February 4 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 11

House Season 1 Episode 11
pharmaceuticals= FARLS
Vicodin= VAOIK/D*IN
internal= SBERNL
bleeding= BLAOEGD
pain medication= PAIMGS
hemolytic= HAOEM/L*IKT
blood cells= BLAOLS
anemia= A/NAOEM/YA*
meds= M*EDZ
meningitis= MEN/JAO*ITS
haptoglobin= HAP/TOE/GLOE/B*IN
serum= SERM
bilirubin= BIL/YI/RAOUB/*IN
heart= HART
valve= VAFL
differential= D*IFRNL
infection= N-FX
fever= FAOEFR
lupus= LAOUP/*US
cancer= KAERN
lymphoma= LIM/FOE/MA*
radioimmunoassay= RAO/KBAOUN/O*E/A/SA*I
pharmacist= FARMT
chakra= SHOK/RA*
infarction= IN/FARGS
detoxing= DAOE/TOX/-G
nausea= NAUS/YA*
narcotics= NARKTS
clinic= KLIN
blood system= BLAOFMT
negative= NEF
radioactive= RAO/T*IF
isotope= AOIS/TO*EP
inflammation= KBLAMGS
body= BOED
joint= JOINT
sensitivity= SNEFT
rashes= RARBS
diagnosed= D-GD
allergic= LERJ
immune system= KBAOUFMT
circulatory system= SL-RTS or SLAERTS
circulatory= SL-RT or SLAERT
positive= POF
treatable= TRAOEBL
pancreatic= PAIN/KRAO*EKT
lymph= L*IFRP
abdominal= ABL
cells= KRELS
gallium= GAL/Y*UM
hematocrit= HAOE/MAT/KR*IT
oxygen= SHEN
suffocate= SUFKT
lungs= LUNGS
eye= AOI
retinal= RET/NA*L
clot= KLOT
surgery= SURG
diagnosis= D-GS
platelet= PLAIT/-LT
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
withdrawal= WRAUL
symptoms= STOMS
depression= DPREFGS
side effects= SFEKTS
insomnia= IN/SOM/YA*
biopsy= BAOIPZ
cardiac= KARKD
arteries= AERTS
echocardiograph= EK/O*E/KR-F
antibiotics= AEBTS
masseuse= MA/SAO*US
blood clot= BLAOKT
massage= MAFJ
diagnostic= D-GT
dosage= DOEFJ
kidneys= KAOENDZ
kidney= KAOEND
transplant= TRAPLT
numb= NUM
pressure= PRERB
organ= GORN
hepatitis= HEP/TAO*ITS
Cytoxan= SAOI/TOX/A*N
plasmapheresis= PLAS/MA/FER/RAO*EZ
treatment= TRAOEMT
deteriorate= DRAET
medical school= MAOL
solumedrol= SOL/AOU/MED/RO*L
hep= H*EP
blood tests= BLAOTS
hepatitis= HEPTS
angiography= ANG/YOE/GRA*EF
stat= STAT
hypovolemic= HOIP/VOE/LAOEM/*EUBG
hemodynamic= HAOEM/O*E/DAO*ING
psychosis= SKOEZ
hallucinating= HAOULGT
hallucination= HAOULGS
orifice= OR/F*IS
blood type= BLAOP
transfusions= TRANZ/FAOUGSZ
lupoid= LAOU/PO*ID
naphthalene= NAF/LAO*EN
immunosuppressant= KBAOUN/O*E/SPR*EFNT
naphthalene= NAF/LAO*EN
autopsy= AUPZ
poison= POIFN
poisoning= POIFNG
calories= KAL/RAO*ES

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February 4 2019

Random Briefs

signify= SG-F
signifies= SG-FS
signifying= SG-FG
signified= SG-FD
signifier= SG-FR
signifiers= SG-FRS
hallucinate= HAOULT
hallucinates= HAOULTS
hallucinated= HAOULTD
hallucinating= HAOULGT
hallucination= HAOULGS
hallucinations= HAOULGSZ

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
February 4 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 2, Episode 11

