November 4 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: Rainn Wilson

Oprah Winfrey and Rainn Wilson
artfully= ART/FLI
pancake= PAN/KA*IK
thoughtfully= THOUFL
delight= DLAOIT
Chicago= KHI/KHI
high school= HAOL
actor= ARKT
temple= TEFRPL
Bahai= BA/HA/YI or BA/HAO*I
mystery= STRAOE
worship= WOFRP
Illinois= IL/IL
patrolling= TROELG
gawky= GAUK/YI
acne= AK/NAO*E
bespeckle= BAOE/SP*EBLG
unity= YAOUNT
religion= R-J
Zoroaster= SO*R/AS/T*ER
Abraham= AIB/HA*M
Buddha= BAOU/DA*
Jesus= JAOEZ
Muhammad= MAOU/HA/MA*D
divine= DWAOIN
geography= G-F
manifestation= MEFGS
miracle= MIRBLG
tenet= TEN/*ET
creed= KRAOED
background= BAUGD
infuses= NAOUFS
annoying= NOIG
geek= GAOEK
eccentric= AOE/STRIK
weirdos= WERD/O*ES
canvas= KWAS
church= KHUFP
tingle= TING/*L
creative= KRAOEF
creativity= KRAOEFT
mystical= MIFBLGT
emulating= EM/LA*IGT
ultimate= ULT
testament= TEFMT
quality= QALT
human beings= HAOUBS
airy= AIR/YI
fairy= FAIR/YI
celebrity= SBRIT
spiritual= SPIRL
charities= KHAIRTS
father= FA*ER
husband= HUS
when I= WHI
kind of= KAOIF
twenties= TWENTS
thirties= THIRTS
pregnant= PREG
crystals= KRIFLTS
aura= AUR/A*
cringe= KRING
crank= KRA*ING
nirvana= NIR/VA/NA*
organized= ORGD
hippie= HIP/YI
receptive= REFPT
greater= GRAERT
Devin= DEF/*IN
Joshua= JORB/WA*
we get= WEGT
recognizable= REK/-BL
gradual= GRAUL
social= SOERBL
networking= TWORK/-G
what happens= WHAPS
cynical= SIN/KA*L
sarcastic= SKAFKT or SARKT
mixture= MURX
online= AONL
community= KMAOUNT
Nepal= NAI/PA*L
South Africa= SO*UT/FRIK
Harry= HA*R/RAO*E
journey= JOIRN
Walker= WA*URK
holy= HOIL
Koran= KOR/RA*N
have you been= VUB
discourage= DURJ
disingenuous= DIZ/IN/JEN/Y*US
potential= POERB
economy= KME
Israel= IZ/RA*EL
Tina= TAOE/NA*
stilettos= STA/LET/O*ES
bagels= BAELGS
starvation= STAFRBGS
that’s right= THAERT
film= FIM
awake= WOIK
awaken= WOING
encounter= KBOURNT
irreverent= IR/R*EFNT
Williamson= WL-M/SO*N
actions= -XZ
beautiful= BAOUF
percentage= PERJ
profound= PROFND
Gene= GAO*EN
Siskel= SIS/K*EL
magazine= MAG
kiwi= KAOE/WAO*E
guitar= GA/TA*R
Radiohead= RAO/H*ED

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Posted November 4, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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