Briefs And Phrases From Birds Of Prey
psychiatrist= SKAOIRKT
Ph.D.= PHD
compulsive= KPUFLS
alpha= AFL
Eiffel= AO*IFL
emancipation= MAOEPGS
shooter= SHAORT
ballistics= BLIFKTS
arrow= ROER
assassin= SNIN
necklace= NEBLGS
Armenian= AR/MAON/YA*N
shortcut= SHORKT
parlay= PAR/LA*I
mastermind= MAFRMS
Assistant DA= SDA*
bank accounts= BANGTS
monopoly= MO*P
litigious= LIJS
diamond= DAOIMD
can I find= KIFND
partnerships= POIPS
liquidity= KLITD
Gotham= GO*MT
cocktails= KOBLGTS
canary= KA/NA*ER
fancy= FAENS
detective= DEFKT
predecessor= PRED/S*EFR
arrangement= ARMT
you’re late= YO*URLT
Ecuador= EK/DO*R
haircut= HAIRKT
living-room= LIFRM
acupuncture= AUK
spectacular= SPERBLGT
joker= JOERK
midnight= MAOID
that you do= THA*UD
groceries= GROIRS
right hand= R-ND or -RND
left hand= L-ND
medical school= MAOL
aforementioned= AEFRMD
Taiwanese= TAOI/WAN/NAO*EZ
lotus= LOE/T*US
upstairs= UPTS
hyena= HAOI/AOEN/A*
Sicily= SIS/LI
crime scene= KRAOEN
income taxes= N-KTS
amusement= MAOUFMT
paranoid= POID
psychologically= SKLEL
catharsis= KA/THA*RZ
bulletproof= BLAOF