November 19 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 5, Episode 7

The Office Season 5 Episode 7
bridesmaid= BRAOIDZ/MA*ID
fiancée= FAOENZ
survey= SWAE
customer service= KMEFS
salespeople= SPAOEPL
Bluetooth= BLAO*T
Dijon= DAOE/JO*N
fabulous= FABLS
arrogant= AORNGT
hostile= HOFL
boundaries= BOURNDZ
listen to= L-NTD
bridal= BRAOILD
canvas= KWAS
are you serious= RUFZ
nook= NAOK
guacamole= GAUK/MOEL/YI
kidnap= KIP
I have to= IFTD
materials= TAOERLS
specifications= SPEBGSZ
generous= JERNS

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July 15 2021

Briefs and Phrases From This Is Us: Season 1, Episode 1

This is Us Season 1 Episode 1
happy birthday= HAEPBTD
tradition= TRA
sister= ST-R
challenger= KHARL
envision= KBIFGS
career= KRAOER
look at= LAO*KT
do you realize= DOURLZ
appendix= PAEX
agony= GOIN
sweetheart= SWHART
retire= RIR
glamourous= GLARMS
children= KHIRN
grandchildren= GRIRN
Nashville= NARBL
fire station= FAOIRGS
fire stations= FAOIRGSZ
believe me= BLEFM
and believe me= SKBLEFM
forgive= FRIR
suitcase= SAOUKS
network= TWORK
I can’t feel= YAFL
cliché= KLAOERB
oxygen= SHEN
fascinated= FAFNTD
Kevin= KEFN
awake= WOIK
cancer= KAERN
decades= DAEDZ
fireman= FRAN

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July 14 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 6

Loki Episode 6
nothing to say= NOTS
at the end of= TEFN
lifetime= LAOIFMT
destiny= SDAEN or SDAEFNT
sugars= SHURGS
listen to me= L*MT
and I have the= SKPIFT
it needs= T-FRNT
friendship= FROIP
deceptive= SDEFPT or SDAOEFPT
et cetera= ETS
version= VERGS
same thing= SAIMG
one thing= WUNG
realities= RAELTS
erupted= AOERPTD
variant= VAIRNT
annihilate= NAOILT
weaponized= WEPDZ
innocent= N-NT
hungry= HOIRNG
workforce= WOFRKS
threshold= THREFLD
freedom= FRAOEM
pickle= PIBLG
ask me= SK-M

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July 7 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 5

Loki Episode 5
if I said= FIDZ
same thing= SAIMG
top of this= TOFPTS
pruned= PRAOUND
alligator= AL/GA*IRT
when I need to= WHIFRNTD
signal= SNAL
monster= MOFRNT
one thing= WUNG
whatever happens= WHAFRPS
conceivably= SKLAOEFBL
sooner or later= SAORNL
projection= PROJS
believed it= BLEFTD
nightmare= NAIRMT
army= AERM
coward= KOURD
backup= BUP
confident= K-FNT
uncomfortable= N-FRBL
about our= BOUR

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July 7 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 4

Loki Episode 4
swoops= SWAOPS
palace= PLAS
arrest= AR
protocol= PROELT
chaos= KHAOS
mischief= SKHIF
threshold= THREFLD
massacre= MAEFRK
amazing= MAEGS
sabotage= SBAUJ
superior= SYOR
good riddance= GRINDZ
existence= XIFNS
friendship= FROIP
trophy= TROEF
do you care= DOUK
do you deserve= DOUFRB
wait for me= WAIFRM
elevator= L-FRT
as promised= SPRO*MD
gracious= GRAIRBS

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June 26 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 3

Loki Episode 3
buffalo= BAOFL
health department= H*EPLT
memories= MEMS
too long= TAONG
have you really= V*URL
goodbye= GAOIB
brochure= BRUR
slaughter= SLAURT
ultimate= ULT
gravity= GRA*EFT
massive= MAFS
diplomacy= DPLOEMZ
evacuation= AOEFGS
train station= TRAINGS or TRAIGS
wealthy= WOILT
tickets= TIKTS
headquarters= HAERTS
adopted= DOPTD
at this point= THIPT
fireworks= FAO*IRKS
whatever it is= WHA*FRTS
to the end of the= TOFNT
bear in mind= BAERMD
paranoid= POID
yes, of course= YEFX
ideal= YAOEL
hedonistic= HED/N*IFKT
subconscious= SKONS
enhancement= KBHAMT
and you can= SKPUK

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