIN/YA*N
assailant= SAINLT
unidentified= UN/AOIFD
visual= VIRBL
garage= GRAJ
backup= BUP
too bad= TAOBD
explicitly= XPL*IFLT
I don’t care= YOK
presidential= P-LT
hotel= HOELT
tell me= TL-M
Caymans= KAI/MA*NS
Luxembourg= LUX/*EM/B*URG
United States= UNTS
law firm= LAUFRM
partners= PARNS
regrets= GRETS
announces= NAOUNSZ
coincidental= KWOINL
vetted= VETD
outstanding= OUS
biased= BAOIDZ
compromises= KPROMS
decades= DAEDZ
upright= AUP/RAOIT
do I even= DOIFN
do I even= DOUFN
do you believe= DOUBL
fundamental= FENL
mobster= MOB/ST*ER
coincidence= KWOINS
narcissistic= NARS/ST-K
according to= KWORGT
monster= MOFRNT
hallucinating= HAOULGT
selfish= SFIRB

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Posted October 27, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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