April 23
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 6, Episode 3
prevail= PRAIL
bradykinesis= BRAID/YI/KA/NAO*EZ
charlatan= SHARNLT
textbook= TBAOK
federal government= FRALG
to your knowledge= T*URJ
anopheles= A/NOF/LAO*EZ
mosquito= MOEFKT
degenerative= DEFGT or D-FNGT
rheumatoid= RAOUM/TO*ID
arthritis= THRAOITS
academics= DWAKDZ
centrifuges= SENT/FAO*UJS
for the record= FRORD
move to strike= MOFTS
overruled= OEFRLD
thank you, your Honor= THAURN
nothing further= NOFRGT
weeks ago= WAOEGS
rule of law= RAUFL
abide= BOID
formulations= FLAIGSZ
as a matter of= SMAF
virologist= VIRLGT
prosecutorial= PR-RL
discretion= SKREFGS
diminished= DMIRBD
sabotage= SBAUJ
search and seizure= SEFPZ
probable cause= PROBZ
pretrial= PRAOIL