November 30 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 13

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 13 Part 2
Tammy= TAM/YI
federal agents= FRALGTS
more than= MORN
charming= KHARMG
nervous= NEFS
broken= BROENG
fortress= FOR/TR*ES
compelled= KPELD
officer= OIFR
about what time is= BHAOIMS
obligation= BLIGS
payroll= PAORL
into the= NAOT
beef= BAOEF
perimeter= PRIRMT
rookies= RAOK/YIS
retired= RIRD
supervisory= SPEFR
Hudson= HUD/SO*N
divers= DAOIFRS
sidearm= SARM
resist= RAOEFT
arrest= AR
instability= SNABLT
technically= TLEBLG
opposite= OPS
redemption= RAOE/DEFRPGS
Catholic= KLA*KT
this time= TH-MT
can I ask= KIFK
no need= NOFRN
fugitive= FAOUJT
in fact= N-FT
smile= SMAPIL
posted= POEFTD
useful= AOUF
violate= VAOILT
privilege= PRIF
husband= HUS
fooled= FAOLD
I have to= IFTD
life insurance policy= LURP
birdies= BIRD/YIS
replace= PLAEFR
declaration= DLAIRGS
coerced= KOERS/-D
Ramsey= RAMS/YI
O’Connor= O/KON/O*R
Johnson= JOFN
kitchen= KIFP
handgun= H-G
aided and abetted= AIBTD
aiding and abetting= AIBGT
guilty= GELT
video= VAO
attorneys= TOERNS
through this= THRUTS
of this= -FTS
hearsay= HAOERS
admissible= DMIFBL
silver= SIFRL
bullet BULT
incentive= SNEFNT
and you think= SKPUNG
testimony= T-M
sickness= SNES
invite= VAOIT
floor= FLAOR
staring= STAERG
ballroom= BL-RM
protocols= PROELTS
to us= TOUS
discredit= SKRED
circulate= SL-T
arriving= RAOIFG
elevators= L-FRTS
about you= BU
cell= KREL
do you think= DOUNG
he told= ELT
years ago= Y-RGS
when this= WH-TS
generous= JERNS
errors= RORS
nun= NUN
helping= HEPG
what I was= WHAIFS
Hell’s Kitchen= HELS/K*IFP
welcomed= WEMD
or not= ORNT
who were= WHORP
requirement= RAOIRMT
suggestion= SUGS
communion= KMAOUN/YO*N
individuals= VIDZ
fear= FAOER
legacy= LEGZ
Blake= BLAIK
on the other hand= OERND
have you= VU
talk about it= TA*UBT
malignant= MALGT
State of New York= STOERK
inspiration= SNIRGS
voting= VOEGT
stapled= STAIPLD
Christmas= KMAS
Tampa= TAM/PA*
grandkids= GRAND/K*IDZ
prosecute= PR-
what about= WHAB
medicinal= MA/DIS/NAL
corroborated= KROBD
bridge= BRIJ
how long= HOUNG
apartment= PARMT
healthier= HOIRLT
mooch= MAOFP
napkin= NAP/K*IN
Jessica= JEFK
Jones= JOENS
chickens= KHIK/*ENS
what do you think= WHAOUNG
paralyzed= PARLDZ
permanently= PLERM
cadaver= KAFRD
material= TAOERL
construction= KRUX
Cognium= KOG/NAOE/Y*UM
vertebrae= VERT/BRA*I
framework= FRAIM/WO*RK
reconstruction= RAOE/KRUX
accident= SD-

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November 29 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 12

