October 15 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 2, Episode 4

The Boys Season 2 Episode 4
debate= DB-T
Marriott= MAR/YO*T
Carnegie= KARN/GAO*E
assassins= SNINS
change the= KHAINGT
Orlando= ORNLD
tribute= TRIBT
concerts= SKERTS
music= MAOUK
Vegas= VA*EGS
spoon= SPAON
fingernails= FIRNLGS
happy= HAEP
patriotic= PROIKT
pointless= POINLTS
regular= REG
laptops= LAPTS
last night= LAFNT
warpath= WA*RPT
contradictory= KIRKT
marriage= MAERJ
rehabilitating= REBLGT

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September 20 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 8

The Boys Season 1 Episode 8 Part 2
hotbed= HOT/B*ED
shoplift= SHOPT
counterfeit= KIFT
tomahawk= TOM/HA*UK
Pulitzer= PUL/LITS/*ER
facilities= FAEFLTS
Montreal= MON/TRAO*EL
basketball= B-BL
alcoholism= KHOFM
howitzer= HOU/WITS/*ER
this time= TH-MT
about that= BHA
someone else= SWUNLS
useful= AOUF
awfulness= AUFNLS
and I figured= SKPIFGD
shotgun= SG-N
Belize= BAOELZ
right arm= RARM
just like= JUBLG
without me= WOUM
take care of= TAEFRK
sepsis= S*EPZ
trivia= TRIF/YA*
good thing= GAONG
never see= NEFRZ
day-to-day= DTD
futile= FAOULT
Poligrip= POL/YO/GR*IP or POIL/GR*IP
propofol= PROP/FO*L

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September 18 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 6

The Boys Season 1 Episode 6
luster= LUFRT
social media= SDWRA
Panera= PA/NAOER/A*
Kennedy= KEN/DAO*E
Eastwood= AOEFT/WAO*D
kibbles= KIBLS
jumbo= JUM/BO*E
Drano= DRAIN/O*E
shortstop= SHORT/STO*P
tremendous= TRE
petite= PA/TAO*ET
Lazarus= LAZ/R*US
memoirs= MOIRMS
gratitude= GRAOUD
Noxzema= NOX/SAO*EM/A*
discretion= SDREGS
footprint= FAOPT
hybrid= HAOIBD
between you and me= TWAOUM
overdose= AURDZ
physical therapy= FAERP
torments= TORMTS
tattoo= TAOUT
divot= DIF/O*T
out of order= OUFRD
temperature= TEM
nitrogen= NAOIRNGT
I’m good= AOIMGD
mechanism= MEFM
self-respect= SFR-PT
Sandusky= SAN/DUFK/YI
sabbatical= SBABLGT
sincerely= SNAOERL
thinking of= THIFG
muscle= MUFL
Boston= BOFNT
terminated= TERMTD
birthday= BIRTD
bandages= BAEJS
invasive= KBAEFS
Teflon= TEFNL
soldier= SOERJ
extremist= STREFMT
indemnity= SBEMT
flatiron= FLAT/AO*IRN
good faith= GA*ET
and you should= SKPURBD
phoenix= FAOENGS
Australia= AUS/AUS
spineless= SPAOINLS

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September 14 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 5

The Boys Season 1 Episode 5
where have you been= WR*UFB
I’m so sorry= AOIFMS
cheesecake= KHAOEFK
turkey= TURK/YI
Asian= AIGS
crunchy= KRUN/YI
Honda= HOND/A*
Xanax= SA*N/A*X
pinot grigio= PAOE/NO*E/GRAOEJ/YO*E
we believe= WEBL
headliners= HED/LAO*IRNS
what he said= WHAEDZ
preschool= PRAOL
neurosurgeon= NURN
Lopez= LOEPZ
physics= F*IFKS
Albany= AL/BA*EN
airplane= AIRP
pigtails= PIG/TA*ILS
soccer= SKER
Hindu= HIN/DAO*U
input= KBUT
accessory= SKOIR
sister-in-law= ST-RNL
tea= TAE
as you can see= SUKZ
aliases= AILSZ
Trevor= TREFR
there you go= THRUG
baptize= BAPZ
baptized= BAPDZ
Twitter= TW*IRT
online= AONL
across the= KRAOTS
platitudes= PLAT/TAO*UDZ
mastermind= MAFRMD
United States of America= UMS
noir= NOIR
all of them= A*UFMT
what’s wrong= WHAENG
eggs= EGS
pineapples= PAOIN/A*EPLS
harebrained= HA*ER/BRA*IND
to just= TOJT
expectancy= XEKZ

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September 11 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 4

The Boys Season 1 Episode 4
Rachel= RA*IFPL
welfare= WAEFL
laundry= LOIRND Syria= SIR/YA*
some kind of= SMAOIF
sesame= SES/MAO*E
noodles= NAOLDZ
talk to= TAUKTD
stifles= STAOIFLS
what are you doing= WHA*URGD
rescue= SKWU
dolphins= DOL/F*INS
diversity= DWERTS
she asked= SHEFKD
gory= GOIR
Atlantic= TLAK
pumpkin= PUFRP/K*IN
intercept= SBEFPT
prom= PRO*M
maverick= MAFRK
Ezekiel= AOE/SAO*EK/Y*EL
music= MAOUK
worship= WOFRP
vindictive= VIFKT
ego= AOEG
imagery= KBARJ
asked me= SK-MD
you like= UBLG
Bohemian= BOE/HAOEM/YA*N
Urkel= URK/*EL
sporty= SPOIRT
posh= PORB
anorexics= AN/REX/*IKS
ginger= GINRG
eyeballs= Y-BLS
lawsuits= LAUTS
presumed= PRAOUMD
solemn= SLEM

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September 10 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 3

The Boys Season 1 Episode 3
state of= STAIF
sweetheart= SWHART
nowhere= NO*R
effusive= A/FAOUFS
empowerment= KBOURMT
San Francisco= SAN/FRA*N
Kansas= KA*NS or KANS/KANS
milk= MIBLG
transforms= TR-FRMS
feminist= FEM/N*IFT
it tells= T-LTS
transformation= TR-FRMGS
partnership= POIP
for a while= FRAOIL
pediatrician= PAOED/TR*IGS
stop it= STO*PT
pizza= PIZ
duvet= DAOU/VA*I
this is not= TH-FNT
passible= PAFBL
keep it= KAO*EPT
so I can see= SOIKZ
Mallory= MAL/RAO*E
fireworks= FAO*IRKS
take care of= TAEFRK
conspicuous= SKPIRBS
French= FREFP
marinade= MAR/NA*ID
tilapia= TA/LAP/YA*
tenderloins= TERND/LO*INS
Monique= MOE/NAO*EK
Stephen= STEFN
last week= LAEFK
circuit= SIRKT
desktop= DEFK/TO*P
specialty= SPERBT
autograph= AOT/GRA*F
gynecologist= GAOINLGT
shooter= SHAORT
coroner= KROERN
insipid= KB-FPD
slippery= SLOIRP
eyebrows= YOUS
steroids= STERDZ
just be= JUFBT
shockwave= SHOK/WA*F
besmirch= BAOE/SM*IFRP
athletes= TLAOETS
excess= X*ES
Congress= KO*NG
you made= UMD
tawdry= TAUD/RAO*E
did I not= SDINT
nachos= NA/KHO*ES
Snickers= SN*IRKS
babysitting= BAEBGT
delinquents= DLINTS
Sherlock= SHER/LO*K
what you see= WHAUZ
porpoise= POR/PO*IS
worry about= WOIRB
zinc= SN*K
whoever it= WHO*FRT

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