January 24 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 2, Episode 1

The Punisher Season 2 Episode 1
engine= N-J
outsider= OURDZ
at a time= TAIT
youthful= YO*UFLT
funny= FOIN
tattoos= TAOUTS
Beth= B*ET
Fiona= FAOE/O*E/NA*
yesterday= YED
do you have= DOUF
for it= FR*T
photographs= FOFS
whatever this= WHAFRTS
about this= B-TS
let me go= LEMG
peace= PAES
hotel= HOELT
music= MAOUK
Michigan= MIFP/MIFP
mystery= STRAOE
with me= W-M
high school= HAOL
drummer= DRURM
guitar= GART
porch= POFRP
habit= HABT
should I see= SHIZ
I can’t even= YAFN
lonely= LOENL
some of them= SM-FMT
front door= FRAOR
Eugene= AOU/GAO*EN
Rex= R*EX
last night= LAFNT
rangers= RAIRNGS
breakfast= BREFS
market= MARKT
hungry= HOIRNG
pancakes= PAN/KA*IKS
syrup= SRUP
weekend= WEND
piano= PAON
hockey= HO*IK
what do you think= WHAOUNG
goodbye= GAOIB
adult= DULT
are you following= RUFLG
horizon= HORZ
what it is= WHA*TS
insulted= SNULTD
little bit= BLIT
Samaritan= SMARNT
one more= WUM
one more time= WUMT
we’re being= WAO*ERBG
gunshot wound= GOUND
take care= TAERK
take care of= TAEFRK
turf= T*UFR
lieutenant= LAOUNT
laptop= LAPT

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January 24 2019

Theory Thursday: 25 Highest Paying American Jobs (2018)

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
1) physician= F-GS
2) pharmacy= FARMZ manager= M-G
3) pharmacist= FARMT
4) enterprise= SBRAOIS architect= AERKT
5) corporate= KORPT counsel= KOUN
6) software= SWA*ER development= VEMT manager= M-G
7) physician= F-GS assistant= SIFNT
8) software= SWA*ER engineering= GERG manager= M-G
9) nurse= NURS practitioner= PRAR
10) software= SWA*ER architect= AERKT
11) engineering= GERG manager= M-G
12) applications= PLIGSZ development= VEMT manager= M-G
13) plant= PLANT manager= M-G
14) IT= *IP/T*P program= PRAM manager= M-G
15) solutions= SLAOUGSZ architect= AERKT
16) financial= F-NL planning= PLANG and= SKP= analysis= NALS manager= M-G
17) data= DAT architect= AERKT
18) strategy= STRAJ manager= M-G
19) systems= ST-MS architect= AERKT
20) scrum= SKR*UM master= MAFRT
21) consulting= SKULGT manager= M-G
22) attorney= TOERN
23) cloud= KLOUD engineer= GER
24) tax= TAX manager= M-G
25) data= DAT scientist= SAOINT

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January 20 2019

Briefs And Phrases From Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: Jon Kabat-Zinn- Mindfulness 101

Oprah and Jon Kabat Zinn
New York City= NORKS
Haverford= HAFR/FO*RD
molecular= MOE/LEK/LA*R
biology= BAOILG
lecture= LURKT
zen= S*EN
Buddhism= BAOUD/IFM
meditations= MED/TA*IGSZ
mindfulness= MAOIND/-FL/-NS
University= AO*UFRT
Massachusetts= MAS/MAS
pioneer= PAOIRN
integrated= SBRAETD
Western= W*ERN
Eastern= AO*ERN
trailblazing= TRAIL/BLA*IGZ
chronic= KRO*NG
clinical= KLINL
reduction= RUX
clinics= KLINS
hospitals= HOPTS
scientist= SAOINT
author= THOR
beginners= GIRNS
fascinating= FAS/NA*IGT
totally= TLOELT
intention= SBENGS
entry= SBRI
powerful= POUF
affair= AIFR
imagination= MAJS
beauty= BOIT
beauties= BOITS
memory= MEM
awareness= WAIRNS
purpose= PURP
wonderful= WUF
think about= THIB
transforms= TR-FRMS
popular= POP
culture= KLUR
zombie= SO*M/BAO*E
narcissist= NARS/S*IFT
cadet= KA/D*ET
irony= OIRN
continually= TL-NL
24/7= 24OI7
gatherers= GRAERS
brilliant= BRIL
detracted= DRAKTD
index= SBEX
increasing= KBRAOEGS
acceleration= SLERGS
cliché= KLAOE/SHA*I
human beings= HAOUBS
element= L-MT
hunters= HURNTS
complex= KPLEX
yearning= YERNG
education= JAEGS
wisdom= WIZ
associated= SOERBTD
crazier= KRAERZ
busier= B-RZ
compounded= KPOND
I think so= INGS
shower= SHOUR
example= X-M
homework= HOERK
concept= SKEPT
practice= PRA
muscle= MUFL
creativity= KRAOEFT
natural= NARL
impulse= KBULS
connections= KEXZ
relationship= ROIP
revolutionary= R-FRLGS
yoga= YOEG
journeys= JOIRNS
heart disease= HARDZ
cancer= KAERN
addiction= DIX
empowers= KBOURS
complement= KPLEMT
welcome= WEM
pain and suffering= PAIFRG
accommodate= KOMT
relieve= REFL
insanity= SAENT
acceptance= SEPZ
resigned= ROIND
passive= PAFS
resignation= REFNGS
energy= N-RG
immunologist= KBAOUNLGT
prolific= PROE/L*IFK
painter= PAIRNT
sketches= SKEFPS
sketchbooks= SKEFP/BAO*KS
immunology= KBAOUNLG
science= SAOINZ
gateway= GAER/WA*E
dimensionality= DMENGS/A*LT
alive= LOIF
sooner or later= SAORNLT
ocean= OEGS
if you think= FUNG
befriend= BAOE/FREND
too much= TAOFP
atmospheric= SFAERK
mirror= MROR
tsunami= SAOU/NAM/YI
tumultuous= TUMT/Y*US or TAOUMT/Y*US
gentle= JENLT
undulation= UND/LA*IGS
anxiety= ANGT
compassion= KPAGS
capacity= KPAFT
radar= RAIRD
negative= NEF
all the time= A*UMT
rumination= RAOUM/NA*IGS
toxic= TOX
restraining order= STRO
liberate= LIRBT
autopilot= AOT/PAO*ILT
sentence= SNENS
species= SPAOES
planet= PLAENT

