Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 5
pierogies= PA/ROE/GAO*ES
and I also= SKPILS
technology= T-J
manufacturing= M-FG
cruller= KRUL/*ER
litigated= LIGD
outcome= OUK
affairs= AIFRS
maternity= MAERNT
crippled= KRIPLD
discovery= SKOIFR
reciprocal= RIFPL
gentrification= JENT/FA*IGS
demonstrable= DEM/STRA*BL
dismissal= DMIFL
deposition= DEPGS
mushroom= MURB/RAO*M
whistle-blowers= WH*IFLT/BLO*ERS
paralegal= PLAOEL
trust me= TRUFMT
playground= PLAIGD
warehouse= WROUS
contrarian= KRAIRN
wheelchair= WHAOERK
follow ups= FLUPS
zoo= SAO*
pandas= PAN/DA*S
Forbes= FORBS
Derrick= D*ERK
state your full name for the record= STUFRND
law school= LAOL
departure= DPAOUR
graduation= GRAUGS
motivation= MOEFGS
in the first place= FR-PLS
recover= ROFR
ambitious= BIRBS
sympathize= STHIZ
revenue= REFN
quid pro quo= KW-PK
meteoric= MAOERKT
and I’m sorry= SKPAOIMS
presentation= PRENGS