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 12
haunted= HAUNTD
towels= TOULD
married= MAERD
curled= K*URLD
bathtub= BA*T/T*UB
represent= REP
spa= SPA
restaurants= STRAUNTS
champagne= SHAM/PA*IN
curate= KAOUR/RA*IT
collection= KLEX
display= DPLAI
throughout= THROUT
hotel= HOELT
suite= SWAO*ET
no need= NOFRN
same side= SAIMDZ
distant= SDANT
Behar= BA/HA*R
airports= AIRPTS
define= DPAOIN
window= WID
retirement= RIRMT
no, sir= NOS
ignore= GOR
viral= VAOIRL
campaign= KPAIN
refuse= R-FS
election= LEZ
book= BAOK
airport= AIRPT
Wilson= WIL/SO*N
Nelson= NEL/SO*N
leverage= LEFRJ
withdraw= WRAU
endorse= SBORS
extra= XRA
testifying= TEFG
sister-in-law= ST-RL
health insurance= HURNS
accessory= SKOIR
toys= TOIS
over the= O*EFRT
whistle= WH*IFLT
average= AFRJ
federal= FRAL
immunity= KBAOUNT
if I have= F*IF
amendment= AEMD
waive= WAIF
conflicts= KIKTS
agenda= JAEND
in this case= NIK
prosecution= PR-GS
what you know= WHAUN
anything else= NILGS
interfered= SB-FRD
convene= KWAO*EN
grand jury= GR-J
straightforward= STRAIFRD
homicides= HOMS
million= M-L
testimony= T-M
larceny= LARS
corruption= KRUPGS
law enforcement officer= LAUFRMT
last night= LAFNT
jail time= JAILT
governorship= GOFRP
and I need to= SKPIFRNTD
and I need= SKPIFRN
flights= FLAOITS
famished= FAM/*IRBD
bothering= BOERG
bodyguards= BOERGDZ
riverfront= RIFR/FRO*NT
lonely= LOENL
dramatically= DRAUMT/LI
problematic= BLEM/MA*KT
eliminated= L*IMD
ultimate= ULT
resignation= REFNGS
indicted= DAOITD
sauerkraut= SOUR/KRA*UT
habit= HABT
mustard= MUS/TA*RD
knish= KA/N*IRB
do you have= DOUF
impression= KBREGS
I don’t have to= YOFTD
exclusive= XLAOUFS
Ellison= EL/SO*N
silence= SLENS
pleasure= PLERB
did you find= SDUFND
last time= LAFMT
perhaps= PRAPS
arrange= ARNG
ma’am= MAM
courthouse= KHOUS
ask you= SKU
building= BL-G
absolutely= SLUL
condition= K-N
arraignment= AERNT
goodbye= GAOIB
affirm= AFRM
penalties= PENLTS
perjury= PEJ
convincing= KWINGS
behavior= BAIFR
Sara= SA/RA*
address= DRAES
jurors= JAORS
indict= DAOIT
leadership= LOIP
pursue= PRAOU
continue= T-N
readership= RAERD/SH*IP
persuaded= PRAED/-D
remain= RAIM
with her= WHER
admire= DMAOIR
inside= N-DZ
yes, ma’am= YEM

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November 28 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 11

