December 7
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 2, Episode 17
Sanborn= SAN/BO*RN
for the first time= F-FRT
grapevines= GRAIP/VAO*INS
Brunello= BRAOU/NEL/O*E
yogi= YOEG/YI
craniotomies= KRAIN/OT/MAO*ES
catastrophic= STROFK
fractures= FRAURS
newscast= NUFKT
Maryland= MAERLD
anxious= ANGS
Capetown= KAIP/TO*UN
Landover= LAND/O*EFR
jellyfish= JEL/YI/F*IRB
genome= GAOE/NO*EM
embryos= KBROES
butterfly= BURT/FLAO*I
catepillar= KAT/P*IRL
endocrinologist= SBOE/KRINLGT
rabies= RAIB/YIS
flu= FLU
Turritopsis= TUR/TOP/SIS
dohrnii= DORN/YI
transgenic= TRANZ/J*ENG
synapses= SA/NA*PSZ
car accident= KARX
tractor-trailer= T*T