September 10 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 1, Episode 3

Iron Fist Season 1 Episode 3
I don’t Like it= YO*IBLGT
tenet= TEN/*ET
bushido= BAOU/SHAOE/DO*E
mercy= MERZ
peaceful= PAEF
within the= W-NT
restraining order= STRO
Sophisticated= SFIFKTD
repair= R-P
at the= TE
what about the= WHABT
pier= PAO*ER
Patel= PA/T*EL
budge= BUJ
appraised= PRAEFD
that I want= THAIPT
handle= HANL
That I= THAI
day and night= DANT
that I can= THAIK
successful= SK-FL
succeed= S-KD
I guess= IGS
you guess- UGS
I believe= AOIBL
because it= BA*UTS
when you= WHU
disobey= SDBOEB
I asked= IFKD
to have= TOF
nowhere else= NO*RLS
to go= TOG
to us= TOUS
when he= WHE
do I need to= DOIFRNTD
any further= NIFR
I got= *IGT
take care= TAERK
and I’m going= SKPAOIMG
cooperate= KAOPT
so much= SOFP
are you sure= RUZ
fungus= FUN/G*US
blow= BLO
should have= SHUF
like this= LAOIKTS
tiger= TAOI/G*ER
internal= SBERNL
external= XERNL
momentum= MAO*UMT
too much= TAOFP
you have to= UFTD
master= MAFRT
and you should= SKPURBD
silence= SLENS
leopard= LEP/A*RD
punch= PUFP
all this= AULTS
derives= DRAOIFS
harnessing= HARNGS
chi= KHAOE
can be= K-B
obstacle= STABLG
amazing= MAEGS
we were= WERP
if I= FI
afford= FAURD
haircut= HAIRKT
building= BL-G
solved= SOFLD
Friday= FRI
Included= KLUD
I can= IK
bathroom= BARM
Starbucks= STAR/B*UKS
shower= SHOUR
united= AOUNTD
generous= JERNS
efficient= FIRBT
benefit= BEF
paperwork= PAIRK
talk about it= TA*UBT
something else= S-LGS
that needs= THAFRNS
attention= TAENGS
crappy= KRAP/YI
calculus= KAL/KL*US
I don’t see= YOZ
would have been= WOFB
romantic= ROEMT
oranges= ORNGS
flowers= FLOURS
Buddhist= BAOUD/IFT
tradition= TRA
kind of like the= KAOIFBLGT
what happened= WHAPD
to you= TOU
complicated= KPLIKTD
and every= SKPEFR
ridiculous= KAOULS
thirteen= THRAOEN
I didn’t care= YIK
vision= VIGS
at the end of the day= TEFNDT
by the= B*IT
must have had= MUFD
hundred= HUN
hungry= HOIRNG
neglected= NEGD
Calvin= KAL/V*IN
Klein= KLAO*IN
Jacobs= JAI/KO*BS
healthy= HOILT
vital= VAO*ILT
million dollars= M-LDZ
forty= FOURT
my name= MAO*IN
generosity= JEN/RO*FT
of this= -FTS
Darryl= DA*RL
how many times= HOUMTS
sensei= SEN/SA*I
pushing= PURBG
broom= BRAOM
scholarship= SKLARP
when the= WH-T
committee= KMAOE
future= FAOURT
dishonor= SHON
grass= GRAS
intern= SBERN
secretary= SEKT
hatchet= HAFPT
quiet= QAET
folding= FOELGD
estate= STAET
I’m guessing= AOIMGS
Meachums= MAOE/KH*UMS
relationship= ROIP
unanimously= NANL
physical evidence= FAEFD
identity= AOID
billions= B-LS
millions= M-LS
language= LANG
that you= THAU
to understand= TONDZ
if you want= FUPT
retainer= TRAERN
suite= SWAO*ET
Brooklyn= BLIN
dojo= DOE/JO*E
plastic= PLAFK
do you have= DOUF
hipster= HIP/ST*ER
New York City= KORKS
confidence= K-FNS
figured= FIG
agenda= JAEND
I like the= IBLGT
that good= THAGD
weapons= WEPS
disappointed= SPOINTD
loyalty= LOILT
you ask= UFK
emergency= M-J
imposter= KBOFRT
infiltrate= KB-FLT
consequences= KWENSZ
scissor= SIFR
shuffle= SHUFL
respect= R-PT
and who the= SKPWHOT
are you= RU