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 11

rectory= REK/TO*ER
roof= RAOF
dispatch= DPAFP
emergency= M-J
casualty= KARBLT
casualties= KARBLTS
we are not= WERNT
fifteenth= FAO*ENT
precinct= PRAOENT
suspect= S-PT
suspects= S-PTS
accomplices= KPLISZ
blond= BLOND
Karen= KA*RN
baton= BA/TO*N
when you get= WHUGT
eternal= AOERNLT
holy= HOIL
embrace= KBRAIS
punish= P-RB
area= AER
mourning= MOURNG
aside= SOID
I guess= IGS
swear= SWAIR
provoke= PROEFK
outsmart= AOUT/SMART
bait= BAIT
what was= WHAFS
I told= ILT
Wesley= WES/LI
reckless= REBLGS
because of me= BAUFM
Vermont= V-T/V-T
I can’t let= YALT
conviction= VIX
racketeering= RAK/TAO*ERG
charges= KHARJS
maintained= MAINTD
circuit= SIRKT
court of appeals= KORMS
proof= PRAOF
Department of Justice= DOFJ
prevailed= PRAILD
system= ST-M
media= DWRA
allegations= AELGSZ
frame= FRAIM
killer= K*IRL
colors= KLORS
newspaper= NUP
churches= KHUFPS
sacred= SKRAID
believe me= BLEFM
enemy= NAOEM
Mahoney= MA/HOEN/YI
crime scene= KRAOEN
detective= DEFKT
if we need= FWEFRN or FWAOEFRN
forensics= FRENSZ
as far as= SFARS
identified= AOIFD
acquainted= QAIND
moral= MORL
it find= T-FND
food= FAOD
in the meantime= NAOEMT
donations= DMAIGSZ
poor= PAOR
fault= FAULT
this is not= TH-FNT
orphanage= OFRJ
she told= SHELT
ashamed= SHAEMD
second= SEKD
cliff= KLIF
duress= DURS
falsely= FLAULS
I can’t say= YAS
first place= FIRPS
fraud= FRAUD
suppliers= SPLAOIRS
what he says= WHAESZ
deputy= DPAOUT
incentives= SNEFNTS
under arrest= N-RS
writ= WRIT
custody= KUD
from us= FRUS
crystal= KRIFLT
who you are= WHOUR
shoes= SHAOUZ
beautiful= BAOUF
peaceful= PAEF
it would not= TWONT
providence= PROF/D*ENS
wolves= WOFLS
gestapo= GES/TA/PO*E
toddler= TOD/L*ER
Poland= POENLD
hungry= HOIRNG
wolf= WOFL
ability= ABLT
painting= PAINGT
psycho= SKOE
priest= PRAOEFT
video= VAO
profile= PROIL
crush= KRURB
brothers and sisters= BRO*FRS
what I have to= WHAIFTD

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November 27 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 10

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 10
Dominique= DOM/NAO*EK
professor= PROEFR
bromidic= BROE/M*IKD
thesis= THAOEZ
discount= SKOUNT
student= STAOUNT
attachment= TAFPLT
namaste= NA/MAS/TA*I
mid-terms= MID/T*ERMS
overslept= AUFR/SLEPT
pastries= PAIFT/TRAO*ES
bakery= BAIK/RAO*E
Alice= AL/*IS
prep= PREP
pop= PO*P
eggs= EGS
sausage= SAUFJ
grill= GRIL
skis= SKAOES
customers= KMERZ
fetch= FEFP
refill= RAOE/FIL
sugars= SHURGS
remind= RAOIMD
anything else= NILGS
new= NU
toots= TAOTS
coordination= KAORNGS
sober= SOERB
butter= BURT
junkie= JAOENG
heroin= HOIRN
intervention= SB-FNGS
traditional= TRAL
deferred= DEFRD
how could= HOUKD
college= KLEJ
lacrosse= LA/KRO*S
Buddha= BAOUD/A*
diesel= DAO*EFL
diner= DAOIRN
guilt= G-LT
Georgetown= JORJ/TO*UN
Todd= TO*D/TO*D
bankrupt= BRUP
ridiculous= KAOULS
lottery= LOT/RAO*E
scratch= SKRAFP
letter= LERT
omit= OEMT
arrangements= ARMTS
take care= TAERK
take care of it= TA*EFRKT
offend= OFND
Catholic= KLA*KT
transparent= TRANZ/PARNT
John= JO*N
Lennon= LEN/O*N
employee= PLOE
anticipated= PAETD
discredit= SKRED
just ask= JUFK
triple= TR*IPL
institutions= SNAOUGSZ
monsters= MOFRNTS
grateful= GRAEF
can you get= KUGT
I’m the= AOIMT
I can’t let= YALT

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November 20 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 9

