Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 11
rectory= REK/TO*ER
roof= RAOF
dispatch= DPAFP
emergency= M-J
casualty= KARBLT
casualties= KARBLTS
we are not= WERNT
fifteenth= FAO*ENT
precinct= PRAOENT
suspect= S-PT
suspects= S-PTS
accomplices= KPLISZ
blond= BLOND
Karen= KA*RN
baton= BA/TO*N
when you get= WHUGT
eternal= AOERNLT
holy= HOIL
embrace= KBRAIS
punish= P-RB
area= AER
mourning= MOURNG
aside= SOID
I guess= IGS
swear= SWAIR
provoke= PROEFK
outsmart= AOUT/SMART
bait= BAIT
what was= WHAFS
I told= ILT
Wesley= WES/LI
reckless= REBLGS
because of me= BAUFM
Vermont= V-T/V-T
I can’t let= YALT
conviction= VIX
racketeering= RAK/TAO*ERG
charges= KHARJS
maintained= MAINTD
circuit= SIRKT
court of appeals= KORMS
proof= PRAOF
Department of Justice= DOFJ
prevailed= PRAILD
system= ST-M
media= DWRA
allegations= AELGSZ
frame= FRAIM
killer= K*IRL
colors= KLORS
newspaper= NUP
churches= KHUFPS
sacred= SKRAID
believe me= BLEFM
enemy= NAOEM
Mahoney= MA/HOEN/YI
crime scene= KRAOEN
detective= DEFKT
if we need= FWEFRN or FWAOEFRN
forensics= FRENSZ
as far as= SFARS
identified= AOIFD
acquainted= QAIND
moral= MORL
it find= T-FND
food= FAOD
in the meantime= NAOEMT
donations= DMAIGSZ
poor= PAOR
fault= FAULT
this is not= TH-FNT
orphanage= OFRJ
she told= SHELT
ashamed= SHAEMD
second= SEKD
cliff= KLIF
duress= DURS
falsely= FLAULS
I can’t say= YAS
first place= FIRPS
fraud= FRAUD
suppliers= SPLAOIRS
what he says= WHAESZ
deputy= DPAOUT
incentives= SNEFNTS
under arrest= N-RS
writ= WRIT
custody= KUD
from us= FRUS
crystal= KRIFLT
who you are= WHOUR
shoes= SHAOUZ
beautiful= BAOUF
peaceful= PAEF
it would not= TWONT
providence= PROF/D*ENS
wolves= WOFLS
gestapo= GES/TA/PO*E
toddler= TOD/L*ER
Poland= POENLD
hungry= HOIRNG
wolf= WOFL
ability= ABLT
painting= PAINGT
psycho= SKOE
priest= PRAOEFT
video= VAO
profile= PROIL
crush= KRURB
brothers and sisters= BRO*FRS
what I have to= WHAIFTD