curtains= KUR/TA*NS
kindergarten= KIND/GA*RNT
first things= FIRGS
life support= LORT
auto accident= AOTD
weighed= WAED
negative= NEG
priest= PRAOEFT
rites= RAO*ITS
awesome= AUFM
donate= DMAIT
organs= GORNZ
Terrence= TER/R*ENS
nephew= NEF/AO*U
manage= MANG
last night= LAFNT
acquisition= KWIGS
strategic= STRAOEJ
do you ever think= DOUFR
library= LAOIB
definitive= DPIFNT
X-ray= XRAI
skateboarding= SKAIT/BAO*RGD
period= PERD
terrible= TERBL
obvious= OEFS
Hogarth= HOE/GA*RT
do you feel= DOUFL
what you said= WHAUDZ
and I really= SKP*IRL
Leon= LAOE/O*N
daughter= DAUR
dragon= DRAG/O*N
ambulance= BLANS
knockout= NOK/O*UT
otherwise= OERZ
Floyd= FLO*ID
Mayweather= MA*I/WHR*
offer= OFR
heir= A*IR
compensation= KPENGS
housing= HOUGS
allowance= LOUNS
amount= AMT
attribute= TROIBT
proof= PRAOF
fingerprint= F-P
assure= SHUR
depose= DPOES
establish= BLIRB
providence= PROF/DE*NS
they get= THEGT
delays= DLAIS
discoveries= SKOIFRS
depositions= DEPGSZ
fifty= FAEFT
yes, sir= YES
represented= REPD
legitimacy= JIZ
coffee= KO*EF
movies= MO*EFS
who he says= WHOESZ
at best= TBEFT
take the= TAIKT
and be= SKP-B
thankful= THAFL
did you go see= SDUGZ

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September 8 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 1, Episode 2

Iron Fist Season 1 Episode 2
there you are= THUR
am I= MI
birch= BIFRP
psychiatric= SKAOERKT
this is the= TH-TS
could have had= KOFD
what’s your name= WHA*URN
what kind of= WHAOIFND
hospital= HOPT
I shouldn’t= Y-FNT
first thing= FIRG
can you= KU
loosen= LAOFN
I can’t do= YAD
fellow= FLEL
down the= DO*UNT
disorienting= DIZ/OERNGT
must be= MUB
give me the= GIFMT
go ahead= GHAED
Simon= SAOI/MO*N
I need= IFRN
swallow= SWLOE
Brooklyn= BLIN
warehouses= WROUSZ
real estate= RAE
domain= DMAIN
headache= HAEK
headaches= HAEKS
I can’t get= YAGT
over this= O*EFRTS
torturing= TAOURGT
might be= MAOIB
that would= THALD
somehow= SHOU
miraculously= MIRBLG/LUS/LI
survived= SWAOIFD
plane= PLAEN
Himalayas= HIM/LAI/YA*S
violence= V-LS
I know= AOIN
bottom= BOT
of this= -FTS
to do= TAOD
whoever= WHOFR
arrested= ARD
saints= SAINTS
what you think= WHAUNG
did I= SDI
meditating= MED/TA*IGT
focus= FOEKS
chi= KHAOE
so I could= SOIKD
at least= TLAOEFT
rich= RIFP
obviously= OEFLS
tell me= TL-M
and then= SKPHEN
snow= SNOE
drift= DRIFT
scattered= SKARTD
over the= O*EFRT
mountain= MOUN
I had= ID
to go= TOG
cockpit= KOK/P*IT
pilots= PAOILTS
fuselage= FAOUS/LO*J
inside= N-DZ
Wendell= WEN/D*EL
and he was= SKPEFS
what about= WHAB
where was= WR-FS
we got= W*EGT
I don’t know= YON
did you do= SDUD
I didn’t want= YIPT
thirsty= THIRS/TAO*E
hungry= HOIRNG
suddenly= SULD
standing= STANG
and who were= SKPWHORP
Monks= MO*NGZ
switch= SWIFP
John= JO*N
Anderson= AN/DER/SO*N
passport= PAFRPT
picture= PIR
Toronto= TRON/TO*E
Canada= KAN/DA*
honest= HONS
talk about this= TAUBTS
some more= SMOR
sidewalk= SWAUK
and I could= SKPIKD
garlic= GAR/L*IK
yoga= YOEG
as fast as= SFAFTS
gravy= GRAIF/YI
Darryl= DA*RL
if I say= FI*S
perform= P-F
sorry= SOR
hammer= HAERM