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 9
grandpa= GRAND/PA*
did you know= SDUN
I couldn’t tell= YUT
collar= KLAR
guidance= GAOINS
tortured= TAOURTD
amends= AMDZ
idea= Y-D
obedience= BAOENS
poverty= POFRT
chastity= KHAS/TAO*E
between the= TWAOENT
backup= BUP
sec= SEK
pry= PRAOI
make sure= MAIKZ
interview= SBAOUF
in charge= NARJ
conspiracy= SPIRZ
engaged= GAEJD
manipulated= MIPD
accomplice= KPLIS
unwitting= UN/WIGT
yes, sir= YES
perpetrated= PERPTD
would you think= WOUNG
personally= PLERNL
administrative= MIF
effective= FEF
ambulance= BLANS
recording= RORGD
weapon= WEP
will you go= LUG
campaign= KPAIN
Marcus= MAR/K*US
I need to= IFRNTD
curve= KUFRB
eggs= EGS
issue= IRB
delicious= DLIRBS
peachy= PAOEFP/YI
I didn’t believe= YIBL
iPhone= AOI/FO*EN
totally= TLOELT
ego= AOEG
lifetime= LAOIFT
postpartum= POEFT/PART/*UM
unforgivable= UN/FRIFBL
I can’t really= YA*RL
shelter= SHERLT
announcement= NOUMT
movie= M*OEF
suppliers= SPLAOIRS
unreasonable= NR-NL
collateral= KLAERL
blue= BLU
officer= OIFR
hitch= HIFP
healthier= HOIRLT
afternoon= AFRN
English= GLIRB
accounting= K-GT
app= AP
application= PLIGS
carefully= KAIFL
I don’t believe it= YO*BLT
kingpin= KING/P*IN
gentlemen= JE
forward= FAORD
mics= MIKZ
that’s right= THAERT
sister-in-law= ST-RL
coverage= KOFRJ
league= LAOEG
homeland= HOEM/LA*ND
hit-and-run= H-RN
Shelby= SHEL/BAO*E
texting= TEGT/-G
restaurant= STRAUNT
corner= KRORN
Thai= TAO*I
with yourself= WURZ
boxer= BORX
perp= PERP
prosecutions= PR-GSZ
jury= JIR
stairwell= STAIRL

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November 14 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 8

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 8 Part 2
tidy= TAOID/YI
vocation= VOEX
pillars= PIL/A*RS
let me ask you this= SKLOUTS
hello= HO*EL
Karen= KA*RN
public= PUB
closer= KLOERS
suicide= SWAOID
hotline= HOT/LAO*IN
compassionate= KPARBT
I really= *IRL
anywhere= NIR
to be sure= TOBZ
federal agent= FRALGT
in the hospital= NOPT
incarceration= KRAIGS
intel= SBEL
testify= TEF
into this= NAOTS
evidence= AEFD
bulletin= BUNLT
circumvent= SIRK/V*ENT
Ben= B*EN
Poindexter= POIN/DEX/T*ER
decaf= DAOE/KA*F
insult= SNULT
stalking= STAUK/-G
narrow= NAIR
drowning= DROUNG
surface= SFAS
bottom= BOT
you need= UFRN
bureau= BRAOUR
scapegoat= SKAIPGT
therapist= THAERPT
regret= GRET
generally= JENL
bottle= BOLT
theory= THAOER
criminals= KRINLS
corruption= KRUPGS
sole= SOEL
government= GOFT
protection= PROEX
prepping= PREPG
conspiring= SKPAOIRG
predates= PRAOE/DA*ITS
statutes of limitations= STIMS
publicizing= PUBGZ
ignore= GOR
splash= SPLARB
journalist= JURNLT
unsubstantiated= UN/STAENTD
candidate= KAND
district attorney= DAO
forum= FOURM
debate= DB-T
endorsing= SBORGS
agenda= JAEND
provoke= POEFK
Ellison= EL/SO*N
what did you do= WAOU
identity= AOID
how fast= HOUFT
salmon= SAL/MO*N
landlord= L-LD
Andrea= AN/DRAOE/A*
Morales= MOR/RAL/*ES
follow me= FL-M
suspension= SWENGS
behalf= BAF
retainer= TRAERN
circumstantial= SIRBLG
solid= SLOD
decorated= DRAITD
latex= LAI/T*EX
crows= KROES
arbitration= AERBGS
folks= FOEKS
stretch= STREFP
video= VAO
kittens= KINTS
I liked= AOIBLGD
serious= SAOERZ
ricocheting= RIK/SHA*IG
bullets= BULTS
window= WID
how do you know= HAOUN
backup= BUP
suspects= S-PTS
violent= V-LT
Roger= ROJ
dispatch= DPAFP
police= PLIS
cannoli= KA/NOEL/YI
personnel= SNEL
entitled= SBAOILTD
violate= VAOILT
press= PRES
voluntarily= VOL
caseload= KAIS/LO*ED
dessert= SDERT
endorsement= SBORMT
jurisdiction= JURD
prosecute= PR-
24 hours= 24OURS
luxury= LUX
as long as= SLONGS
underworld= UND/WORLD
competition= KPEGS
fantasy= FANT/SAO*E
bribery= BROIB
pander= PARND
fancy= FAENS
jury= JIR
creative= KRAOEF
fiction= F*IX
prosecuting= PR-G
thirteen= THRAOEN
jaded= JAID/-D
too many= TAOM
tool= TAOL
distress= SDRES
intrusions= SBRAOUGSZ
welcome= WEM
privacy= PRAOIFZ
mentored= MERNTD
observations= OEBGSZ or OFRBGSZ
feeble= FAOEBL
she remembered= SHERMD
misfortune= SFORN
you asked= UFKD
law firm= LAUFRM
affairs= AIFRS
voicemail= VOIFM
wonder= WURND
duplicity= DPLIFT
if you were= FURP
poison= POIFN
within= W-N
I find= IFND
rage= RAIJ
satisfying= SAEFG
release= RAOES
exercise= XERS
psychopath= SKO*EPT
stubborn= STBORN
from us= FRUS

