May 30 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 19

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}stop= STO*P
{Suffix}ta= TA*
{Suffix}tate= TA*IT
{Suffix}tation= TA*IGS
{Suffix}teeism= TAO*EFM
{Suffix}teenth= TAO*ENT
{Suffix}tenths= TAO*ENTS
{Suffix}tem= T*EM
{Suffix}th= *T
{Suffix}tice= T*IS
{Suffix}time= TAO*IM

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March 28 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 18

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}scopy= SKPAOE or SKOIP
{Suffix}self= S*EFL
{Suffix}selves= S*EFLS
{Suffix}ship= SH-P
{Suffix}ships= SH-PS
{Suffix}side= SAO*ID
{Suffix}sis= S*IS
{Suffix}some= SO*M
{Suffix}st= *S
{Suffix}sters= ST*ERS

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March 14 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 17

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}pry= PRAO*E
{Suffix}rate= RA*IT
{Suffix}ration= RA*IGS
{Suffix}rd= *RD
{Suffix}ret= R*ET
{Suffix}ries= RAO*ES
{Suffix}rologist= RO*LGT
{Suffix}rooms= RAO*MS
{Suffix}rous= R*US
{Suffix}ry= R*I or RAO*E

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July 12 2018

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 16

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}out= O*UT
{Suffix}outs= O*UTS
{Suffix}over= O*EFR
{Suffix}pate= PA*IT
{Suffix}ped= P*ED
{Suffix}pet= P*ET
{Suffix}phobie= FOIB or FAOEB
{Suffix}plasty= PLAEFT or PLA*EFT

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June 7 2018

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 15

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}nosis= NO*EZ
{Suffix}nus= N*US
{Suffix}o= O*E
{Suffix}off= O*F
{Suffix}ology= OLG
{Suffix}ologist= OLGT
{Suffix}on= O*N
{Suffix}or= O*R
{Suffix}ors= O*RS

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May 17 2018

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 14

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}nate= NA*IT
{Suffix}nation= NA*IGS
{Suffix}nction= -NGS
{Suffix}nd= *ND
{Suffix}ness= -NS
{Suffix}nesses= -NS/-S
{Suffix}nist= N*IFT
{Suffix}nosis= NO*EZ
{Suffix}nus= N*US

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November 2 2017

Theory Thursday: Elsie Villega’s Audio Practice Briefs & Phrases Part 1

summit= SUMT
garage= GRAJ
garbage= GARJ
accountability= KABLT
accountable= KABL
secondary= SERKD
governance= GOFRNZ
convene= KWAO*EN
convenes= KWAO*ENZ
queen= KWAOEN
queens= KWAOENS
(Note: Queens= KWAO*ENS; as in Queens, New York)
He was accountable for the garbage in the garage.
The queen called a summit for queens that will convene in Brooklyn.
The governance of the secondary school was garbage.
Let’s convene in the garage tomorrow.
he was= EFS
for the= F-RT
that will= THAL
in the = N-T
called= KAULD
tomorrow= TOM

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June 29 2017

Theory Thursday: Practice Video- Measurement Terms

For years, I’ve loved to practice to “Learn To Speak English Videos” on You Tube. Here’s one that includes measurement terms:

clock= KLOK
measuring cup= MURG/K*UP
meter= MAOERT
metronome= MET/NO*EM
microscope= MAOIRK/SKO*EP
pipette= PIP/*ET
protractor= PROE/TRA*RKT
quart= KWART
ruler= RAOURL
scale= SKAIL
sextant= SEX/TA*NT
speedometer= S-PD or SDORMT
stethoscope= STE*T/SKO*EP
stopwatch= STOP/WA*FP
barometer= BARMT
sundial= SUN/DAO*IL
syringe= SY-RNG or SRING
tape measure= TAIP/MUR
telescope= TEL/SKO*EP
thermometer= THERMT
windsock= WIND/SO*K
yardstick= YARD/ST*IK

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