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January 20 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 1, Episode 13

The Punisher Season 1 Episode 13
I made= IMD
punctured= PURNGTD
pneumothorax= NAOU/MOE/THO*RX
give me= GIFM
volume= VAOUM
breathing= BRAO*EGT
sympathy= STHI
purple= P*URPL
how do you feel= HAOUFL
monopoly= MO*P
out of this= OUFTS
assassination= SNAEGS
is that right= STHART
what do you want= WHAOUPT
talk about= TAUB
did you= SDU
did you get= SDUGT
coffee= KO*EF
stubborn= STBORN
betray= BRAE
shoulder= SHOURLD
magazine= MAG
cartridge= KARJT
eject= JAOEKT
ambulance= BLANS
peas= PAEZ
outlaw= TLAU
orphan= OFRN
I do not know= YO*N
mister= MR-
pathetic= PA*EKT
significant= SIG
degree= DRE
magnet= MANGT
about it= B*T
about this= B-TS
silence= SLENS

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January 18 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 1, Episode 12

The Punisher Season 1 Episode 12

answer the question= AEGS
state your full name for the record= STUFRND
state your full name= STUFRN
amnesty= AM/N*EFT
immunity= KBAOUNT
implied= KBLAOID
testimony= T-M
covert= KOEFRT
assassinate= SNAET
official= FIRBL
colonel= KOL
make sure= MAIKZ
I know= AOIN
fundamentally= FLENL
custody= KUD
carelessly= KLAIRLS
I believe the= AOIBLT
so what happened= SWHAPD
yes, I did= YID
sentence= SNENS
remember the= RERT
simple= SIM
bonfire= BON/FAO*IR
police= PLIS
through the= THRUT
in this case= NIK
what you believe= WHAUBL
that you get= THAUGT
tell me= TL-M
geek= GAOEK
sloppy= SLOIP
unavoidable= UN/WOIBL
I wouldn’t have= YAOF
like this= LAOIKTS
if I could= FIKD
with me= W-M
zero= S*ER
stop it= STO*PT
I’m so sorry= AOIFMS
I am so sorry= AO*IMFMS
how far= HOUF
who you see= WHOUZ
passwords= PAFRDZ
leash= LAOERB
mutual= MAORFP
explain it= SPLA*INT
where he is= WRES
superiors= SYORS
footage= FAOJ
resigned= ROIND
retinal= RET/NA*L
right hand= R-ND
keystroke= KAOE/STRO*EK
transfers= TRFRS
go get= GOGT

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January 17 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 1, Episode 11

