Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 6
luster= LUFRT
social media= SDWRA
Panera= PA/NAOER/A*
Kennedy= KEN/DAO*E
Eastwood= AOEFT/WAO*D
kibbles= KIBLS
jumbo= JUM/BO*E
Drano= DRAIN/O*E
shortstop= SHORT/STO*P
tremendous= TRE
petite= PA/TAO*ET
Lazarus= LAZ/R*US
memoirs= MOIRMS
gratitude= GRAOUD
Noxzema= NOX/SAO*EM/A*
discretion= SDREGS
footprint= FAOPT
hybrid= HAOIBD
between you and me= TWAOUM
overdose= AURDZ
physical therapy= FAERP
torments= TORMTS
tattoo= TAOUT
divot= DIF/O*T
out of order= OUFRD
temperature= TEM
nitrogen= NAOIRNGT
I’m good= AOIMGD
mechanism= MEFM
self-respect= SFR-PT
Sandusky= SAN/DUFK/YI
sabbatical= SBABLGT
sincerely= SNAOERL
thinking of= THIFG
muscle= MUFL
Boston= BOFNT
terminated= TERMTD
birthday= BIRTD
bandages= BAEJS
invasive= KBAEFS
Teflon= TEFNL
soldier= SOERJ
extremist= STREFMT
indemnity= SBEMT
flatiron= FLAT/AO*IRN
good faith= GA*ET
and you should= SKPURBD
phoenix= FAOENGS
Australia= AUS/AUS
spineless= SPAOINLS