July 27
Briefs And Phrases From Stranger Things- Season 2, Episode 7
I think this= AOINGTS
I didn’t know= YIN
and you are= SKPUR
poof= PAOF
picture= PIR
incredible= KBREBL
spiders= SPAO*IRDZ
magic= MIJ
lullaby= LUL/BAO*I
newest= NUFT
discarding= SDARGD
deserve it= D*EFRBT
contestants= KEFNTS
and a half= NAF
supermarket= SPR-RKT
same side= SAIMDZ
doctor’s office= DROFS
wallet= WLET
hesitation= HEGS
might find= MAOIFND
festering= FEFRGT
traveling= TRAFLG
chatterbox= KHAT/*ER/BO*X