insanity= SNAENT
methamphetamines= MAEFMS
idiot= ID/YO*T
incident= DIN
pharmacy= FARMZ
bipolar= B*I/PLAR
affective= FAEFKT
episodes= SPOEDZ
substance abuse= SBAO*US
disorder= DORD
years ago= YAOERGS
Billy= BIL/YO
bridge= BRIJ
paranoid= POID
personality= PERNLT
year ago= YAOERG
Times Square= TAOIMS/SQA*IR
schizoaffective= SKEUTS/O*E/TPA*EFBGT
almost= L-M
donkey= DON/KAO*E
apologize= JAOIZ
stupid= STAOUPD
out of this= OUFTS
do you have= DOUF
nuthouse= NUT/HO*US
dojo= DOE/JO*E
New York= NORK
mental= MENL
Colleen= KO*L/LAO*EN you’re
cameras= KMRAS
century= SEN
crane= KRAIN
rescued= SKWUD
monasteries= MON/STA*ERS
Kyle= KAO*IL
research= REFP
no, sir= NOS
unfortunately= UFRNLT
lobotomies= LA/BOT/MAO*ES
heavy= HEF
doses= DOESZ
Thorazine= THOR/SAO*EN
proceed= PRAOED
pretty= PRIT
cooperative= KAOFPT
Morocco= MA/ROK/KO*E
stolen= STOENL
federal= FRAL
session= SEGS
practicing= PRAG
kata= KA/TA*
intrude= SBRAOUD
my name is= MAOINS
awkward= AURKD
mistake= MAEK
attest= TAEFT
token= TOENG
improvement= KBROFMT
donation= DMAIGS
uncomfortable= N-FRBL
that you felt= THAUFLT
some time= STAO*IM
little bit= BLIT
money= MUN
notch= NOFP
commercial= KMERBL
struggle= STRUG
imagine= MAJ
some other= SMOER
circus= S*IRKS
acrobats= AK/BA*TS
other side= OERDZ
popcorn= PO(P/KO*RN
I don’t care= YOK
Jesus= JAOEZ
shrink= SR*ING
rabbit= RABT
apologizing= JAOIGZ
betterment= BERT/-MT
thank you, sir= THAUNGS
according= KWORG
across= KRAOTS
inch= N-FP
exert= XERT
undercover= NOEFR
penthouse= PENT/HO*US
ask you= SKU
afterwards= AFRDZ
idea= Y-D he
confidentiality= K-FLT
curious= KAOURBS
Harold= HA*RLD
do you remember= DOURM
so I guess= SOIGS
monastery= MON/STA*ER
capital= KPAL
alive= LOIF
immortal= KBAORLT
duty= DAOUT
yes, sir= YES
I couldn’t really say= Y*URLS
rattled= RALTD
messengered= MEFRJD
somewhere= SWR-
delivery= DLOIFR
visitor= VIFRT
memory= MEM
enterprises= SBRAOISZ
bribe= BRAOIB
bunch= BUFP
insist= KBIFT
Mrs.= MR-S
Valdez= VAL/D*EZ
dimension= DMENGS
earthly= *ERLT
celestial= SA/LES/YA*L
summon= SMON
can I go= KIG
trauma= TRAUM
I believe= AOIBL
circumstances= SIRKS
overwhelming= WHOEMG
reality= RAELT
superpowers= SPR-/POURS
identities= AOIDZ
medical= MEL
anxiety= ANGT
psychotic= SKOKT
features= FAOEFPS
predictions= PRIXZ
energy= N-RJ
powerful= POUF
weapon= WEP
convince= KWINS
tragedy= TRAOEJ
mystery- STRAOE
prospectus= PR-PT/*US
testy= TEFT/YI
Long Island= LAOINLD
where am I= WR*IM
regards= RARS

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September 7 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 1, Episode 1

Iron Fist Season 1 Episode 1

you should= URBD
hi= HI
anymore= NIM
to see= TOZ
Harold= HA*RLD
Meachum= MAOE/KH*UM
I’m sorry= AOIMS
Danny= DAN/YI
kind of been= KAOIFB
for a long time= FLONGT
minute= MIN
skateboard= SKAIT/BAO*RD
will be= L-B
thank you= THAUNG
interactive= SBRAFKT
out of= OUF
whoa= WHAO
I just= IJT
excuse me= SKAOUFM
are you= RU
did you get= SDUGT
elevator= L-FRT
definitely= DAFL
they can= THEK
crazy= KRAEZ
let me= LEM
examine= X-
