June 20
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 7, Episode 10
alias= AILZ
abducted= BAUKTD
foremost= FOERMT
FBI agent= TBIGT
like it-LAO*IKT
leverage= LEFRJ
identity= AOID
milk= M*IBLG
Hershey= HERS/YI
Nesquik= NES/KW*IK
brokers= BROERKS
why should I= Y*IRBD
I’m just= AOIJT
bumper= BRUFRP
reachable= RAOEFPBL
cortex= KORKTS
rhetorical= RA/TO*RBLG
Paris= PARZ
across the= KRAOTS
perimeter= PRIRMT
white male= WHAOIMT
white female= WHAOIFL
conspicuous= SKPIRBS