February 5 2015

Theory Thursday: Lowercase Letters (Fingerspelling)

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)Occasionally you may have to spell out a word letter-by-letter instead of stroking it out, or using a brief for it. To do this, you form the steno alphabet on the left-hand side of your machine and combine it with a consistent stroke on the right-hand side of your machine.

When I fingerspell, I use the alphabet combined with the right-hand stroke of *RBG. These strokes are dictionary-defined with the format symbol of {Glue}, which allows the lowercase letters to attach to each other in order to spell out a word, acronym, etc.

Machine Briefs:
{Glue}a= A*RBG
{Glue}b= PW*RBG
{Glue}c= KR*RBG
{Glue}d= TK*RBG
{Glue}e= E*RBG
{Glue}f= TP*RBG
{Glue}g= TKPW*RBG
{Glue}h= H*RBG
{Glue}i= EU*RBG
{Glue}j= SKWR*RBG
{Glue}k= K*RBG
{Glue}l= HR*RBG
{Glue}m= PH*RBG
{Glue}n= TPH*RBG
{Glue}o= O*RBG
{Glue}p= P*RBG
{Glue}q= KW*RBG
{Glue}r= R*RBG
{Glue}s= S*RBG
{Glue}t= T*RBG
{Glue}u= U*RBG
{Glue}v= SR*RBG
{Glue}w= W*RBG
{Glue}x= XP*RBG
{Glue}y= KWR*RBG
{Glue}z= S*ERBG

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February 4 2015

Legal Vocabulary: Bill of Attainder

A bill of attainder is a legislative act that declares a person or a group of people guilty of crime, and gives them a punishment, without giving them a judicial trial.

A bill or attainder is also called an act of attainder, writ of attainder, and bill of pains and penalties.

A bill of attainder takes away a person’s civil rights. This includes the right to own property, the right to hold a title, and the right to life and liberty.

Because a bill of attainder violates due process of the law, it has been banned by the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 9) and all of the United States’ 50 states constitutions (Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution).

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February 2 2015

Case CATalyst: Bench Mode

I Love Stenography Logo (Cropped)Bench mode in Case CATalyst allows the stenographer to write without showing the translating text to any realtime recipients. Only the stenographer will be able to see the translation. Bench mode can be toggled on and off.

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: {Toggle Bench Mode}= B*EN/B*EN
OPTION #2: {Toggle Bench Mode}= B*EFP/B*EFP

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