afraid= FRAID
I didn’t know= YIN
can you get= KUGT
security= SKAOURT
cancer= KAERN
twelve= TWEFL
years ago= YAOERGS
sorry= SOR
all of= A*UFL
parents= PARNTS
show you= SHOEU
I guess= IGS
I need= IFRN
what you need= WHAUFRN
is to get= STOGT
office= OFS
seriously= SAOERLZ
to the= TOT
stage= STAIJ
deli= DEL/YI
have a= VA
cup= K*UP
we can= WEK
talk about this= TAUBTS
insane= SNAIN
if you think= FUNG
and have= SKP-F
tea= TAE
with you= WU
you need= UFRN
calm= KAUM
to do= TAOD
whoever= WHOFR
it is= T-S
that you= THAU
I don’t want to= YOPTD
I didn’t mean= YIM
piece= PAOES
attacked= TW-KD
lobby= LOIB
in this= NIS
personal= PERNL threat
and will= SKPL-
respond= SPON
whatever= WHAFR
necessary= NES
I think= AOING
that means= THAMS
do this= DO*TS
all this= AULTS
fifteen= FAOEN
years= Y-RS
and his= SKPHIS
and this= SKP-TS
nowhere= NO*R
what you know= WHAUN
little= LIL
weird= WERD
in your= NYOUR
what you are= WHA*UR
had you= HU
remind= RAOIMD
Billy= BIL/YI
he was= EFS
when I= WHI
retired= RIRD
Kentucky= KEN/KEN
Avenue= A*EF
fifty= FAEFT
I don’t think so= YONGS
what do you mean= WHAOUM
disgusting= SGUFGT
what’s= WHAES
kind of= KAOIF
problem= BLEM
spook= SPAOK
all right= L-RT
I do not recall= YO*RL
before= B-F
traveler= TRAFRL
iPod= AOI/PO*D
iPhone= AOI/FO*EN
you can= UK
anything= NIG
you want= UPT
on the= ONT
internet= SBET
in my= NAOI
center= STR-
Florida= FLA* FLA/FLA
anybody= NIB
cancels= KAELS
service= SEFS
I remember this= IRMTS
plane= PLAEN
crash= KRARB
is that the= STHAT
anybody else= NIBLS
wow= WO*U
funeral= FAOURNL
mayor= MAIR
everything= EFRG
do you know= DAOUN
shoes= SHAOUZ
at the= TE
shelter= SHERLT
previous= PRAOEFS
other than the= OERNT
to get= TO*GT
blood= BLAOD
to find= TOFND
pretty= PRIT
alike= LOIK
special= SPERB
creatures= KRAOEFPTS
exactly= XL-KT
to you= TOU
it really= T*RL
promise= PROM
which means= KH-MS
second= SEKD
when he= WHE
ask him= SKHIM
detain= DAIN
arrested= ARD
and I will see= SKPILZ
trial= TRAOIL
and you are= SKPUR
convicted= VIKTD
malicious= LIRBS
harassment= HARMT
for the= F-RT
maximum= MAX
used= AOUFD
to be= TOB
Daniel= DANL
tomorrow= TOM
Manhattan= MANT
on the= ONT
soccer= SKER
goalie= GOEL/YI
online= AONL
in my= NAOI
this is= TH-S
study= STOI
last night= LAFNT
I got= *IGT
is this you= STU
cool= KAOL
Colleen= KO*L/lAO*EN
wing= WING
English= GLIRB
mandarin= MAND/R*IN
I was= IFS
wondering= WURNGD
if I could= FIKD
already= L-RD
outside= OUDZ
this morning= THORNG
may have= MAIF
broken= BROENG
level= LEFL
posted= POEFTD
what he= WHAE
into the= NAOT
jumped= JUFRPD
like it= LAO*IKT
acrobat= AK/BA*T
psychopath= SKO*EPT
with this= W-TS
actually= TWAEL
that I was= THAIFS
we went= WEFRG
alive= LOIF
all these= AULZ
do you really= DO*URL
think the= THIT
coincidental= KWOINLS
we’re= WAO*ER
announce= NOUNS
expansion= NANGS
perception= PEFRPGS
leadership= LOIP
struggle= STRUG
from this= FR-TS
outstanding= OUS
competition= KPEGS
anyone= NIN
corporate= KORPT
sabotage= SBAUJ
and let me= SKPLEM
I said= IDZ
pull over= PLOFR
gun= G-N
I just want= IFPT