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November 13 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 7

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 7

critical= KRIBLG
critical condition= KR-N
life support= LORT
rabbit= RABT
snowstorm= SNOE/STO*RM
specially= SPLERBL
violation= VAOILGS
lobby= LOIB
painting= PAINGT
ownership= OIP
with this= W-TS
explodes= SPLOEDZ
nearby= NAOERB
brutal= BRAOUL
witnesses= W-NSZ
perpetrator= PRERPT
whereabouts= WR-BTS
sheep= SHAOEP
slaughter= SLAURT
could have been= KOFB
stitch= STIFP
and I find= SKPIFND
answers= AENSZ
so far= SOFR
can I ask= KIFK
Sears= SAO*ERS
how good= HOUGD
copy= KPAOE
anyone else= NINLS
at least= TLAOEFT
psycho= SKOE
Santa Claus= SAN/TA*/CLAUS
encounters= KBOURNTS
finger= FIRNG
zero= S*ER
random= RAOND
definitely= DAFL
did this= SD-TS
threatened= THRENTD
wasn’t= WAENT
Melvin= MEL/V*IN
cheese= KHAOEZ
pickles= PIBLGS
paroled= PROELD
workshop= WORK/SHO*P
molds= MOELDZ
Betsey= BETS/YI
asopao= AS/A/PAI/O*E
awake= WOIK
murder= MURD
convenience= VAOENS
granny= GRAN/YI
Sunday= SUND
Powerball= POUR/BA*UL
pencil= PEFNL
Jasper= JAS/P*ER
deputies= DPAOUTS
lawyered= LAURD
hearsay= HAOERS
manipulating= MIPG
pony= POEN/YI
courthouse= KHOUS
propose= PROEPS
from this= FR-TS
deposition= DEPGS
Amber= A*M/B*ER
surgical= SURL
residents= REFNTS
resident= REFNT
Percocet= PERK/S*ET
jello= JEL/O*E
machines= M-NS
water= WAURT
proprietary= PRAERT
he said= EDZ
breach= BRAEFP
asleep= SLAEP
custody= KUD
alter= ARLT
girlfriend= GOIF
irrelevant= IRT
stability= STABLT
demanded= DMAND
we need to= WEFRNTD
Hoffman= HOF/MA*N
sedan= SDAN
arrested= ARD
powder= PAURD
kind of= KAOIF
faith= FA*IT
all of this= AUFLTS
which I was= KHIFS
plain= PLAIN
relationship= ROIP
desperation= DPRAIGS
diminishes= DMIRBS
good night= GAOIT
simpleton= SIM/TO*N
Hell’s Kitchen= HELS/K*IFP
hesitate= HEZ
messenger= MEFRJ
Abraham= AIB/HA*M
disappointed= SDPOINTD
with your= WUR
proud= PRO*UD
violated= VAOILTD
parole= PROEL
loose= LAOS
when he went= WHEFRG
I told= ILT
advantage= VANG
trusting= TRUFGT
if you want= FUPT
prisoner= PRIRS
footage= FAOJ
shanked= SHA*INGD
as soon as= SNS
surprise= SPRAOIS
strive= STRIF
example= X-M
blankets= BLA*INGTS
soda= SAOD
fridge= FRIJ
what really= WHA*RL
I didn’t say= YAOIS
resurrected= RURKTD
description= SDRIPGS
and I think= SKPING
confront= K-FRNT
it up= TUP
I believe= AOIBL

