June 20 2014

Friday Phrases

traffic device= T*D
traffic control= T*K
traffic control device= T*KD
traffic control devices= T*KDZ
we, the jury= WAOEJ
talk about= TAUB
talk about the= TAUBT
vocational school= VAOL
Virgin Islands= VI/VI or VIRJDZ

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 19 2014

Rules Of Grammar: Backslash vs. Forward Slash

Backslash: \ (leans backwards)
Forward slash: / (leans forward)

The use of the term “backslash,” in regards to citing a website address, is a commonly accepted error. Website addresses are actually composed of forward slashes. However, backslashes are used in reference to directories and file paths in Windows.

Forward slashes are also known as just “slashes.” In addition to comprising website addresses, forward slashes are used to denote fractions and division. It is also used as a substitute for the word “or.” For example, his/her.

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Category: Grammar | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 17 2014

Legal Vocabulary: Impleader

Impleader is defined by the Free Dictionary as, “A procedural device used in a civil action whereby a defendant brings into the lawsuit a third party who is not already a party to the action but may ultimately be liable for the plaintiff’s claim against the defendant.

Impleader is most commonly used where the third party, often an insurance company, has a duty to indemnify, or contribute to the payment of, the plaintiff’s damages.

Here are some briefs:
Option #1: impleader= KB/PLAOED/*ER
Option #2: impleader= KB/PLAOERD

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June 11 2014

Random Briefs

hypo (the prefix)= HOIP
hypocrite= HIPT
hypocritical= HIPLT
hypothesis= H-P
hypotheses= H-PS
hypothesize= H-PZ
hypothesized= H-PDZ
hypothesizing= H-PGZ
hypothetical= H-PT
hypothetically= H-PLT

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