police= PLIS
anger= ANG
hostility= HOFLT
I’ve= AO*IF
honestly= HONLS
aggravating= GRAIFGT
I’m going to= AOIMGTD
ask you= SKU
it feel= T-FL
penny= PEN/YI
from us= FRUS
who said= WHODZ
money= MUN
what do you want= WHAOUPT
company= K-P
that has= THABS
my name= MAO*IN
on it= O*NT
answers= AENSZ
listening= L-NG
Wendell= WEN/D*EL
Himalayas= HIM/LAI/YA*S
you are not= URNT
relatives= REFLTS
fingerprint= F-P
fingerprints= F-PS
what you were= WHAURP
in the= N-T
freezer= FRAOERZ
sandwich= SDWIFP
familiar= FAM
that is= THAS
inside= N-DZ
it feels= T-FLS
year-old= YAOERLD
and you know= SKPUN
next= NEGT
like this= LAOIKTS
maybe= MAEB
stop the= STOPT
stop this= STOPTS
hungry= HOING
chicken= KHIK/*EN
parm= PA*RM
Italian= AOI/TAL/YA*N
of the= -FT
plenty= PLENT
if you know= FAOUN
it all= TA*UL
cosigned= KAO*IND
couple= KUPL
we were= WERP
hunters= HURNTS
seventies= SEFNTS
idiot= ID/YO*T
cities= STIS
and everything= SKPEFRG
purpose= PURP
Buddha= BAOU/DA*
is to find= STOFND
oppression= O/PREFGS
honor= HON
sacrifice= SFIS
Bleecker= BLAO*ERK
along the= LAONGT
lovely= LOFL
Thursday= THURS
otherwise= OERZ
coffee= KO*EF
down the= DO*UNT
at one= TWUN
so you should= SOURBD
I want= IPT
challenge= KHAL
master= MAFRT
protocol= PROELT
visit= VIFT
dojo= DOE/JO*E
accept= SEP
kung fu= KUNG/FAO*U
lessons= LEFNS
students= STAOUNTS
I could= IKD
classes= KLASZ
that was= THAFS
hassle= HAFL
at all= TA*UL
which is= KH-S
practice= PRA
edge= EJ
last time= LAFMT
nicely= NAOILS
apologize= JAOIZ
inconvenience= IN/VAOENS
security guard= SGAURD
hello= HO*EL
Shannon= SHAN/*ON
discuss= SKUS
in person= KBERN
of course,= -FX
Hawaii= H*I
Chinese= KHAOINZ
is going to= SG-GTD
affect= FAEKT
compensation= KPENGS
it like= TLAOIK
you’re= YO*UR
care of the= KAIFRT
do you even= DOUFN
one of= WUFN
stupid= STAOUPD
ignore= GOR
about it= B*T
astounded= STOUND
I get= IGT
disappointed= SPOINTD
how much= HOUFP
does it= DAO*T
hire= HIR
they’re= TH*ER
single= SINL
commit= KMIT
build= BL-
builds= BL-S
loyalty= LOILT
Wendell= WEN/D*EL
Kyle= KAO*IL
would you ever= WOUFR
betray= BRAE
no, sir= NOS
midnight= MAOID
too late= TAOLT
Jesus= JAOEZ
character= KHARK
to have= TOF
lunatic= LAOUN/T*IK
about him= BHIM
business= BIS
enemy= NAOEM
and had= SKPH-
at a time= TAIT
and I have been= SKPIFB
through this= THRUTS
if this= F-TS
have happened= V-PD
public= PUB
did you ever= UFR
does he know= DAO*EN
did he tell= SDELP
how the= HOUT
martial= MA*RBL
approach this= PROEFPTS
finesse= FA/N*ES
like the= LAOIKT
handle= HANL
awake= WOIK
as long as the= SLONGTS
cycle= SAOIBLG
existence= XIFNS
happiness= HAENS
attain= A/TAIN
constant= SKANT
I know= AOIN
all the= AULT
button= BON
you think= AOUNG
by the way= BAE
preposterous= PRAOE/POS/TER/R*US
guns= G-NS
are you sure= RUZ
to believe= TOBL
might have= MAOIF
instigated= IN/STA/GA*ITD
accent= SAENT
maybe the= MAEBT
zen= S*EN
I should= IRBD
questions= QES
I don’t even know= YOEFN
you just= UJT
over the= O*EFRT
and then= SKPHEN
why would= Y*LD

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