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November 12 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 6

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 6
gun= G-N
Hudson= HUD/SO*N
did I ever tell= SDIFRT
patch= PAFP
sermon= SER/MO*N
casseroles= KAS/RO*ELS
talk about= TAUB
staged= STAIJD
solitary= SOL/TA*ER
publishes= PL-RBS
sourcing= SORGS
unverifiable= UN/VOIFBL
innuendo= NAOUND
health care= HAERK
coverage= KOFRJ
I can’t believe= YABL
article= ARL
chili= KHIL/LI
witness= W-NS
negotiate= GOERBT
surrender= SRERND
identity= AOID
bailed= BAILD
what you want= WHAUPT
argue= GAOU
it felt= T-FLT
where he= WRE
pretty= PRIT
couples= KUPLS
therapy= THAERP
structure= STRUR
physical= FIS
disciplined= SPLIND
animal= ANL
waitress= WAI/TR*ES
Quantico= QANT/KO*E or QAUNT/KO*E
skull= SKUL
hammer= HAERM
twelve= TWEFL
midnight= MAOID
subway= SBAI
that feeling= THAFLG
fictions= F*IXZ
tolerate= TLAIT
patriotic= PROIKT
sniper= SNAOIRP
companion= KPAN
understood= NAOND
society= SOET
punishes= P-RBS
under the= N-RT
isn’t right= SN-RT
Maggie= MAG/YI
optics= OP/T*IKS
assure= SHUR
immediate= MAOED
vacation= VAIGS
leaked= LAOEKD
paprika= PEP/RAOE/KA*
tomatoes= TOE/MAI/TO*ES
for me= F-RM
lucky= LUK/YI
coerced= KOERS/-D
editor= Y*IRT
ears= AOERS
at this= TI
sandwich= SDWIFP
attorney= TOERN
submit= SMIT
fantastic= FAN/TA*FKT
innocence= N-NS
socks= SOKS
how do you know= HAOUN
beatings= BAOEGTS
which I’m sure= KHAOIMZ
keeper= KAOERP
criticism= KRIFM
clarifying= KLOIFG
accused= KAOUFD
fugitive= FAOUJT
you mean= UM
trumped= TRUFRPD
promotion= PROEMGS
exonerate= XON
fault= FAULT
apology= GAOE
grateful= GRAEF
power= POUR
outage= OUJ

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November 1 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 5

