September 15 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 4

Power Season 6 Episode 4

I’m right= AOIRMT
lo siento= LOE/SAOEN/TO*E
trying to be= TRAO*IBGTD
penalty= PENLT
Red Hook= RED/HAO*K
I can tell= IKT
fumigator= FAOUM/GA*IRT
poison= POIFN
temple= TEFRPL
that you made= THAUMD
custody= KUD
how about the= HOUBT
dissolution= SDAOULGS
monogram= MON/GRA*M
narrative= NAFRT
I’m going to= AOIMGTD
daycare= DAERK
Quinton= KWINT/O*N
she just= SHEJT
dissolved= SDOFLD
shipment= SHIMT
hazard= HAZ
pension= PENGS
fraudulently= FRAUNLT
Moses= MOEZ
to tell me= TOMT
this is not= TH-FNT
for me= F-RM
prosecute= PR-
prosecutor= PR-R
uniquely= YAOEBLG
primo= PRAOEM/O*E
felony= FLOIN
of it= *FT
and helps= SKPHEPS
and helps the= SKPHEPTS
there you go= THRUG
lasagna= LA/SA*NG
acknowledging= NAO*J
Picasso= PA/KAS/O*E
feminine= FEM
cubism= KAOUB/IFM
carats= KRA*TS
portion= PORGS
exam= XAM
I didn’t do= YAOID
I’ve got= AO*IFGT
against me= GEFM

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September 8 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 3

Keisha and Tommy
transport= TR-PT
Hughes= HAO*US
law school= LAOL
if this= F-TS
tatted= TA*TD
Queens= KWAO*ENS
Westchester= WEFRP or WEFRPT
pay attention= PAINGS
package= PAJ
politics= PLIKS
campaign= KPAIN
Keisha= KAOERB/A*
Percs= P*ERKS
Zans= SA*NS
Adderall= AD/RA*L
Bushwick= BURB/W*IK
confession= FEGS
circumstantial evidence= SKAEFD
immunity= KBAOUNT
Mexico= M*EX
bulldozer= BUL/DO*ERZ
city council= STOUNL
political= PLIL
energize= N-RJZ
back door= DBAOR
salon= SLON
it used= TAOUFD
it used to= TAOUFTD
Jason= JAIFN
cartel= KARLT
touché= TAOU/SHA*I
good time= GAOMT
couch= KOUFP
accommodations= KOMGSZ
perjury= PEJ
roommate= RAOMT
courtroom= KRAOM
courthouse= KHOUS
Gerald= GERLD
overhead= VED
profits= PROFTS
surplus= SPLUS
indictment= DAOIMT
homework= HOERK
jumpsuit= JUFRPT
scotch= SKOFP
indeed= N-D
half= HAF
Tillary= TIL/RAO*E
lookout= LAOKT
Utica= AOUT/KA*
mantle= MANLT
Washington, D.C.= WARBDZ
humiliating= HULGT
debris= DBRI
Valium= VAL/Y*UM
betray= BRAE
just because= JUBS
liquidity= KLITD
ownership= OIP
stop it= STO*PT
is because= SBAUS

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September 1 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 2

Tasha Power Season 6 Episode 2
retaliate= RELT
borough= BROUG
why did= Y-LGTS
I won’t tell= YOET or YO*ELT
alibi= AEB
arbitration= AERBGS
divorce= DWORS
announcement= NOUMT
zombie= SO*M/BAO*E
evidence= AEFD
disappearance= SPAERNS
interrogation= SBROEGS
laptop= LAPT
alliances= LAOINSZ
you were going to= URPGTD
prenup= PRAOE/NUP
forensic= FRENS
prenuptial= PRAOE/NUFPLT
how about this= HOUBTS
under the= N-RT
what I said= WHAIDZ
with you about= WUB
ballet= BAELT
presidential= P-LT
beneficiary= BERB
conspiracy= SPIRZ
text message= TEFJ
life insurance= LURNS
voicemail= VOIM
garage= GARJ
governor= GOFR
constituents= STWENTS
south side= S-DZ
ladies and gentlemen= LAIJ
last night= LAFNT
connecting= K*EKT
my mind= MAOIMD
might not= MAOINT
so you were= SOURP
happiness= HAENS
orange= ORNG
Serbs= S*ERBS
stallion= STAL/YO*N
pronounce= PROUNS
last name= LAFN
graduation= GRAUGS
what did you do= WAOU
your side= YOURDZ
misdemeanor= M-M
conference= K-FRNS
reimbursed= KBUFRD
if he finds= FEFNDZ
sector= SERKT
scapegoat= SKAIPGT
if you know= FAOUN

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August 26 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 1

Power Season 6 Episode 1

Tupac= TAOU/PO*K
as far as= SFARS
ask you= SKU
alibi= AEB
Valdez= VALDZ
permission= PERMGS
like I said= LIDZ
did you know= SDUN
did you want= SDUPT
I go= IG
black and white= BLAKT
murderer= MRURD
gunshot wound= GOUND
Patrick= PA*RKT or PARKT
assumptions= SUMGSZ
defendants= D-FTS
witness= W-NS
benefit= BEF
convict= VIKT
sister= ST-R
authorize= THORZ
autopsy= AUPZ
crocodile= KROK/DAO*IL
all of us= AUFLS
are to= R-TD
did you do= SDUD
are you going to= RUGTD
what you did= WHA*UD or WHAULGTS
uncle= UNG my time= MAOIMT
you’re going to= YOURGTD
female= FAEL
high school= HAOL
Queens= KWAO*ENS
confidential= K-FL
federal witness= FR-NS
scapegoat= SKAIPGT
provoked= PROEFKD
employee= PLOE
lawyer= LAUR
marshals= MARBLS
comprehensive= KPREFNS
eliminate= L*IM
paperwork= PAIRK
signature= SIGT
death penalty= D*ENLT
statute= STAOUFP
indictment= DAOIMT
have you seen= V*UFN
disturb= DURB
squashed= SKWARBD
strategic= STRAOEJ
snitch= SNIFP
blue= BLU
testify= TEF
by the way= BAE
divorce= DWORS
waffles= WAFLS
Feds= F*EDZ
how many times= HOUMTS
contend= KEND
prosecutor= PR-R
murder= MURD
hotlines= HOT/LAO*INS
with me= W-M
bullet= BULT
detective= DEKT
sergeant= SAERNGT
Choate= KHOET
last night= LAFNT
abandoned= BAUND
Charles= KHARLS
suspect= S-PT
motives= MOEFS
loyal= LOIL
I don’t even= YOFN
why were= Y-RP
swindled= SW*INLD
whatever happens= WHAFRPS
illegal= ILG
penthouse= PENT/HO*US
literally= LAIRL
innocent= N-NT
funeral= FAOURNL
handcuffs= H-FS
they will= THEL
I don’t care= YOK

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