March 9 2014

Practice Video: Indian Institute Of Technology Lecture On Highway Capacity And Level Of Service

Here is a lecture given by a college professor from the Indian Institute of Technology about highway capacity and level of service.

If you live in a city that is a melting pot like I do, it is wise to continue to become well acquainted with the various accents that you will be hearing throughout the course of court reporting, and/or captioning and CARTing. This professor, being from a school located in India, has an Indian accent.

Here are some briefs from the video:
transportation= TR-PGS
engineering= GERG
capacity= KPAFT
highway= HOI
roadway= ROI
freeway= FROI
facility= FAEFLT
factor= FAOK
traffic= TRAFK
lane= LAEN
surface= SFAS
vehicle= VAOEK
maximum= MAX
hourly= HOURL
prevailing= PRAILG
volume= VAOUM
clearance= KLAOERNS
meter= MAOERT
design= SDAOIN
pavement= PAIFMT
strategy= STRAJ
guideline= GLAOIN
effectiveness= FEFNS
curvature= KUFRBT
horizontal= HORL
essentially= SERBL
presentation= PRENGS
division= DWIGS
traffic control= T*K
service= SEFS
passenger car= PAERK
adjustment= JAUMT
density= D*ENTS
ideal= YAOEL
equivalent= QIF
population= POPGS
recreational= KRAOERLGS
volume= VAOUM
calculate= KLAIT
correction= KREX
access= SKES
commuter= KMAOURT

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March 8 2014

Practice Video: 140 Lit

Here are some briefs from the video:
generation= JAIGS
encountered= KBOURNT/-D
eternal= AOERNLT
justice= JUS
affirmed= AFRMD
dignity= DIGT
delusion= DLAOUGS
supreme court= SKORT
first time= FIRMT
molestation= MREFGS
farmer= FRARM
republic= REB
citizen= SIZ
independence= NPS
brutal= BRAOUL
republican= REN
devastated= DWAEFTD
province= PROFNS
aspiration= SPIRGS
prevail= PRAIL
modernization= MOERNGS
ambassadors= SDORS
hostile= HOFL
applause= PLAUS
on the floor= OFL

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March 8 2014

Tired Of Writing Unconscious In 2 Strokes?

During a recent practice session where the word, “unconscious,” came up a multitude of times, I decided that I was tired of writing “unconscious” in two strokes. As a matter of fact, “tired” was an understatement it was more like, on the brink of exhaustion. Lol.

Therefore, I came up with a one-stroke brief for unconscious, KOUNS. It is similar to the brief I use for conscious, KONS. I just added a “U” to that brief.

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 8 2014

This Song Impeccably Describes How I Feel About My Steno Journey At This Point…

I’m taking a break from my early morning steno practice, and I want to post a song that was apropos to how I feel about my steno journey right now. I have a feeling that even after I become seasoned in this profession, I’ll still feel the same way. :)

I’ve always loved this song:

“We’ve Only Just Begun,” By: The Carpenters

Love, Speed and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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March 7 2014

Friday Phrases

low back= LOEK
lower back= LOERK
about the same time= BAIMT
it about the same time= TBAIMT
is it about the same time= STBAIMT
above the= BOFT
juvenile delinquency= JUFLZ
I guess= IGS
Immigration and Naturalization Service= INS/INS
mental health= M*ENLT
not to answer= NAONS
not to answer the question= NAONGS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 6 2014


“You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared. Some players noticed me because of everything I was doing off the court, and that was the wrong reason to pay attention to me. Pay attention to the way I played the game. Pay attention to my passion. Pay attention to the idea of focusing on improvement everyday. Pay attention to my commitment. Commitment cannot be compromised be rewards. Excellence isn’t a one-week or one-year ideal. It’s a constant. There will be days when you don’t feel on top of your game, or meetings in which you aren’t at your best, but your commitment remains constant. No compromises.” -Michael Jordan

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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March 3 2014

The Retroactive Oath

The Deposition Handbook, written by: Lynn Brooks, discusses how a reporter should administer an oath retroactively when it was failed to be given at the beginning of a deposition.

The Deposition Handbook states the retroactive oath as follows: “Do you solemnly swear that the answers you have given and will give to these questions are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?…”

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March 3 2014

Medical Monday: Urticaria

The more common name for urticaria is “hives.” Urticaria a skin rash is characterized by, “pale red, raised, itchy bumps.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: urticaria= UR/T*I/KAER/YA*
Option #2: urticaria= URT/YI/KAER/YA*
Option #3: urticaria= UR/T*I/KAER/A*
Option #4: urticaria= URT/YI/KAER/A*
Option #5: urticaria= UR/TA*/KAER/YA*
Option #6: urticaria= UR/T*A/KAER/A*

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March 2 2014

Q & A Phrases

Here is an excellent video I found on you tube of Q & A phrases. Briefs are given in the video for the phrases. The video also has sentences containing the phrases.
Here’s my hindsight is 20/20 advice: Learn these phrases as soon as you can after theory! If your school hasn’t implemented these phrases into their theory books, make sure that you study them!! These phrases will be extremely helpful when you are doing Q & A!

Here are some more briefs from the video:
to do= TAOD
last time= LAFMT
dirty= DOIRT
day of the week= DAIFK
midnight= MAOID
if I wanted= FIPTD
would you please= WOUP
no matter= NORMT
outcome= OUK
theater= THAOERT
ugly= OIG
awake= WOIK
alarm= LARM
bullet= BULT

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March 1 2014

4-Voice 160 Q & A

Here are some briefs from the video:
photograph= FOEF
degrees= DREZ
bicycle= BAOIBLG
arrow= ROER
area= AER
let me see= LEMZ
physical evidence= FAEFD
anything else= NILGS
relied= RAO*ID
points of impact= POIFKTS
photos= FOEFTS
point of contact= POIFK
car accident= KARX
measurement= MURMT
highway= HOI
angle= AENL
designated= SDEGTD
deposition= DEPGS
do you remember= DOURM
discarded= DARD/-D
that’s correct= THAERK
do you know= DAOUN
would have been= WOFB
hypothetical= H*PT
in other words= NOERDZ
obviously= OEFLS
clarify= KLOIF
you want= UPT
that’s right= THAERT
I can’t see= YAZ
if you give= FUFG
necessarily= NEFL
he wants= EPTS
right side= R-DZ
that could= THAKD

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