The Punisher Season 2 Episode 11
multiple= MUPLT
lacerations= LAERGSZ
torso= TOR/SO*E
how bad= HOUBD
what I know= WHAIN
it would feel= TWOFL
and you are= SKPUR
pilgrim= PIL/GR*IM
coordinate= KAORNT
restricted= RIKTD
mistrial= STRAIL
co-workers= KROERKS
Bill of Rights= BLOFRTS
familiar= FAM
underground= N-RGD
rubber= R*URB
morgue= MORG
awful= AUFL
laughter= LAFRT
that means= THAMS
monster= MOFRNT
cardiac= KARKD
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
who are you= WHO*UR
bounty= BO*INT
no, I can’t= NYA
and I see= SKPIZ
it feel= T-FL
animal= ANL
what you wanted= WHAUPTD
disappointment= SPOIMT
how do you feel= HAOUFL
what are you saying= WHA*URS
customer= KMER
as much= S-FP
peacefully= PAEFL
brighter= BRAOIRT
victims= VIMS
docket= DOKT
first thing= FIRG
do you mind= DOUMD
squeamish= SQAOEM/*IRB
crossfire= KROS/FAO*IR
at the end of the day= TEFNTD
about me= B-M
what it= WHA*T
that I need= THAIFRN
Vietnam= VAOET
struggled= STRUGD
and he said= SKPEDZ
memories= MEMS
with her= WHER
regrets= GRETS
Michael= MAOIBLG
Abraham= AIB/HA*M
express= XREF
scrapbook= SKRAP/BAO*K
can I ask= KIFK
loud= LO*UD
elevators= L-FRTS
rooftops= RAOF/TO*PS
stairwells= STAIRLS
worthy= WOIRT
ambulance= BLANS

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February 2 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 2, Episode 10

The Punisher Season 2 Episode 10
temporary= TRAET
therapeutic= THAERPKT
language= LANG
equivalent= QIFNT
smashed= SMARBD
mirror= MROR
roof= RAOF
mercy= MERZ
I can’t be= YAB
logic= L-J
we think= WENG
archaic= AR/KA*IK
chivalry= SHIFL/RAO*E
premiums= PRAOEMS
Crusades= KRAOU/SA*IDZ
pathetic= PA*EKT
commander= KMARND
Robert= RORBT
if you would= FULD
revenge= REFJ
injured= J*URD
shoebox= SHAOU/BO*X
eyedropper= AOI/DRO*RP
acceptable= SEPBL
outcome= OUK
answer this question= A*EGS
Todd= TO*D/TO*D
Philip= FIL/L*IP
friendship= FROIP
arrogant= AORNGT
that’s right= THAERT
physique= FA/SAO*EK
priest= PRAOEFT
skinny= SKOIN

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February 1 2019

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
for sure= FORZ
everything is= EFRGS
everything the= EFRGT
everything it= *EFRGT
everything this= EFRGTS
some more= SMOR
some more of= SMOFR
some more of the= SMOFRT
some more of this= SMOFRTS
some more of it= SMO*FRT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
February 1 2019

Briefs And Phrases From The Punisher- Season 2, Episode 9

The Punisher Season 2 Episode 9
give me the= GIFMT
are you really= R*URL
pity= POIT
healthy= HOILT
who I was= WHOIFS
what I was= WHAIFS
billionaire= BIL/NA*IRE
I can’t answer= YAENS
at some point= SPOIN
salvo= SAL/VO*E
and we will= SKPWEL
violent= V-LT
bizarre= BIRZ
contraband= KRABD
I have to= IFTD
merchandise= M-DZ
daylight= DAILT
fortitude= FORT/TAO*UD
northbound= NORB
radius= RAID/Y*US
Molotov= MOL/TO*F
golf= GOFL
wonders= WUNDZ
blasphemy= BLAS/MAO*E
rewarded= RA*URD
about you= BU
adventure= DWUR
documentary= DAOURMT
treasure= TRERB
Spanish= SPIRB
staph= STA*F
do I care= DOIK
Viking= VAOIK/-G
Valhalla= VAL/HAL/LA*
envy= KB-F
heartbeat= HARBT
psychotic= SKOKT
who you are= WHOUR
ugly= OIG
did we have= SDWAOEF
follow me= FL-M
hallway= WLAI
renovated= REN/VA*ITD
Indian= IND/YA*N
I didn’t think= YING
heavy= HEF
hustle= HUFLT
habit= HABT
Queens= QAO*ENS
valuable= VABL
carve= KAFRB
all of this= AUFLTS
I wouldn’t= YAO
misery= MIRZ
what I felt= WHAIFLT
medication= MEGS
jealous= J-LS
for sure= FORZ
alternator= NAERT
tattoos= TAOUTS
qualms= QAUMS

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