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 5 Part 1

alpha= AFL
counterfeiting= KIFGT
facilitator= FAERLT or FARLT
technically= TLEBLG
audiobook= AOD/BAO*K
corpse= KORPS
remind= RAOIMD
tolerate= TLAIT
current= KURNT
thoroughly= THROL
associates= SOERBTS
medical= MEL
confirm= K-FRM
nevertheless= NEFRLS
great deal= GRAOEL
bribed= BRAOIBD
law enforcement= LAUFMT
perjured= P-JD
testimony= T-M
manufactured= M*FP
evidence= AEFD
approach= PROEFP
breach= BRAEFP
obligated= BLIGTD
laundered= LAURND/-D
freelancer= FRAOERNL
Paxton= PAX/TO*N
Penelope= PA/NEL/PAO*E
problems= BLEMS
disappear= SDPEAR
purse= PURS
last time= LAFMT
months= MOS
secretary= SEKT
manager= M-G
signature= SIGT
depositing= DPOFGT
retainer= RAIRNT
at the time= TET
accurate= KRAT
James= JAIMS
Wesley= WES/LI
theory= THAOER
proof= PRAOF
investigators= VERGTS
headmaster= HED/MA*FRT
paradise= PAR/DAO*IS
leather= L*ERT
steerhide= STAOER/HAO*ID
pocket= POKT
cowhide= KO*U/HAO*ID
pitcher= P*IFRP
gear= GAOER
showboat= SHOE/DL-S/BOET
kiddo= KID/O*E
gulps= GUL/*PS
pitch= PIFP
billion= B-L
popsicle= PO*P/S*IBLG
hasn’t= HAENT
like this= LAOIKTS
coach= KOEFP
Bradley= BRAD/LI
long time= LONGT
jerk= JERK
awesome= AUFFM
between us= TWUS
wasn’t= WAENT
am I= MI
emptiness= EMT/-NS
routines= RAOUNTS
empathy= EFRP/THAO*E
for example,= FOERX
upset= SPET
terrific= TRIFK
and me= SKP-M
bubbly= BUB/LI
Spanish= SPIRB
chiropractor= KHAOIRT
goodbyes= GAOIBS
longtime= LO*NGT
session= SEGS
prognosis= P-G
rigid= RIJD
meds= M*EDZ
cycle= SAOIBLG
inclined= KBLAOIND
last thing= LAFNG
colleague= KLAOEG
therapist= THAERPT
expertise= SPAOERZ
and be= SKP-B
misery= MIRZ
eventually= VAENL
naturally= NAERL
beautiful= BAOUF
violence= V-LS
decent= DAOENT
compass= KPAS
suicide= SWAOID
preventions= PREFNGSZ
Craig= KRA*IG
army= AERM
reliable= RAOIBL
through this= THRUTS
scapegoat= SKAIPGT
wilderness= WIRLD/-NS
villain= VINL
Brooklyn= BLIN
hotline= HOT/LAO*IN
first day= FIRD
what time= WHAMT
coppa= KOE/PA*
prosciutto= PROE/SHAOU/TO*E
soppressata= SOE/PRA/SOT/A*
mocetta= MOE/SET/A*
election= LEX
inducement= SBAOUFMT
cops= KOPS
borrow= BROE
blot= BLOT
absentee= ABT/YAE
explosive= KLOEFS
ingredient= GRENT
campaign= KPAIN
intimidate= SBIMT
criticism= KRIFM
affair= AIFR
ditched= DIFPD
am I correct= MIRK
dissolve= DOFL
partnership= POIP
single= SINL
allegedly= LAELGD
ethical= TH*EBLG
privilege= PRIF
ago= AG
hadn’t= H-NT
could find= KOFND
did he tell= SDELT
friendship= FROIP
why would= Y*LD
federal agents= FRALGTS
due respect= DAOURPT
uncomfortable= N-FRBL
accessory= SKOIR
aiding and abetting= AIBGT
route= RAOUT
workout= WORK/O*UT
habits= HABTS
work it= WO*RKT
pursue= PRAOU
dancer= DARNS
first place= FIRPS
backup= BUP
federal government= FRALG
killer= K*IRL
would believe= WO*BL
dog= DAUG
immunity= KBAOUNT
pedestals= PED/STA*LS
officially= FLIRBL
do you remember the= DOURMT
stupid= STAOUPD