The Punisher Season 1 Episode 11
aggressive= GRAEFS
passive= PAFS
fatal= FAILT
monster= MOFRNT
if any= FAEN
priority= PRAOIRT
law enforcement= LAUFMT
question= QE
would you say= WOUS
faithful= FAIF or FA*IFLT
dirty= DOIRT
first of all= FRAUL
good luck= GLUK
suturing= SAOURGT
needle= NAOELD
stitch= STIFP
squirrels= SQIRLS
computers= KPAOURTS
triage= TRIJ
accompanied= KPOIND
lawyers= LAURS
guilty= GELT
Mirandize= MIRNDZ
termination= TERMGS
parental= PARNLT
scribbled= SKRIBLD
signature= SIGT
haunted= HAUNTD
forgive me= FRIFM
bulletproof= BLAOF
college= KLEJ
admission= DMIGS
Columbia= KL*UM
commissioner= KMIRGS
panic= PA*NG
coronary= KOIRN
justification= JUFGS
I asked= IFKD
asset= SAET
access= SKES
surveillance= SWAINS
apparatus= PRATS
electronic= TRO*NG
multiple= MUPLT
ordinance= ORNS
alternative= NAEFT
carpal tunnel= KARPLT
from this= FR-TS
daughter= DAUR
who I am= WHOIM
like it= LAO*IKT
playground= PLAIGD
sweetheart= SWHART
basement= BAIFMT
cocoa= KOE/KO*E
Greenpoint= GRAOEN/PO*INT
clearance= KLAOERNS
insulated= SNAOULTD
and you know it= SKP*UNT
something else= S-LGS
jurisdiction= JURD
foreign= FOERN
crime scene= KRAOEN
where’s= WRAES
power station= POURGS
how it is= HO*UTS
you know= YAOUN
out of time= OUFMT
and I want= SKPIPT
pursuing= PRAOUG
lunatic= LAO*UNGT
resign- ROIN
he’d= HAO*ED
do I have to= DOIFTD
all this= AULTS
I guess= IGS

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January 16 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 1, Episode 10

The Punisher Season 1 Episode 10
subscription= SKRIPGS
taxpayer= TAERP
Chainsaw= KHAIN/SA*U
regulations= RELGSZ
state of this= STAIFTS
mentally= MAENL
relationship= ROIP
I didn’t even= YIFN
evaluated= VAELT
hiring= HIRG
breached= BRAEFPD
homicide= HOM
negligence= NEJS
qualified= Q-FD
last time= LAFMT
visible= VIFBL
delusions= DLAOUGSZ
grandeur= GRAN/DAO*UR
suite= SWAO*ET
have you ever been= VUFRB
yes, I have= Y*IF
at the time= TET
afterwards= AFRDZ
I have to= IFTD
we have to= WEFTD
that he went= THAEFRG
fiction= F*IBGS
subscribing= SKRIBG
bumping= BUFRPG
in your opinion= NURP
splattered= SPLARTD
craven= KRAIFN
concealed= SKAOELD
I wouldn’t be= YAOB
downstairs= DOUNTS
as soon as= SNS
administrative= MIF
narrative= NAFRT
insanity= SNAENT
mercenaries= MERS/NAERS
domestic= DMEFKT
operators= PRAIRTS
congratulations= GLAIGSZ
if I have to= F*IFTD
eagle= AOELG
same thing= SAIMG
prisoner= PRIRS
obstruction= OB/STR*UGS
no need= NOFRN
on the ground= OG
vividly= VIFLD
mailbox= MAIL/BO*X
creature= KRAOEFPT
rifle= RAO*IFL
stairwell= STAIRL
take care= TAERK
hostage= HOFJ
building= BL-G

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January 15 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 1, Episode 9

The Punisher Season 1 Episode 9
cinnamon= SIM/MO*N
spice= SPAOIS
Atlantic= TLAK
prescription= PRIPGS
bedridden= BED/R*IND
what do you remember= WHAOURM
recovery= ROIFR
recovery time= ROIFRT
funeral= FAOURNL
email= AOEM
tell the truth= TRAO*ULT
happy birthday= HA*EPTD
employee= PLOE
alcohol= KHOL
tobacco= TBAK
firearm= FAOIRM
dozens= DOSZ
police department= PLEPT
tyrannical= TAOIRNL
teachers= TAOEFRPS
citizens= SISZ
freedom= FRAOEM
state of mind= STAIFMD
horrified= HOIFD
terrible= TERBL
championed= KHAOND
liberal= LIBL
liberty= LIBT
Patrick= PARKT
reply= PLI
handwriting= HARNG
debate= DB-T
bulletin= BUNLT
publish= PL-RB
editorial= YIRLT
so many times= SOMTS
tolerate= TLAIT
Karen= KARN
girlfriend= GOIF
this morning= THORNG
fair to say= FAIRTS
journalist= JURNLT
point of view= POIF
years ago= YAOERGS
secretaries= SEKTS
janitors= JARNTS
senator= SNOR
wrong side= WRONGDZ
could you just= KOUJT
too late= TAOLT
registered= REJD
anonymous= NOUMS
archives= AR/KHAO*IFS
believe me= BLEFM
enemy= NAOEM
federal agents= FRALGTS
Wilson= WIFNL
consultant= SKUNLT
victims= VIMS
defiance= DPAOINZ
humane= HAO*UM
cell phone= SLOEN
United States= UNTS
gesture= JEFRT
reflect= REFKT
circuit= SIRKT
pregnant= PREG
window= WID
elementary= L-RMT
politician= POLGS
patriots= PROITS
illegal= ILG
interrogator= SBROERGT
did you know= SDUN
Queens= QAO*ENS
apprehend= PRAEN
dashboard= DBAORD

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