December 8
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 2, Episode 18
Algiers= AL/JAO*ERS
Ponzi= PONZ/YI
foreclosure= FROERK
seasonal= S-NL
Beijing= BAI/J*ING
suitcase= SAOUKT
vanity= VANT
social security numbers= SBSZ
partial= PARB
partials= PARBS
New Jersey= NAOURJ
drink it= DR*INGT
insurance policy= SHURP
Minnetonka= MIN/TON/KA*
Minnesota= MIN/MIN
Owasso= O/WAS/O*E
hubris= HAOU/BR*IS
Rubicon= RAOUB/KO*N
better than this= BERNTS
mailing address= MRAES
sexual harassment= SWARMT
personified= PERN/FAO*ID
regulatory= RERGT
catfished= KAT/F*IRB/-D
and we will= SKPWEL
to tell you the truth= TLAO*UT
habitual= HABLT