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October 31 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 4

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 4

district attorney= DAO
defense attorney= D-RN
mandatory= MARND
ensure= KBAOUR
morning= MORNG
colder= KOERLD
ghosted= GHOEFTD
ghost= GHOEFT
bolt= BOELT
curtain= KUR/TA*N
relax= RAEK
coffee= KO*EF
I can’t find= YAFND
wallet= WLET
Nelson= N*EL/SO*N
Franklin= FRA*ING/LIN
eighteen= AEN
divine= DWAOIN
intervention= SB-FNGS
psychology= SKOLG
sixteen= STAOEN
that I was= THAIFS
mystery= STRAOE
what do you want= WHAOUPT
innocent= N-NT
Michael= MAOIBLG
misunderstanding= MUNGD
nurse= NURS
incident= DIN
liability= LAOIBLT
reasons= R-NS
mouthwash= MO*UT/WA*RB
chole= KHOEL/YI
aliens= AIL/Y*ENS
Sammy= SA*M/YI
all of this= AULFTS
spouses= SPOUSZ
against the= GENTS
gentlemen= JE
Friday= FRI
off the record= OFRTD
for the record= FRORD
asset= SAET
corporation= KORPGS
offshore= AUF/SHOR
national= NAL
bank= BA*ING
inches= N-FPS
busy= B-Z
distracted= SDRAKTD
midland= MID/LA*ND
circle= SL-
whopper= WHO*RP
I guess= IGS
dislocated= SDLOEKTD
almost= L-M
paperwork= PAIRK
somewhere= SWR-
pupils= PAOUPLS
concussed= KON/K*UFD
headaches= HAEKS
reflexes= R*EFXZ
do you remember= DOURM
last time= LAFMT
postage= POEFG
reunion= RAOE/AOUN
bygones= BI/GO*ENS
cannot= KWOT
attacked= TW-KD
betrays= BRAES
half= HAF
ratted= RATD
as much as= SFPS
and I’m= SKPAOIM
allegation= AELGS
Vic= V*IK
bribed= BRAOIBD
lifer= LAOIFR
stab= STAB
sliced= SLAOIFD
better than= BERN
solitary= SOL/TA*ER
motorcade= MOERT/KA*ID
cousin= KUFN
shanked= SHA*INGD
Jasper= JA*S/P*ER
Evans= EFNS
hurry= HUR
civilian= SIFNL
spork= SPORK
supervisory= SPREFR
inappropriate= NROEPT
internal= SBERNL
investigation= VEGS
discrepancy= SKREPZ
forensic= FRENS
analysis= NALS
detective= DEFKT
function= FUNGS
dynamic= DAO*ING
intruded= SBRAOUD/-D
shorthand= SHAND
cushy= K*URB/YI
express= XREF
solidarity= SLORD
handcuffs= H-FS
esteemed= ES/STAO*EMD
constables= KONS/TA*BLS
arson= ARNS
perp= PERP
technicality= TEBLGT
mitigating= MIGT/-G
circumstances= SIRKS
triumph= TRAOIM
campaign= KPAIN
oust= O*UFT
eighth= A*ET
amend= AMD
reminder= RAOIRMD
trouble= TRUBL
shooting= SHAOGT
trucker= TRURK
chemical= KHEM
nightmares= NAOIT/MA*IRS
diamond= DAOIMD
decal= DAOE/KAL
appointments= POIMTS
period= PERD
I go= IG
Ellison= EL/SO*N
squeezing= SQAOEGZ
Felix= FAOE/L*IX
relieved= REFLD
that’s good= THAEGD
yes, I did= YID
did you see= SDUZ
can you describe= KUDZ
weapon= WEP
self defense= SD-FNS
sympathy= STHI
protest= PREFT
mockery= MOK/RAO*E
humiliation= HULGS
dedicated= DAETD
federal agent= FRALGT
exceptionalism= XEPGS/A*L/IFM
courage= KURJ
ridiculed= KAOULD
dismissed= DMIFD

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