April 24
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 21
stationary= STAIRGS
disguise= SGAOIS
rifle= RAO*IFL
deranged= DRAENGD
photographer= FOEFR
Shaolin= SHAONL
temple= TEFRPL
frigid= FRIJD
Christmas= KMAS
solution= SLAOUGS
compromise= KPROM
conflict= KIKT
redacted= RAOE/DAKTD
voicemail= VOIFM
withdrawn= WRAUN
I don’t like= YOBLG
nutritious= NAOURBS
suggestive= SUFG
primate= PRAOIMT
malfeasance= MALFZ
crayons= KRAI/YO*NS
bloody= BLOID
murderer= MRURD
diapers= DAOIRPS