February 23 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 14

Blacklist Season 4 Episode 14
all these= AULZ
gander= GARND
Cortina= KOR/TAOE/NA*
avalanche= AF/LAN/*FP
Brazilian= BRANLZ
Caravaggio= KAR/VAJ/YO*E
arbitrary= AERBT
euchre= AOU/K*ER
spoofing= SPAOFG
proprietary= PROIRPT
browbeat= BROU/BAO*ET
and you can= SKPUK
transmitting= TR-PLGT
Jenkins-Fowler= JEN/K*INS/FO*URL
Whitney= WHIT/NAO*E
Pompidou= POFRP/DAO*U
Virginia= VA/VA
death row= DROE
Perkins= PER/K*INS
gasoline= GAFNL
equivocation= AOE/KWIFBGS
tedious= TAOED/Y*US
spaghetti= SPAEGT
catastrophically= STROFBLG

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February 22 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 13

Blacklist Season 4 Episode 13
Mediterranean= MED/TAO*ERN
prescription drug= PRIPD
cardiologist= KARLGT
haute couture= HAUT/KA/TO*R
hit-and-run= H-RN
to go to the= TO*GTD
bypass surgery= BIPZ
security footage= SFAOJ
cardiovascular= KARD/YOE/VAFRBLG
front office= FROFS
roulette= ROULT
victimology= VIM/OLG
can you tell me= KUMT
agoraphobic= A/GOR/FO*IK
we believe to= WEBLTD
paraplegic= PAR/PLAO*EJ
wheelchair= WHAOERK
believe this= BLEFTS
deliberately= DLIBLT
Gabonese= GAB/NAO*EZ
hemorrhagic= HEM/RAJ/*IK
Congolese= KONG/LAO*EZ
medical school= MAOL
Harvard= HA*FRD
Ekata= A/KA/TA*

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February 21 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 12

Blacklist Season 4 Episode 12
all of it= A*UFLT
transactions= TR-XZ
accountant= K-NT
stature= STAURT
staunch= STAUFP
meningitis= MENGTS
Luschen’s= LAOU/SH*ENS
respiratory= RERPT
pawnbroker= PAUN/BRO*ERK
typhoid= TAOI/FO*ID
outbreak= TBRAEK
spinal tap= SPAOINLT
fiction= F*IBGS
so you believe= SOUBL
anything further= NIFRG
sorority= SRORT
chambermaid= KHAIM/MA*ID
ugliest= OIFGT
larcenist= LARS/N*IFT
train station= TRAINGS
dossiers= DOS/Y*ERS
oyster= OIFRT
hazmat= HAZ/MA*T
roadway= ROI
officers of the law= OIFRLS
takotsubo= TAI/KOET/SAOU/BO*E

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February 21 2020

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
did that= SDHA
did that happen= SDHAP
did that happening= SDHAPG
did that happening to= SDHAPGTD
did that happening to the= SDHA*PGTD
did that happen the= SDHAPT
did that happen it= SDHA*PT
did that happen this= SDHAPTS
did that happen it is= SDHA*PTS
did that happen to= SDHAPTD
did that happen to the= SDHA*PTD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
February 20 2020

Theory Thursday: Mark Kulek Learn English #41

in the afternoon= NAFRN
what are you doing= WHA*RGD
I’m going to the= AO*IMGTD
supermarket= SPR-RKT
at the= TE
I’m having= AO*IFMG
yes, I am= Y*IM
are you going to the= R*UGTD
are you= RU
ice cream= AOIFM
are you in= R*UN
show me to the= SHO*EMTD
show me= SHOEM
schedule= SKELD
can you tell me= KUMT
can you= KU
can I= KI
smaller= SMAURL
can I get= KIGT
check this= KHEKTS
phone number= FUB
how often= HOUFN
always= AULS
usually= AOURBL
sometimes= STAOIMS
hardly= HARLD
never= NEFR
camping= KAFRPG
do you= DOU
workout= WOURKT
exercise= XERS
telephone= TEFL
study= STOI
everyday= EFRD
at home= THOEM
what do you do= WHAO*U
early= ERL
bathroom= BARM
go to the= GO*TD
brush= BRURB
teeth= TAO*ET
make the= MAIKT
wash= WARB
washing= WARBG
dinner= DIRN
bedtime= BOIM
bread= BRAED
we’re having= WAO*EFRG
breakfast= BREFS
lunch= LUFP
homework= HOERK
I’m doing= AO*IMGD
picture= PIR
video games= VAOGS
restaurant= STRAUNT
coffee= KO*EF
amusement= MAOUFMT

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