January 20 2019

Briefs And Phrases From Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: Jon Kabat-Zinn- Mindfulness 101

Oprah and Jon Kabat Zinn
New York City= NORKS
Haverford= HAFR/FO*RD
molecular= MOE/LEK/LA*R
biology= BAOILG
lecture= LURKT
zen= S*EN
Buddhism= BAOUD/IFM
meditations= MED/TA*IGSZ
mindfulness= MAOIND/-FL/-NS
University= AO*UFRT
Massachusetts= MAS/MAS
pioneer= PAOIRN
integrated= SBRAETD
Western= W*ERN
Eastern= AO*ERN
trailblazing= TRAIL/BLA*IGZ
chronic= KRO*NG
clinical= KLINL
reduction= RUX
clinics= KLINS
hospitals= HOPTS
scientist= SAOINT
author= THOR
beginners= GIRNS
fascinating= FAS/NA*IGT
totally= TLOELT
intention= SBENGS
entry= SBRI
powerful= POUF
affair= AIFR
imagination= MAJS
beauty= BOIT
beauties= BOITS
memory= MEM
awareness= WAIRNS
purpose= PURP
wonderful= WUF
think about= THIB
transforms= TR-FRMS
popular= POP
culture= KLUR
zombie= SO*M/BAO*E
narcissist= NARS/S*IFT
cadet= KA/D*ET
irony= OIRN
continually= TL-NL
24/7= 24OI7
gatherers= GRAERS
brilliant= BRIL
detracted= DRAKTD
index= SBEX
increasing= KBRAOEGS
acceleration= SLERGS
cliché= KLAOE/SHA*I
human beings= HAOUBS
element= L-MT
hunters= HURNTS
complex= KPLEX
yearning= YERNG
education= JAEGS
wisdom= WIZ
associated= SOERBTD
crazier= KRAERZ
busier= B-RZ
compounded= KPOND
I think so= INGS
shower= SHOUR
example= X-M
homework= HOERK
concept= SKEPT
practice= PRA
muscle= MUFL
creativity= KRAOEFT
natural= NARL
impulse= KBULS
connections= KEXZ
relationship= ROIP
revolutionary= R-FRLGS
yoga= YOEG
journeys= JOIRNS
heart disease= HARDZ
cancer= KAERN
addiction= DIX
empowers= KBOURS
complement= KPLEMT
welcome= WEM
pain and suffering= PAIFRG
accommodate= KOMT
relieve= REFL
insanity= SAENT
acceptance= SEPZ
resigned= ROIND
passive= PAFS
resignation= REFNGS
energy= N-RG
immunologist= KBAOUNLGT
prolific= PROE/L*IFK
painter= PAIRNT
sketches= SKEFPS
sketchbooks= SKEFP/BAO*KS
immunology= KBAOUNLG
science= SAOINZ
gateway= GAER/WA*E
dimensionality= DMENGS/A*LT
alive= LOIF
sooner or later= SAORNLT
ocean= OEGS
if you think= FUNG
befriend= BAOE/FREND
too much= TAOFP
atmospheric= SFAERK
mirror= MROR
tsunami= SAOU/NAM/YI
tumultuous= TUMT/Y*US or TAOUMT/Y*US
gentle= JENLT
undulation= UND/LA*IGS
anxiety= ANGT
compassion= KPAGS
capacity= KPAFT
radar= RAIRD
negative= NEF
all the time= A*UMT
rumination= RAOUM/NA*IGS
toxic= TOX
restraining order= STRO
liberate= LIRBT
autopilot= AOT/PAO*ILT
sentence= SNENS
species= SPAOES
planet= PLAENT

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Posted January 20, 2019 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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