March 23
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 5, Episode 6
epoch= EP/O*K
consortium= SKORMT
civil rights= SIFRLTS
salesman= SMAN
I can’t believe this= YABLTS
following me= FL-MG
drugs and alcohol= DROLS
morphine= MOFRN
fentanyl= FENT/N*IL
heroin= HOIRN
conceivable= SKAOEFBL
insurance companies= SURKS
Oldsmobile= OELDZ/MO*EBL
puzzle= P*ULZ
playground= PLAIGD
handgun= H-G
under arrest= UARZ
appendix= PAEX
electrolyte= TROE/LAO*IT
abnormalities= BORLTS
Birmingham= BIRMG/HA*M