January 7 2013

Practive Video: Medical Lit

Here are some briefs from the video:
miracle= MIRBLG
digest= DJ
digestive= DFT
excrete= XRAOET
lifetime= LAOIFT
all the= AULT
cycle= SAOIBLG
chemcal= KHEM or KHEM/KAL
and a half= NAF
grocery= GROIR
cereal= KRAOERL
vegetables= VEJS
skeleton= SKENLT
muscle= MUFL
coordinated= KAORNTD
interestingly= TR-LG
passively= PAFL
computer= KPAOURT
energy= N-RJ
organic= GO*RNG
animal= ANL
diversity= DWEFRT
species= SPAOES

Conflcits to be mindful of:
waste= WAEFT
waist= WAIFT

meat= MAET
meet= MAOET

piece= PAOES
peace= PAES

bear= BAER
bare= BAIR

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January 6 2013

Practice Video: Mock Trial- The State vs. Golden Locks

This is my favorite practice video that I’ve posted so far! The children did a stellar job! I think I want to make an actual transcript for this one. Can you imagine the caption? Lol.

Briefs from the video:
liberty= LIBT
coalition= KOLGS
enjoy= GOI
golden= GOENLD
buglary= BLAER
state of= STAIF
circuit= SIRKT
opening statement= OEPGS
your Honor= URN
ladies and gentlemen of the jury= LAIJS
in this case= NIK
forest= FREFT
graciously= GRAIRBS/LI
manners= MARNS
typical= TOIP
destruction= SDRUBGS
yes I did= YID
I object= IB
I object to= IBT
did you see= SDUZ
cross examine= KR-K
specialty= SPERBT
yes, Your Honor= YURN
state your name= STURN
stipulate= STIP
for the record= FRORD
upstairs= UPTS
move to strike= MOFTS
my name is= MAOINS
academy= DWAD
breakfast= BREFS
birthday= B*IRTD
living room= LIFRM
television= T-FGS
bedroom= BERM
let the record reflect= L-KT
baby= BAEB
thank you= THAUNG
how much= HOUFP
prosecutor= PRR
haircut= HAIRKT
if anything= FAEN
do you mean= DOUM
asleep= SLAEP
sustained= STAEND
where do you live= WROUF
of course= -FX
I believe= AOIBL
not guilty= N-G
beyond a reasonable doubt= Y-RD

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January 5 2013

Practice Video: A Tale Of Two Cities; Book 1, Chapter 1

I like practicing to captioned videos because it makes for a versatile practice due to the fact that I can practice with the sound on or off.

Here are some briefs from the video:
period= PERD
wisdom= WIZ
winter= WIRNT
despair= SDPAIR
heaven= HEFN
insisted= KBIFTD
superlative= SAOURPLT
comparison= KPAIRN
preserve= PREFRB
prophetic= PRO*FKT
herald= HERLD
deficient= DPIRBT
originality= ORJT
congress= KO*NG
British= BRIRB
spiritual= SPIRL
achievement= KHAEFMT
sawn= SAUN
history= HIFT
adjacent= JAEFNT
heavy= HEF
silently= SLENLT
suspicion= SPIGS
justify= JUF
burglary= BLAER
caution= KAUGS
consequence= KWENS
magnificient= NIFNT
creature= KRAOEFPT
majesty= MAJT
contraband= KRAND
midst= M*IDZ
pamphlet= PAFRPLT
warehouse= WROUS
miscellaneous= SLAINS

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January 4 2013

Friday Phrases

same objection= SAIMGS
security guard= SGARD
beg your pardon= BERP
arrest warrant= ARNT
bench warrant= BARNT
search warrant= SWARNT
benefit of the doubt= BEFTD
bodily harm= BORM
serious bodily harm= SBORM
bodily injury= BOJ
serious bodily injury= SBOJ
P. O. Box= PO*X

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January 2 2013

I Love Steno’s 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge

Last year, I did a dictionary challenge of adding at least 50 new d-defines to my dictionary every day, for 30 consecutive days. The results were great. I was able to expand my vocabulary and dictionary; and I didn’t neglect my dictionary-building amidst all of my speed-building and accuracy practice.

This year, in my continued quest to build a dictionary that would make a CART-provider proud, I am challenging myself to put at least 13,000 entries into my dictionary before year’s end. Hence, my mew 13,000 words in 2013 challenge.

13,000 words, 1 year.
This will 250 new entries every week.

I’ll will post updates on my tallies and progress on a weekly basis.

Yesterday, I added 64 new entries; so, I’m off to a good start (although, technically, we don’t have an official full week of 2013, until next week).

Feel free to join me on this challenge, even if you feel the need to alter the numbers to suit your own needs.

I plan to get words from text books, biographies, news stories, and dictionaries. Feel free to share your tally too, or you can be an invisible challenge participant…It doesn’t matter, as long as we triumphantly progress in the task of building our dictionaries.

[SIDEBAR: Don’t forget to backup your dictionaries on a flash drive, or alternative storage source, as you build them.]

For the love of steno!

Happy Dictionary Building,

Elsie Villega

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January 1 2013

Practive Video: Baseball ABC

This is great moderate lit practice. It is also great for people just starting speed. It incorporates writing letters of the alphabet along with a quick, elementary story about baseball…Fun writing with a bit of a challenge for people at a moderate speed level.

Here are some briefs from the video:
baseball= BAIBL
diamond= DAOIMD
on the ground= OG
cannot= KWOT
at all= TA*UL
must be= MUB
error= ROR

This dictation also contains a good word boundary test for your dictionary. When the story gets to the letter, “u,” and says “for umpire,” you should check to see if a conflict exists in your dictionary.

For me, I had to d-define, “for umpire” because it translated as “forum PAOEUR.”

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