June 7 2018

Steno Fitness: The Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose Dos and DontsThe mountain pose, also referred to as “tadasana,” is the foundation for all standing yoga poses. According to the Yoga Journal, the mountain pose has the following benefits: Improves posture, reduces flat feet, firms abdomen and buttocks, relives sciatica, strengthens the knees and thighs, and strengthens the ankles.

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June 25 2015

Steno Fitness: The Different Types Of Yoga (Part 1)

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)Hatha Yoga- Integrates postures, relaxation, breathing exercises, and meditation to stretch, condition, and strengthen.

Vinyasa Yoga- Flowing sequences of challenging poses with an emphasis on breathing techniques.

Iyengar Yoga- Focuses on precise body alignment. Helps to enhance flexibility, endurance, balance and strength via coordinated breathing.

Bikram Yoga- Yoga done in a heated environment of at least 95 degrees, to up to 105 degrees. This type of yoga focuses on muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and weight loss.

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