September 22 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 5

Power Season 6 Episode 5
checkmate= KHEK/MA*IT
heckler= H*ERBLG
opponent= PAONT
embodies= KBOEDZ
residue= REZ/DAO*U
perfume= PER/FAO*UM
glove compartment= GLOFMT
daycare= DAERK
profit= PROFT
parole officer= PROIFR
overtime= OIM
call me= KLAUM
overdose= AUFRDZ
Kinkos= KIN/KO*ES
child support= KHORT
bereavement= BRAEFMT
tormentor= TRORMT
Suarez= SWARZ
fumigate= FAOUMGT
wiretap= WAOIRT
Long Island= LAOINLD
laptop= LAPT
indictment= DAOIMT
perjure= P-J
pharmacist= FARMT
aspirin= SPRIN
campus= KPUS
expelling = SKP*ELP
thank you so much= THA*UFM
suitcase= SAOUKS
if you let= F*ULT
in person= KBERN
blindfold= BLAOIFLD
emissary= EM/SA*ER
when I see= WHIZ
Tribeca= TRAOI/BEK/A*
back door= DBAOR
proximity= PROKTS

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September 22 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 6

Pearson Season 1 Episode 6 Part 2
Quinton= KWIN/TO*N
illness= INLS
good thing= GAONG
updated= PAITD
jargon= JARNG
demolition= DEM/L*IGS
mea culpa= MAI/A*/KUL/PA*
asbestos= ABTS
human being= HAOUB
Icarus= IK/R*US
blackmail= BLAIL
in fact= N-FT
if we could= FWEKD
succeeded= S*KD
courthouse= KHOUS
Miami= MAO*I
you’re the= YO*URT
whether I can= WHRIK
compassionate= KPARBT
they’re going= TH*ERG
obsolete= SBLAOET
ancient= SHENT
rumors= RAOURMS
you really= *URL
variances= VAIRNSZ
expedited= SKPAOITD
aforementioned= AEFRMD
overtime= OIM
puritanical= PAOUR/TAN/KA*L or PAOURNT/KA*L
Gowanus= GA/WA/N*US

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September 21 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 5

Pearson Season 1 Episode 5
pierogies= PA/ROE/GAO*ES
and I also= SKPILS
technology= T-J
manufacturing= M-FG
cruller= KRUL/*ER
litigated= LIGD
outcome= OUK
affairs= AIFRS
maternity= MAERNT
crippled= KRIPLD
discovery= SKOIFR
reciprocal= RIFPL
gentrification= JENT/FA*IGS
demonstrable= DEM/STRA*BL
dismissal= DMIFL
deposition= DEPGS
mushroom= MURB/RAO*M
whistle-blowers= WH*IFLT/BLO*ERS
paralegal= PLAOEL
trust me= TRUFMT
playground= PLAIGD
warehouse= WROUS
contrarian= KRAIRN
wheelchair= WHAOERK
follow ups= FLUPS
zoo= SAO*
pandas= PAN/DA*S
Forbes= FORBS
Derrick= D*ERK
state your full name for the record= STUFRND
law school= LAOL
departure= DPAOUR
graduation= GRAUGS
motivation= MOEFGS
in the first place= FR-PLS
recover= ROFR
ambitious= BIRBS
sympathize= STHIZ
revenue= REFN
quid pro quo= KW-PK
meteoric= MAOERKT
and I’m sorry= SKPAOIMS
presentation= PRENGS

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September 20 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 4

Pearson Season 1 Episode 4
anniversary= AN/VA*ERS
Fred= FRED
Hampton= HAFRPT
graveyard= GRAIFRD
intervention= SB-FNGS
civil rights= SIFRLTS
litigate= LIG
panther= PA*RNT
Vietnam= VAOET
canvas= KWAS
why is this= Y-STS
brutality= BRAOULT
with those= W-S
developer= V*ERL
journalist= JURNLT
trying to= TRAOIGTD
signatures= SIGTS
petition= PIRB disrespect
law firm= LAUFRM
welcome to= WEMTD
lobby= LOIB
hurry up= HURP

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September 20 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Boys: Season 1, Episode 8

The Boys Season 1 Episode 8 Part 2
hotbed= HOT/B*ED
shoplift= SHOPT
counterfeit= KIFT
tomahawk= TOM/HA*UK
Pulitzer= PUL/LITS/*ER
facilities= FAEFLTS
Montreal= MON/TRAO*EL
basketball= B-BL
alcoholism= KHOFM
howitzer= HOU/WITS/*ER
this time= TH-MT
about that= BHA
someone else= SWUNLS
useful= AOUF
awfulness= AUFNLS
and I figured= SKPIFGD
shotgun= SG-N
Belize= BAOELZ
right arm= RARM
just like= JUBLG
without me= WOUM
take care of= TAEFRK
sepsis= S*EPZ
trivia= TRIF/YA*
good thing= GAONG
never see= NEFRZ
day-to-day= DTD
futile= FAOULT
Poligrip= POL/YO/GR*IP or POIL/GR*IP
propofol= PROP/FO*L

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September 20 2019

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
ask you any= SKUN
in the hospital= NOPT
to the hospital= THOPT
quite often= KWAOIFN
quite often the= KWAOIFNT
quite often this= KWAOIFNTS
quite often it= KWAO*IFNT
quite often to the= KWAO*IFNTD
quite often to= KWAOIFNTD
quite often it is= KWAO*IFNTS

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